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Bocage's sunbird [Nectarinia bocagii] Bocagenektarvogel {m}
Bocage's (tree) frog [Leptopelis bocagii]Bocages Waldsteiger {m}
Bocage's (tree) frog [Leptopelis bocagii] Bocage-Waldsteigerfrosch {m}
Bocage's wall lizard [Podarcis bocagei] Bocages Mauereidechse {f}
Bocage's weaver [Ploceus temporalis] Bocageweber {m}
bocalS-Bogen {m} [bei Holzblasinstrumenten]
bocasin feine Leinwand {f}
bocceBoccia {n} [auch {f}]
bocce ball Bocciakugel {f}
boccia [Italian game similar to bowls] Boccia {n} [auch {f}]
boccia ball Bocciakugel {f}
Boccone's sandspurry [Spergularia bocconii] Felsküsten-Spörgel / Felsküstenspörgel {m}
bocedisation [Br.] Bocedisation {f} [alternative Solmisationsmethode]
bocedization Bocedisation {f} [alternative Solmisationsmethode]
Bocharic myotis [Myotis bucharensis]Buchara-Wasserfledermaus {f}
Bocharic myotis [Myotis bucharensis] Buchara-Mausohr {n}
Bochdalek's gap [Trigonum lumbocostale (diaphragmatis)] Bochdalek-Lücke {f}
Boche [coll.] [dated] [pej.] [a German, esp. a German soldier in World War I]Boche {m} [pej.] [Schimpfname der Franzosen für einen Deutschen, bes. im 1. Weltkrieg]
Boche [sl.] [disparaging: a German, esp. a German soldier in World War I] Scheißdeutscher {m} [vulg.] [pej.]
bochet Bochet {m}
Bochner integral [also: Bochner's integral] Bochner-Integral {n}
Bochner measurability Bochner-Messbarkeit {f} [auch: Bochnermessbarkeit]
Bochner-measurable function Bochner-messbare Funktion {f}
Bochnia Salzberg {n} [Stadt in Polen]
Bocholt-Herentals CanalMaas-Schelde-Kanal {m}
Bocholt-Herentals Canal Kanal {m} Bocholt-Herentals
Bochum [attr.]Bochumer [indekl.]
Bochum [North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany] Bochum {n}
Bochum [North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany] Baukem {n} [westfälisch]
bock Bock {n} {m} [kurz für: Bockbier]
bock (beer)Bockbier {n}
bockadam snake [Cerberus rynchops, syn.: Cerberus rhynchops]Hundskopf-Wassertrugnatter {f}
bockhorn Bockshorn {n} [Hirteninstrument]
Bock's ground snake [Atractus bocki, syn.: A. canedii] Cochabamba-Spindelnatter {f}
bocksbeutel Bocksbeutel {m} [besondere Flasche für Frankenwein]
bocksdorn [Lycium barbarum, syn.: Lycium halimifolium]Gemeiner Bocksdorn {m}
bocksdorn [Lycium barbarum, syn.: Lycium halimifolium](Gemeiner) Teufelszwirn {m}
bocksdorn [Lycium barbarum, syn.: Lycium halimifolium]Hexenzwirn {m}
bocksdorn [Lycium barbarum, syn.: Lycium halimifolium]Chinesische Wolfsbeere {f}
bockwurstBockwurst {f}
bockwurst Knobländer {f} [regional] [Bockwurst]
bockwurstRote (Wurst) {f} [regional] [bes. Schwaben]
Boconó spindle snake [Atractus mariselae] Boconó-Spindelnatter {f}
Bocourt's arboreal alligator lizard [Abronia vasconcelosii, syn.: A. vasconcelosi, Gerrhonotus vasconcelosii] Guatemala-Baumschleiche {f}
Bocourt's water snake [Enhydris bocourti] Bocourts Wassertrugnatter {f}
bod [Br.] [coll.] Type {f} [ugs.]
bod [Br.] [coll.] Fuzzi {m} [pej.] [ugs.]
bod [Br.] [coll.] [female] Tussi {f} [ugs.]
bod [Br.] [coll.] [person] Typ {m} [ugs.] [Mensch]
bod [coll.] [body] Body {m} [ugs.] [Körper]
bod [sl.] [short for body]Körper {m}
BOD5 [5 day biochemical oxygen demand]BSB5 {m} [biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf in 5 Tagen]
BOD5 loadingspezifische Schlammbelastung {f}
bodacious [Am.] [coll.] aufregend
bodacious [Am.] [coll.] riesig [ugs.]
bodacious [Am.] [coll.] toll [ugs.]
bodacious [Am.] [coll.] [audacious] schamlos [unverfroren]
bodacious [Am.] [coll.] großartig
bodacious [Am.] [coll.]üppig [unkontrolliert]
bodacious [Am.] [coll.] [admirable]bewundernswert
bodaciously üppig [unkontrolliert]
BodangeBödingen {n}
Bodansky unit [an obsolete measure of alkaline phosphatase concentration in blood]Bodansky-Einheit {f} [nicht mehr zugelassene Einheit]
bodark [Maclura pomifera]Milchorangenbaum {m}
bodark [Maclura pomifera] Osagedorn {m}
(Boddart's) goggle-eyed goby [Boleophthalmus boddarti] Glotzauge {n} [Schlammspringerart]
bodden Bodden {m}
Bode diagram Bode-Diagramm {n}
Bode plotBode-Diagramm {n}
bodega Weinschänke {f}
bodegaBodega {f}
Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethelvon Bodelschwinghsche Stiftungen {pl} Bethel
Bodenstein number <Bo> Bodenstein-Zahl {f} <Bo>
bodger [Br.] [coll.]Stümper {m} [pej.]
bodger [Br.] [coll.] Patzer {m} [ugs.] [Stümper, Pfuscher]
bodgery Stümperei {f}
bodgy [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.] minderwertig
Bodhi / bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa, syn.: Ficus peepul] Heiliger Feigenbaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa] Pappel-Feige {f}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa] Buddhabaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa]Bodhibaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa] Bobaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa]Pepulbaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa]Pepalbaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa] Pipulbaum {m}
Bodhi tree [Ficus religiosa] Peepalbaum {m}
Bodhisattva Bodhisattva {m}
bodhisattva Bodhisattwa {m}
bodhrán Bodhrán {f} [irische Rahmentrommel]
bodice Leibchen {n}
bodiceMieder {n}
bodice Korsett {n}
bodiceSchnürleib {m} [veraltet]
bodice [dated]Taille {f} [veraltet] [Mieder]
bodice ripper Nackenbeißer {m}
bodied oil eingedicktes Öl {n}
bodied oil Standöl {n}
bodied oil Dicköl {n}
bodies Gremien {pl}
bodiesKörper {pl}
« boarboasboatboatbobbBocabodibodybodybodybody »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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