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bloody [Br.] [coll.]Scheiß- [ugs.] [vulg.]
bloody [esp. Br.] [coll.]verdammt [ugs.]
bloody [good, brilliant] [Br.] [coll.]echt [ugs.]
bloody [hot, cold, stupid] [Br.] [coll.]sau- [ugs.]
bloody [hot, cold, stupid] [Br.] [coll.] arsch- [derb]
bloody agaric [Agaricus langei, syn.: Agaricus haemorrhoidarius]Großer Wald-Champignon / Waldchampignon {m}
bloody agaric [Agaricus langei, syn.: Agaricus haemorrhoidarius] Großer Wald-Egerling / Waldegerling {m}
bloody agaric [Agaricus langei, syn.: Agaricus haemorrhoidarius] Großer Blut-Egerling / Blutegerling {m}
Bloody amazing! [sl.]Verdammt geil! [ugs.]
bloody animal [Br.] [fig.] [pej.] Mistvieh {n} [pej.]
bloody awful messscheußliches Durcheinander {n}
bloody battle blutige Schlacht {f}
bloody bowel movementBlutstuhl {m}
bloody brittlegill [Russula sanguinaria, syn.: Russula sanguinea]Blut-Täubling {m}
bloody brittlegill [Russula sanguinaria, syn.: Russula sanguinea] Blutroter Täubling {m}
bloody butcher [Trillium recurvatum]Prärie-Dreiblatt {n}
bloody cold [Br.] [coll.] grimmig kalt
bloody cold [Br.] [coll.]arschkalt [derb]
bloody cranesbill [Geranium sanguineum] Blutroter Storchschnabel {m}
bloody cranesbill [Geranium sanguineum] Blutroter Storchenschnabel {m}
bloody cranesbill [Geranium sanguineum]Blut-Storchschnabel {m} [auch: Blutstorchschnabel]
bloody cranesbill [Geranium sanguineum] Blutröschen {n} [regional] [Blutroter Storchschnabel]
bloody cranesbill [Geranium sanguineum]Hühnerwurz {f} [regional] [Blutroter Storchschnabel]
bloody deed blutige Tat {f}
bloody deedBluttat {f}
bloody difficultsehr schwierig
bloody encounter Schlacht {f}
bloody flux [dated] [dysentery]Ruhr {f} [Dysenterie]
bloody fool [coll.]großer Tor {m} [geh.] [veraltend]
bloody fool [esp. Br.] [vulg. in Br.] verdammter Dummkopf {m}
bloody frogfish [Antennatus sanguineus] Blutroter Anglerfisch {m}
bloody geranium [Geranium sanguineum]Blutroter Storchenschnabel {m}
bloody geranium [Geranium sanguineum]Blutroter Storchschnabel {m}
bloody good [Br.] [coarse]sauwohl [ugs.]
bloody ground snake [Atractus sanguineus]Blut-Spindelnatter {f}
bloody hand blutige Hand {f}
bloody handkerchiefblutiges Taschentuch {n} [ugs.]
bloody hands blutbefleckte Hände {pl}
bloody handsblutige Hände {pl}
Bloody hell! [Br.] [coll.]Verdammte Scheiße! [vulg.]
Bloody hell! [Br.] [coll.]Mein lieber Schwan! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Bloody hell! [Br.] [coll.] Sack Zement! [ugs.]
bloody idiot [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] verdammter Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
bloody idiot [coll.] dummer Tor {m} [geh.] [veraltend]
Bloody Laughter [U. S. title]Hinkemann [Ernst Toller] [Originaltitel: Der deutsche Hinkemann]
bloody lethargic [Br.] [coll.]lahmarschig [derb]
bloody liar [coll.]verdammter Lügner {m} [ugs.]
bloody lochia {sg} [Lochia rubra]blutiger Wochenfluss {m}
bloody marvellous [Br.] [sl.] saugeil [derb]
Bloody Mary [cocktail]Bloody Mary {f} [Cocktail]
Bloody Mary [Mary I of England]Maria {f} die Blutige
bloody milkcap / milk cap [Lactarius sanguifluus, syn.: Hypophyllum sanguifluum, Lactifluus sanguifluus, Lactarius vinosus]Weinroter Kiefern-Reizker / Kiefernreizker {m}
bloody milkcap / milk cap [Lactarius sanguifluus, syn.: Hypophyllum sanguifluum, Lactifluus sanguifluus, Lactarius vinosus] (Weinroter) Reizker {m}
bloody nonsense grober Unsinn {m}
Bloody Nora! [Br.] [coll.] Sacklzement! [ugs.] [hum.] [bayer.] [Redewendung]
bloody noseblutige Nase {f}
Bloody oath! [Aus.] [coll.] Darauf kannst du Gift nehmen! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
bloody oozing Sickerblutung {f}
bloody posh [Br.] [coll.] scheißvornehm [derb]
bloody rotten [Br.] [coll.]ganz verdorben
bloody serious [Br.] [coll.] todernst
bloody shamblesSchlachthaus {n}
bloody show Zeichnungsblutung {f}
bloody similar [coll.]verdammt ähnlich [ugs.]
bloody stickleback [Apeltes quadracus] Vierstachliger Stichling {m}
bloody stickleback [Apeltes quadracus]Amerikanischer Stichling {m}
bloody stoolBlutstuhl {m}
bloody stupid [Br.] sehr dumm
bloody stupid [Br.]saublöd [ugs.]
bloody stupid [Br.] saublöde [ugs.]
bloody stupid [Br.] [coll.]total bescheuert [ugs.]
Bloody SundayBlutsonntag {m}
Bloody SundayBlutiger Sonntag {m}
Bloody Sunday [Paul Greengrass] Bloody Sunday
bloody (terrorist) attack blutiger Anschlag {m}
bloody thing verdammte Sache {f}
bloody tooth [Hydnellum Peckii, syn.: Hydnum Peckii] [devil's tooth] Scharfer Korkstacheling {m}
bloody William [Lychnis coronaria, syn.: Agrostemma coronaria, Coronaria coriacea, Silene coronaria] Kronen-Lichtnelke {f}
bloody William [Lychnis coronaria, syn.: Agrostemma coronaria, Coronaria coriacea, Silene coronaria]Vexiernelke {f}
bloody (wood) dock [Rumex sanguineus, syn.: R. nemorosus, R. sanguineus var. sanguineus]Blut-Ampfer / Blutampfer {m}
bloody (wood) dock [Rumex sanguineus, syn.: R. nemorosus, R. sanguineus var. sanguineus] Hain-Ampfer / Hainampfer {m} [Blut-Ampfer]
bloody (wood) dock [Rumex sanguineus, syn.: R. nemorosus, R. sanguineus var. sanguineus] Wald-Ampfer / Waldampfer {m} [Blut-Ampfer]
bloody-minded blutdürstig [geh.]
bloody-minded übel gesinnt
bloody-minded [Br.] [coll.]starrsinnig
bloody-minded [Br.] [coll.]stur [ugs.] [pej.] [schwierig, eigensinnig]
bloody-mindedness [Br.] [coll.]Sturheit {f}
bloody-nosed beetle [Timarcha tenebricosa]Tatzenkäfer {m}
bloody-nosed beetle [Timarcha tenebricosa] Labkraut-Blattkäfer {m}
bloody-red blutrot
bloody-sided warbler [Dendroica pensylvanica, syn.: Setophaga pensylvanica]Gelbscheitel-Waldsänger {m}
bloody-twig dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Roter Hartriegel {m}
bloody-twig dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Blutroter Hartriegel {m}
bloody-twig dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Rotes Beinholz {n}
bloody-twig dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Roter Hornstrauch {m}
bloody-twig dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Hundsbeere {f} [Roter Hartriegel]
blooey [Am.] [coll.] schief
bloomBlüte {f}
« blooblooblooblooblooblooblooblosblotblowblow »
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