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blue-headed wagtail [Motacilla flava flava]Wiesenschafstelze {f}
blue-headed wagtail [Motacilla flava]Schafstelze {f}
blue-headed wood dove [Turtur brehmeri]Blaukopftaube {f}
blue-headed wood kingfisher [Actenoides monachus]Einsiedlerliest {m}
blue-headed (wood) dove [Turtur brehmeri] Maidtaube {f}
blue-headed (wood) dove [Turtur brehmeri] Blaukopf-Waldtaube {f}
blue-headed woodpecker [Colaptes rubiginosus, syn.: Piculus rubiginosus]Olivmantelspecht {m}
blue-headed wrasse [Thalassoma bifasciatum] Blaukopf-Junker {m}
blue-headed yellow wagtail [Motacilla flava, syn.: M. tschutschensis]Schafstelze {f}
blue-headed yellow-rumped warbler [Dendroica magnolia, syn.: D. maculosa, Setophaga magnolia] Magnolienwaldsänger {m} [auch: Magnolien-Waldsänger]
blue-headed yellow-rumped warbler [Dendroica magnolia, syn.: D. maculosa, Setophaga magnolia] Hemlockwaldsänger {m} [auch: Hemlock-Waldsänger]
blue-hooded euphonia [Chlorophonia elegantissima, syn.: Euphonia elegantissima] Blauscheitelorganist {m}
blue-hooded euphonia [Euphonia cyanocephala, syn.: E. aureata] [golden-rumped euphonia]Goldbürzelorganist {m}
blue-hooded euphonia [Euphonia cyanocephala, syn.: E. aureata] [golden-rumped euphonia]Goldbürzel-Organist {m} [fachspr.]
blue-hooded euphonia [Euphonia elegantissima] Blaukappenorganist {m}
blueing Brünierung {f}
blueing Bläuen {n}
blueing Bläuung {f}
blueish [spv.]leicht bläulich
blueish-green eyes [blue-green eyes] blaugrüne Augen {pl}
blue-jacket Matrose {m}
bluejacketMatrose {m}
bluejacking [unbefugtes Senden einer Nachricht an ein Bluetooth-Gerät]
blue-jeanedeine blaue Jeans tragend
bluejoint [Am.] [Calamagrostis canadensis] Kanadisches Reitgras {n}
bluejoint [Am.] [Calamagrostis canadensis]Blauknoten-Reitgras {n}
bluejoint [Andropogon gerardii] [grass species] Blauhalm {m} [Süßgrasart]
bluejoint [Andropogon gerardii] [grass species] Gambagras {n}
bluejoint [Andropogon gerardii] [grass species] Gerards Präriegras {n}
bluejoint [Andropogon gerardii] [grass species] Dünengras {n}
bluejoint reedgrass [Calamagrostis canadensis] Blauknoten-Reitgras {n}
bluejoint reedgrass [Calamagrostis canadensis]Kanadisches Reitgras {n}
blue-knobbed curassow [Crax alberti, syn.: C. annulata] Blaulappenhokko {m}
blue-lashed / bluelashed butterflyfish [Chaetodon bennetti] Bennetts Falterfisch {m}
bluelashed butterfly fish [Chaetodon bennetti]Bennetts Falterfisch {m}
blue-leafed wattle [Acacia saligna] Weidenblatt-Akazie {f}
blueleg webcap [Cortinarius amoenolens, syn.: C. anserinus] Buchen-Klumpfuß / Buchenklumpfuß {m}
blue-light therapyBlaulichtbestrahlung {f}
blue-light vehicleBlaulichtfahrzeug {n}
blue-line snapper [Lutjanus kasmira] Blaustreifen-Schnapper {m}
bluelined / blue-lined hind [Cephalopholis formosa]Blaustreifen-Zackenbarsch {m}
blue-lined coralcod [Cephalopholis boenak]Braungestreifter Zackenbarsch {m}
blue-lined rabbitfish [Siganus doliatus] Blaustreifen-Kaninchenfisch {m}
blue-lined squirrelfish [Sargocentron tiere] Blaustreifen-Husarenfisch {m}
blue-lined wrasse [Stethojulis albovittata]Vierstreifen-Junker {m}
bluelip bristletooth [Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus] Blaulippen-Borstenzahndoktor {m}
blue-lipped sea krait [Laticauda laticaudata] Gewöhnlicher Plattschwanz {m} [giftige Seeschlange]
bluely blau
blue-mantled crested flycatcher [Trochocercus/ Terpsiphone cyanomelas] Blaumantel-Haubenschnäpper {m}
blue-mantled fairy-bluebird [Irena puella] Türkissirene {f}
blue-mantled fairy-bluebird [Irena puella]Türkisfeenvogel {m} [auch: Türkis-Feenvogel]
blue-mantled fairy-bluebird [Irena puella]Elfenblauvogel {m}
blue-mantled leafbird [Chloropsis venusta]Blaustirn-Blattvogel {m}
blue-mantled thornbill [Chalcostigma stanleyi] Blaurücken-Glanzschwänzchen {n}
blue-mantled thornbill [Chalcostigma stanleyi] Schwarzkopf-Glanzschwänzchen {n}
blue-masked leafbird [Chloropsis venusta]Blaustirn-Blattvogel {m}
bluemouth rockfish [Helicolenus dactylopterus]Blaumäulchen {n}
bluemouth rockfish [Helicolenus dactylopterus] Blaumaul {n}
blue-naped chlorophonia [Chlorophonia cyanea] Grünorganist {m}
blue-naped mousebird [Urocolius macrourus]Blaunacken-Mausvogel {m}
blue-naped parrot [Tanygnathus lucionensis] Blaunackenpapagei {m}
blue-naped parrot [Tanygnathus lucionensis] Blauscheitelpapagei {m}
blue-naped pitta [Pitta nipalensis]Blaunackenpitta {f}
blue-naped sunbird [Hypogramma hypogrammicum] Streifennektarvogel {m}
blueneck keelback [Macropisthodon rhodomelas]Blaunacken-Kielrückennatter {f}
blue-necked jacamar [Galbula cyanicollis] Blauhals-Glanzvogel {m}
blue-necked keelback [Macropisthodon rhodomelas] Blaunacken-Kielrückennatter {f}
blue-necked lory [Eos reticulata]Strichellori {m}
blue-necked lory [Eos reticulata] Blaustrichellori {m}
blue-necked ostrich [Struthio molybdophanes] Somalistrauß {m}
blue-necked tanager [Tangara cyanicollis]Azurkopftangare {f}
blueness Bläue {f}
blueness blaue Farbe {f} [Bläue]
bluenose [Am.] [coll.]Puritaner {m}
bluenose goby [Coryphopterus lipernes]Pfefferminzgrundel {f}
bluenose worm [Eisenia hortensis, syn.: Eisenia veneta, Dendrobaena / Dendrobena veneta] Blaukopf {m} [Riesenrotwurm]
bluenosed [Am.] [coll.]puritanisch
bluenosed [Am.] [coll.] sittenstreng
blue-nurse sand tiger [Carcharias taurus]Sandtigerhai {m}
blue-nurse sand tiger [Carcharias taurus] Sandtiger {m}
blue-of-the-heavens [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum]Flieder-Lauch {m}
blue-of-the-heavens [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] Blauer Kugel-Lauch {m}
blue-of-the-heavens [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] Sibirischer Enzianlauch {m}
blue-of-the-heavens [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] Blau-Lauch / Blaulauch {m}
blue-patch aeolis [Flabellina cooperi, syn.: Coryphella cooperi] Flabellina cooperi {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
bluepoint [Callinectes sapidus, syn.: C. sapidus acutidens, Portunus diacantha] Blaue Schwimmkrabbe {f}
bluepoint [Callinectes sapidus, syn.: C. sapidus acutidens, Portunus diacantha] Blaukrabbe {f}
bluepoint [Callinectes sapidus, syn.: C. sapidus acutidens, Portunus diacantha] Blaue Krabbe {f}
bluepointed porgy [Am.] [Pagrus caeruleostictus, syn.: Sparus coeruleostictus] Blaufleckenbrasse {f}
blueprint Pause {f} [Kopie]
blueprint Blaupause {f}
blueprint Entwurf {m}
blueprint Lichtpause {f} [Blaupause]
blueprintBlaudruck {m}
blueprintBauplan {m}
blueprint [fig.] Plan {m} [zeichnerische Darstellung]
blueprint for lasting peace Friedensordnung {f}
blueprint paperBlaupauspapier {n}
blueprints Kopien {pl}
blueprints Blaupausen {pl}
« blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblueblufblun »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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