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blustery tosend
Blu-Tack ™ Blu-Tack ™ {n}
Blyth's crowned willow warbler [Phylloscopus reguloides]Streifenkopf-Laubsänger {m}
Blyth's frogmouth [Batrachostomus affinis]Malaienfroschmaul {n}
Blyth's hawk eagle [Nisaetus alboniger, syn.: Spizaetus alboniger] Traueradler {m}
Blyth's hawk-eagle [Nisaetus alboniger, syn.: Spizaetus alboniger] Traueradler {m}
Blyth's hawk-eagle / hawk eagle [Nisaetus alboniger, syn.: Spizaetus alboniger] Trauerhaubenadler {m}
Blyth's hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus, syn.: Aceros plicatus]Papuajahrvogel {m}
Blyth's hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus]Papuahornvogel {m}
Blyth's hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus]Blythhornvogel {m}
Blyth's kingfisher [Alcedo hercules] Herkules-Eisvogel {m} [auch: Herkuleseisvogel]
Blyth's long-tailed tit [Aegithalos iouschistos] Rostwangen-Schwanzmeise {f}
Blyth's long-tailed tit [Aegithalos niveogularis]Weißkehl-Schwanzmeise {f}
Blyth's olive bulbul [Iole virescens] Burmabülbül {m}
Blyth's parakeet [Psittacula caniceps] Graukopfsittich {m}
Blyth's parrotbill [Paradoxornis nipalensis] Grauohr-Papageimeise {f}
Blyth's pipit [Anthus godlewskii] Steppenpieper {m}
Blyth's reed warbler [Acrocephalus dumetorum]Buschrohrsänger {m}
Blyth's rosefinch [Carpodacus grandis] Großer Rosenmantelgimpel {m}
Blyth's rosefinch [Carpodacus grandis]Großer Rotmantelkarmingimpel {m}
Blyth's tragopan [Tragopan blythii, syn.: T. blythi] Graubauchtragopan {m}
Blyth's tragopan [Tragopan blythii] Blythtragopan {m}
Blyth's tragopan pheasant [Tragopan blythii, syn.: T. blythi]Blythtragopan {m}
Blyth's tragopan pheasant [Tragopan blythii, syn.: T. blythi] Graubauchtragopan {m}
Blyth's vole [Neodon leucurus, syn.: Phaiomys leucurus]Blyth-Wühlmaus {f}
Blyth's vole [Neodon leucurus, syn.: Phaiomys leucurus]Indische Gebirgswühlmaus {f}
Blyth's wreathed hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus, syn.: Aceros plicatus] Papuahornvogel {m}
Blyth's wreathed hornbill [Rhyticeros plicatus, syn.: Aceros plicatus] Papuajahrvogel {m}
Blytt's andreaea moss [Andreaea blyttii, syn.: Andreaea blyttii subsp. angustata]Blytts Klaffmoos {n}
Blytt's rock-moss [Andreaea blyttii, syn.: Andreaea blyttii subsp. angustata]Blytts Klaffmoos {n}
B-mode [brightness modulation] B-Mode {m} [Sonographie]
B-movie zweitklassiger Film {m}
B-movieB-Movie {n}
BMW ® BMW ® {m} {f} {n} [Kraftfahrzeug: Wagen, Limousine, Motorrad]
BMW ® 7 Series 7er BMW ® {m}
BMW workers [Bayerische Motoren Werke]BMWler {pl} [ugs.] [Mitarbeiter von BMW]
BMX bike BMX-Rad {n}
BNC connector BNC-Stecker {m}
BNC plug BNC-Stecker {m}
Bnei BrakBnei Berak {n}
Bō {m}
B.O. [coll.] [body odor] Körpergeruch {m}
Bo Sea [Bohai Sea, Bohai Gulf] Bohai-See {f} [auch: Bohaisee] [Bohai-Golf, Bohai-Meer]
bo (staff) [Japanese martial arts] Bō {m} [japanischer Langstock] [Kampfsportwaffe]
bo (stick) [bō]Bo-Stab {m} [Bō]
bo tree [Ficus religiosa] Heiliger Feigenbaum {m}
Bo tree [Ficus religiosa]Bobaum {m}
Bo! Huh!
boaBoaschlange {f}
boa Riesenschlange {f}
boa Boa {f}
boa catshark [Scyliorhinus boa]Boa-Katzenhai {m}
boa constrictor [Boa constrictor] Abgottschlange {f}
boa constrictor [Boa constrictor] Königsschlange {f}
boa constrictor [Boa constrictor] Königsboa {f}
boa constrictor [Boa constrictor] Abgottboa {f}
boa constrictor words [coll.] [rare] Bandwurmwörter {pl} [ugs.]
boa constrictors [genus Boa] Abgottschlangen {pl}
boa constrictors [genus Boa] Boas {pl}
boa speciesBoa-Art {f} [auch: Boaart]
boa-constrictor sentence [coll.]Bandwurmsatz {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [überaus langer, verschachtelter Satz]
Boadicea [Boudica, Boudicca] Boudicca {f}
Boano monarch [Symposiachrus boanensis, syn.: Monarcha boanensis] Boanomonarch / Boano-Monarch {m}
boarEber {m}
boarWildschwein {n}
boar Keiler {m} [männliches Wildschwein]
boar badger Dachsmännchen {n}
boar badger [male badger]Dachsbär {m} [männlicher Dachs]
boar bristlesWildschweinborsten {pl}
boar fatteningEbermast {f}
boar hunt Sauhatz {f}
boar huntingWildschweinjagd {f}
boar in its third year Eber {m} im dritten Jahr
boar spear Saufeder {f}
boar taint Ebergeruch {m}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum] Ackerdistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum] Acker-Kratzdistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum]Felddistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum] Kratzdistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum]Wegdistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum] Gänsedistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum] Sanddistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum]Hasendistel {f}
boar thistle [Am.] [Cirsium arvense, syn. Breea arvensis, B. incana, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, C. setosum]Hasenkohl {m}
(boar) piglet Frischling {m} [junges Wildschwein]
board Baugruppe {f}
board Gremium {n}
board Planke {f}
board Platte {f} [Holz]
board Schultafel {f}
board Spielbrett {n}
board Tafel {f}
board Verpflegung {f}
board Anschlagtafel {f}
board Ausschuss {m}
board Behörde {f}
board Bohle {f}
boardBuchdeckel {m}
board Holzverkleidung {f}
« blueblueblunblunblurblusboarboarboarboasboat »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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