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bohemianism Bohème {f} [als Lebensform]
bohemian-print [attr.] [mit folkloristischen Mustern im böhmischen / mitteleuropäischen Stil]
Bohemish [rare] [lifestyle] bohemisch [selten] [in der Art der Boheme]
Bohinj Railway [or Transalpina] Wocheiner Bahn {f}
Bohlen-Pierce scale Bohlen-Pierce-Skala {f}
Böhler star [Boehler star]Böhlerstern {m}
Böhler's meniscus sign Böhler-Zeichen {n}
Böhme's gecko [Tarentola boehmei] [also: Boehme's gecko]Böhmes Gecko {m}
Bohmian mechanics [treated as sg.] [de Broglie-Bohm theory] bohmsche Mechanik {f} [De-Broglie-Bohm-Theorie]
böhmite [AlO(OH)]Böhmit {m}
Böhm's spinetail [Neafrapus boehmi] Fledermaussegler {m}
Bohner Stream Bohner Stream {m}
boho [coll.] [bohemian]Bohemien {m}
Bohol Bohol {n}
Bohol Sea Boholsee {f}
Bohol Strait Straße {f} von Cebu
bohor reedbuck [Redunca redunca] (Gemeiner) Riedbock {m}
bohortBuhurt {m}
Bohr / Bohr's postulatesbohrsche Postulate {pl} [auch: Bohr'sche Postulate, Bohr-Postulate]
Bohr / Bohr's radius Bohr-Radius {m} [bohrscher Radius]
Bohr (atom) model Bohr'sches Atommodell {n}
Bohr (atom) modelbohrsches Atommodell {n}
Bohr (atom) model Bohrsches Atommodell {n} [alt]
Bohr effectBohr-Effekt {m}
Bohr magneton Bohr'sches Magneton {n}
Bohr magneton <μB> [also: Bohr's magneton] Bohr-Magneton {n} <μB>
Bohr magneton <μB> [also: Bohr's magneton] bohrsches Magneton {n} <μB>
Bohr radius <a0> bohrscher Radius {m} <a0>
Bohr radius <a0> Bohr'scher Radius {m} <a0>
bohrium <Bh>Bohrium {n} <Bh>
bohrium atomBohriumatom {n}
bohrium isotope Bohriumisotop {n}
Bohr-Mollerup theoremSatz {m} von Bohr-Mollerup
Bohr's Aufbau principle [spv.] [Bohr's Aufbauprinzip]bohrsches Aufbauprinzip {n}
Bohr's AufbauprinzipBohr'sches Aufbauprinzip {n}
Bohr's Aufbauprinzip Bohrs Aufbauprinzip {n}
Bohr's magneton <μB> Magneton {n} von Bohr <μB> [Bohr'sches Magneton]
Bohr's theorybohrsche Atomtheorie {f}
Bohr's theory Bohr'sche Atomtheorie {f}
Bohr-Sommerfeld model Bohr-Sommerfeld'sches Atommodell {n}
Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem Bohr-van-Leeuwen-Theorem {n}
bohseite [Ca4Be3AlSi9O25(OH)3] Bohseit {m}
bohunk [Am.] [derogatory] osteuropäischer Immigrant {m}
Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna [Swedish black chicken breed]Bohus-Dal Schwarzhuhn {n} [Schwedisches Schwarzhuhn]
boi [sl.] Boi {m}
boids [family Boidae] Riesenschlangen {pl}
boids [family Boidae]Boas {pl}
Boie's ground snake [Atractus badius]Guiana-Spindelnatter {f}
Boie's mud snake [Enhydris plumbea]Olivfarbene Wassertrugnatter {f}
Boie's mud snake [Enhydris plumbea] Reisfeld-Wassertrugnatter {f}
Boie's roughside [Aspidura brachyorrhos]Hügel-Rauhnatter {f}
Boie's rough-sided snake [Aspidura brachyorrhos] Hügel-Rauhnatter {f}
Boie's wart frog [Fejervarya limnocharis]Südostasiatischer Reisfrosch {m}
Boii [dated also Boiians, Boijans, Bojans, Boyans] Boier {pl} [auch: Bojer]
boil Geschwür {n}
boilFurunkel {m} {n}
boilBlutgeschwür {n}
boilBeule {f} [Eiterbeule]
boil Eiterbeule {f}
boil [skin infection]Schwäre {f} [altertümlich]
boiled abgekocht
boiled gesiedet
boiled gesotten
boiled abgesotten [veraltet]
boiled [sl.] [dated] [drunk] besoffen [ugs.]
boiled beef Suppenfleisch {n} [gekochtes Rindfleisch]
boiled beefSiedfleisch {n} [schweiz.] [südd.]
boiled beef Kochfleisch {n} [Rind]
boiled beefTellerfleisch {n} [bes. österr.]
boiled belly porkWellfleisch {n}
boiled belly pork Kesselfleisch {n}
boiled dinner [Am.] Eintopf {m}
boiled dinner [Am.] Eintopfgericht {n}
boiled downeingekocht
boiled egg gekochtes Ei {n}
boiled ham Kochschinken {m}
boiled ham gekochter Schinken {m}
boiled ham Saftschinken {m}
boiled (linseed) oilLeinölfirnis {m}
boiled meat Gesottenes {n} [regional]
boiled over übergekocht
boiled potato [peeled before boiling in slightly salted water]Salzkartoffel {f}
boiled potatoes Dampfkartoffeln {pl}
boiled potatoes gekochte Kartoffeln {pl}
boiled potatoes [in the skin] Pellkartoffeln {pl}
boiled potatoes [peeled before boiling in slightly salted water] Salzkartoffeln {pl}
boiled soya oilSojaölfirnis {m}
boiled sweet [Br.] Lutschbonbon {n}
boiled sweets [Br.]Zuckerln {pl} [österr.]
boiled sweets [Br.] Bonbons {pl}
boiled until tenderweich gekocht
boiled up aufgekocht
[boiled pork belly (Kesselfleisch) and freshly cooked Blutwurst and Leberwurst sausages]Schlachtschüssel {f} [südd.]
[boiled pork belly (Kesselfleisch) and freshly cooked Blutwurst and Leberwurst sausages] Schlachtplatte {f}
[boiled pork with root vegetables and fresh horseradish] Steirer Wurzelfleisch {n} [österr.]
boiled-off silk Cuiteseide {f}
boiled-off silkgekochte Seide {f}
boiled-off silk entbastete Seide {f}
boilerDampfkessel {m}
« bodyBoerboghbogeboguboheboilboilBolaboldBoli »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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