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blueprints Entwürfe {pl}
blue-rayed limpet [Patina pellucida, syn.: Ansates pellucida, Helcion pellucidum, Patella laevis, Patella pellucida] (Durchscheinende) Häubchenschnecke {f}
blue-rayed limpet [Patina pellucida, syn.: Ansates pellucida, Helcion pellucidum, Patella laevis, Patella pellucida] Durchscheinende Napfschnecke {f}
blue-rayed limpet [Patina pellucida]Durchsichtige Napfschnecke {f}
blue-red Colombian tetra [Hyphessobrycon colombianus, syn.: Hyphessobrycon columbianus]Rotblauer Kolumbianer {m}
bluering angelfish [Pomacanthus annularis]Ringkaiserfisch {m}
blue-rumped euphonia [Euphonia elegantissima] Blauscheitelorganist {m}
blue-rumped euphonia [Euphonia elegantissima] Blaukappenorganist {m} [Blaukappen-Organist]
blue-rumped manakin [Lepidothrix isidorei, syn.: Pipra isidorei] Blaubürzelpipra / Blaubürzel-Pipra {f}
blue-rumped parrot [Psittinus cyanurus]Rotachselpapagei {m}
blue-rumped pitta [Pitta soror]Blaubürzelpitta {f}
blues Trübsinn {m}
bluesBlues {m}
blues [family Lycaenidae]Bläulinge {pl} [Schmetterlingsfamilie]
blues [family Lycaenidae]Lycaeniden {pl}
blues [shades of blue] Blaus {pl}
blues and coppers [family Lycaenidae] Bläulinge {pl} [Schmetterlingsfamilie]
blues and coppers [family Lycaenidae] Lycaeniden {pl}
Blues Brothers 2000 [John Landis] Blues Brothers 2000
Blue's Clues Blue's Clues – Blau und schlau
blues festival Bluesfestival {n}
blues guitar Bluesgitarre {f}
blues harpBlues Harp {f} [Mundharmonika]
blues harp Blues-Harfe {f} [Mundharmonika]
blues musician Bluesmusiker {m}
blues musician [female]Bluesmusikerin {f}
blues piano player Bluespianist {m}
blues piano player [female]Bluespianistin {f}
blues playerBlues-Musiker {m}
blues progressionBluesprogression {f} [Akkordfolge]
blues rock [also: blues-rock] Bluesrock {m}
blues scaleBluestonleiter {f}
blues shouterBlues-Shouter {m} [Sänger]
blues standard Blues-Standard {m} [en. ausgesprochen: Repertoirestück]
blueschist Blauschiefer {m}
blue-screen compositing Bluescreen-Technik {f}
blue-shaven [lit.] [clean-shaven] glattrasiert
blueshift Blauverschiebung {f}
blue-shifted [also: blueshifted] blauverschoben
blueshirts [members of the Free German Youth organisation in former East Germany] Blauhemden {pl} [Mitglieder der Freien Deutschen Jugend der DDR]
blue-shouldered mountain-tanager [Anisognathus somptuosus] Blauschwingen-Bergtangare {f}
blue-shouldered mountain-tanager [Anisognathus somptuosus] Blauflügel-Bergtangare {f}
blue-shouldered robin [Cossypha cyanocampter]Blauschulterrötel {m} [auch: Blauschulter-Rötel]
blue-shouldered robin chat [Cossypha cyanocampter]Blauschulterrötel {m}
blue-skinned blauhäutig
blue-sky [attr.] [fig.] [unconstrained by practicalities] theorielastig [praxisfern]
blue-sky [attr.] [idea, expectations, etc.] übertrieben optimistisch [Idee, Erwartungen usw.]
blue-sky [attr.] [idea, expectations, etc.]überoptimistisch [Idee, Erwartungen usw.]
blue-sky [attr.] [not financially sound] [esp. securities] unsolide [bes. Wertpapiere]
blue-sky law Gesetz {n} gegen Emissionsbetrug
blue-sky thinking Schönwetterdenken {n}
blue-sky thinkinggrenzenloses Phantasieren {n}
bluesmanBlues-Musiker {m}
bluesman Blueser {m} [ugs.]
bluesnarfing [Informationszugriff durch unbefugte Bluetooth-Verbindung]
bluespine unicornfish [Naso unicornis] Blauklingen-Nasendoktorfisch {m}
bluespine unicornfish [Naso unicornis]Kurznasen-Doktorfisch {m}
bluespine unicornfish [Naso unicornis]Kurznasen-Nashornfisch {m}
blue-spot / blue spot hairstreak [Satyrium spini, syn.: Eudia spini, Strymonidia spini]Schlehenkrüppelhalden-Kreuzdorn-Zipfelfalter {m} [selten]
blue-spot / blue spot hairstreak [Satyrium spini] Felsbuschheiden-Kreuzdorn-Zipfelfalter {m} [selten]
bluespot butterflyfish [Chaetodon plebeius] Blaupunkt-Falterfisch {m}
bluespot goby [Rhinogobiops nicholsii] Schwarzaugengrundel {f}
blue-spot hairstreak [Satyrium spini] Kreuzdorn-Zipfelfalter {m}
blue-spot hairstreak [Satyrium spini] Schlehen-Zipfelfalter {m}
bluespotted / blue-spotted hind [Cephalopholis cyanostigma]Blauflecken-Zackenbarsch {m}
bluespotted / blue-spotted ribbontail ray [Taeniura lymma] [also: bluespotted ribbontailray]Blaupunktrochen {m}
blue-spotted angelfish [Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus] Kristall-Samtkaiserfisch {m}
bluespotted bamboo shark [Chiloscyllium caerulopunctatum]Blaugepunkteter Bambushai {m}
blue-spotted boxfish / box-fish [Ostracion cubicus, syn.: Ostracion argus, Ostracion tuberculatus] [yellow boxfish]Gelbbrauner Kofferfisch {m}
blue-spotted bristletooth [Ctenochaetus marginatus]Blaufleck-Borstenzahndoktorfisch {m}
bluespotted catsharkBlaugepunkteter Bambushai {m}
blue-spotted coral goby [Gobiodon histrio] Blaupunkt-Korallengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
blue-spotted coral goby [Gobiodon histrio]Gebänderte Korallengrundel {f}
blue-spotted cornetfish [Fistularia commersonii]Glatter Flötenfisch {m}
bluespotted fantail ray [Taeniura lymma] Blaupunktrochen {m}
blue-spotted girdled lizard [Ninurta coeruleopunctatus, syn.: Cordylus coeruleopunctatus] Blaupunkt-Gürtelschweif {m}
bluespotted goby [Asterropteryx semipunctata] Sternengrundel {f}
bluespotted goby [Asterropteryx semipunctata] [starry goby]Hawaii-Korallengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
blue-spotted grouper [Cephalopholis argus]Blaupunkt-Zackenbarsch {m}
blue-spotted grouper [Cephalopholis argus]Pfauen-Zackenbarsch {m}
blue-spotted jawfish [Opistognathus rosenblatti] Blaupunkt-Kieferfisch {m}
blue-spotted puffer [Arothron caeruleopunctatus]Blaupunkt-Kugelfisch {m}
bluespotted ribbontail ray [Taeniura lymma] Blaupunktrochen {m}
blue-spotted salamander [Ambystoma laterale, syn.: A. platineum]Silber-Querzahnmolch {m} [auch: Silberquerzahnmolch]
blue-spotted salamander [Ambystoma laterale] Blauflecken-Querzahnmolch {m}
blue-spotted salamander [Ambystoma laterale] Blaupunkt-Querzahnmolch {m}
blue-spotted salamander [Plethodon glutinosus] Silbersalamander {m}
bluespotted seabream [Br.] [Pagrus caeruleostictus, syn.: Sparus coeruleostictus] Blaufleckenbrasse {f}
blue-spotted spinefoot [Siganus corallinus](Indischer) Korallen-Kaninchenfisch {m}
bluespotted stingray [Taeniura lymma] Blaupunktrochen {m}
blue-spotted sunfish [Enneacanthus gloriosus] Kiemenfleck-Diamantbarsch {m}
blue-spotted surgeonfish [Ctenochaetus marginatus] Blaufleck-Borstenzahndoktorfisch {m}
blue-spotted tree monitor [Varanus macraei] Blauer Baumwaran {m}
blue-spotted tree monitor [Varanus macraei] Blaugefleckter Baumwaran {m}
blue-spotted tree monitor [Varanus macraei] MacRae's Waran {m}
blue-spotted urchin [Astropyga radiata]Roter Diademseeigel {m}
blue-spotted wood dove [Turtur afer]Stahlflecktaube {f}
blue-spotted wood dove [Turtur afer] Stahlflecktäubchen {n}
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