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baitLockmittel {n}
bait Lockung {f}
bait Fischköder {m}
bait Anlockungsmittel {n}
baitAas {n} [Luder] [Aas als Lockmittel]
bait Lockspeise {f} [Köder]
baitBrocken {m} [Köder]
bait [archaic] [rest]Rast {f}
bait [bite] kleiner Bissen {m}
bait [Br.] [sl.] [food]Imbiss {m}
bait [fig.]Verlockung {f}
bait advertising Werbung {f} mit Lockartikeln
bait boxKöderbox {f}
bait box Köderdose {f}
bait casting Köderwerfen {n}
bait fishKöderfisch {m}
bait for fish Fischköder {m}
bait place Luderplatz {m}
bait price Lockpreis {m}
bait quiver Köderköcher {m}
bait-and-switch [Am.] Lockvogeltaktik {f}
bait-and-switch advertising [Am.]Lockvogelwerbung {f}
bait-and-switch offer Lockvogelangebot {n}
baited hook Haken {m} mit Köder
baiter Hetzer {m}
baiter Quäler {m}
baitfish Köderfisch {m}
baiting ködernd
baiting Hetzen {n}
baiting [harassment] Hetze {f} [pej.] [Hetzen {n}] [Schikane {f}]
baiting-placeRastplatz {m}
BaiuvariiBajuwaren {pl}
baize grüner Tischüberzug {m}
baize grüner Wollstoff {m}
baizeBillardtuch {n}
baize Fries {m} [Gewebe]
baize Flaus {m} [Fries]
Baja blue rock lizard [Petrosaurus thalassinus] Blauer Felsenleguan {m}
Baja California coachwhip [Masticophis fuliginosus, syn.: Coluber fuliginosus] Baja-Kutscherpeitschennatter {f} [auch: Baja-Kutscherpeitschen-Natter]
Baja California coachwhip [Masticophis fuliginosus, syn.: Coluber fuliginosus] Niederkalifornische Kutscherpeitschennatter {f}
Baja California leaf-nosed snake [Phyllorhynchus decurtatus decurtatus] [Unterart der Gefleckten Blattnasennatter (Phyllorhynchus decurtatus)]
Baja California legless lizard [Anniella geronimensis] Geronimo-Ringelschleiche {f}
Baja California lyre snake [Trimorphodon lyrophanes, syn.: Trimorphodon vandenburghi] Baja-California-Lyraschlange {f}
Baja California lyre snake [Trimorphodon lyrophanes, syn.: Trimorphodon vandenburghi]Baja-California-Lyranatter {f}
Baja California night snake [Hypsiglena slevini] Niederkalifornische Nachtnatter {f}
Baja California peninsula Niederkalifornien {n}
Baja California rat snake [Bogertophis rosaliae, syn.: Coluber rosaliae, Elaphe rosaliae] Santa-Rosalia-Rattennatter {f}
Baja California rat snake [Bogertophis rosaliae, syn.: Coluber rosaliae, Elaphe rosaliae] Baja-California-Rattennatter {f}
Baja California rattlesnake [Crotalus enyo] Baja-Klapperschlange {f}
Baja California rock lizard [Petrosaurus thalassinus]Blauer Felsenleguan {m}
Baja California rock squirrel [Otospermophilus atricapillus, syn.: Spermophilus atricapillus]Baja-California-Ziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
Baja California striped whip snake [Masticophis aurigulus]Niederkalifornische Gestreifte Peitschennatter {f}
Baja California striped whip snake [Masticophis barbouri] Espiritu-Santo-Peitschennatter {f}
Baja California striped whipsnake / whip snake [Masticophis aurigulus, syn.: Coluber aurigulus]Kap-Kutscherpeitschennatter {f}
Baja snail [Cerithium litteratum, syn.: C. angustum, C. reticulatum, C. semiferrugineum, Murex literatus]Nadelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
BajanBajan {n}
Bajan [coll.] [Carib.] Barbadier {m}
Bajau [also: Badjao, Bajaw, Bajao, Badjau, Badjaw, Bajo or Bayao] [ethnic group within the Sama-Bajau peoples] Bajau {pl} [auch: Bajaw, Badjau, Badjo, Badjaw oder Badjao] [Ethnie in Südostasien]
bajillion [esp. Am.] [coll.] Bajillion {f} [ugs.]
bajillion [esp. Am.] [coll.] Fantastilliarde {f} [ugs.]
bajillion [esp. Am.] [coll.]Million {f} [ugs.] [große unbestimmte Anzahl]
Bajocian [geologic age] Bajocium {n}
Bajocian [geologic age]Bajoc {n} [kurz für: Bajocium]
Bajocian [geologic age] Bajocien {n} [seltener für: Bajocium]
bajra / bajri [Pennisetum glaucum] [pearl millet]Perlhirse {f}
baka indigobird [Vidua larvaticola]Baka-Atlaswitwe {f}
bake [Br.] Kasserolle {f} [Gericht]
bake [Br.] [Irish] [coll.] [mouth]Klappe {f} [ugs.] [Mund]
bake [esp. Br.]Auflauf {m}
bake eyes {pl} [coll.] [photokeratitis] Verblitzung {f} [Photokeratitis]
bake saleKuchenbasar {m}
bakeapple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus] Moltebeere {f}
bakeapple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus] Multebeere {f}
bakeapple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus] Multbeere {f}
bakeapple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus]Schellbeere {f}
bakeapple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus]Torfbeere {f}
bake-apple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus]Moltebeere {f}
bake-apple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus]Multbeere / Multebeere {f}
bake-apple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus] Schellbeere {f}
bake-apple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus] Torfbeere {f}
bake-apple / bakeapple [Can.] [Rubus chamaemorus]Sumpfbeere {f}
bakeboard [rare]Backbrett {n}
baked [Am.] [sl.] bekifft [ugs.]
baked [sl.]dicht [ugs.] [betrunken]
baked Alaska [Am.][gebackene Eiskremtorte]
baked Alaska [glace au four] Omelette surprise {f} [Überraschungsomelette]
baked Alaska (with fruits)Überraschungsomelett {n} [Omelette Surprise]
baked apple Bratapfel {m}
baked apple in puff paste Apfel {m} im Schlafrock
baked apple in puff pastryApfel {m} im Schlafrock
Baked Bean State [hum.] [nickname] [Massachusetts] [hum. Spitzname für Massachusetts, USA]
baked beans Baked Beans {pl}
baked beans gebackene Bohnen {pl}
baked cheeseOfenkäse {m}
baked eggs [Br.] Eier {pl} im Näpfchen
baked enamel finishEinbrennlackierung {f}
baked goodsBackwaren {pl}
baked goods {pl} Gebäck {n} [Backwaren]
« bag baggbaglBahibailbaitbakebakeBakobalabala »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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