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boldly in mutiger Weise
boldly auffallend
boldlykühnlich [veraltet]
boldly [bravely]mutig
boldly [conspicuously] plakativ
boldness Dreistigkeit {f}
boldnessKühnheit {f}
boldnessMut {m}
boldness Verwegenheit {f}
boldnessFrechheit {f}
boldness Steilheit {f}
boldnessTapferkeit {f}
boldness Unerschrockenheit {f}
boldness Wagemut {m}
boldness Bravour {f} [Kühnheit]
boldness Forschheit {f}
boldnessUnverfrorenheit {f}
boldness Dreistheit {f}
Boldo [Peumus boldus] Boldo {m}
bold-striped tit-babbler [Macronous bornensis, syn.: Macronus bornensis, Mixornis bornensis] Fleckenmeisentimalie {f}
boleBaumstamm {m}
boleSiegelerde {f}
boleWalze {f}
boleite [KPb26Ag9Cu24(OH)48Cl62] Boleit {m}
boleochoryBoleochorie {f}
boleroBolero {m} [Tanz, Jäckchen]
Boléro [Maurice Ravel] Boléro {m}
bolero hatBolero {m} [Hut]
bolero jacket Bolero-Jacke {f}
boles Baumstämme {pl}
Bolesław III Wrymouth [also: Bolesław III the Wry-mouthed] [Bolesław III Krzywousty] Bolesław III. {m} Schiefmund [Boleslaus]
Boleslawiec [Bolesławiec] [Lower Silesian Voivodeship]Bunzlau {n}
bolete [genus Boletus]Röhrenpilz {m}
bolete [genus Boletus]Röhrling {m}
bolete mold [Am.] [Hypomyces chrysospermus]Goldschimmel {m}
bolete mould [Br.] [Hypomyces chrysospermus]Goldschimmel {m}
bolete mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae] Röhrenpilze {pl}
bolete mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae]Röhrlinge {pl}
bolete mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae]Boletaceen {pl}
bolete mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae] Dickröhrlingsverwandte {pl}
boletes [family Boletaceae] [pore mushrooms]Röhrlinge {pl}
boletes [family Boletaceae] [pore mushrooms] Dickröhrlingsverwandte {pl}
boletes [family Boletaceae] [pore mushrooms] Boletaceen {pl}
boletes [family Boletaceae] [pore mushrooms] Röhrenpilze {pl}
boletes [genus Leccinum, genus Leccinellum]Rotkappen {pl} [Raufußröhrlinge]
boletoid boletoid
boletus Röhrenpilz {m}
boletusRöhrling {m}
boletus mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae] Röhrenpilze {pl}
boletus mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae] Dickröhrlingsverwandte {pl}
boletus mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae]Boletaceen {pl}
boletus mushroom family {sg} [family Boletaceae] Röhrlinge {pl}
boletus of the steppes [Pleurotus eryngii] Ampezzaner-Schwamm {m}
boletus of the steppes [Pleurotus eryngii]Laserkraut-Seitling / Laserkrautseitling {m}
bolide Bolid {m}
bolide Feuerkugel {f} [Bolid]
BolinaoBolinao {n}
boline [ritual knife]Bolline {n}
Bolivar [Disney]Bernie
Bolivar [Disney] Bolivar
Bolivar [Disney] Barbarossa
bolívar fuerte <VEF> [Venezuelan currency unit from 1 January 2008] Bolívar {m} Fuerte <VEF> [venezolanische Währungseinheit]
Bolívar spindle snake [Atractus pyroni] [Schlangenart der Gattung Atractus]
Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America <ALBA> Bolivarianische Allianz {f} für die Völker unseres Amerika <ALBA>
Bolivarian Revolution Bolivarische Revolution {f}
BolivarianismBolivarianismus {m}
bolivarite [Al2(OH)3(PO)4·4H2O] Bolivarit {m}
Bolivar's groundhopper [Tetrix bolivari] Bolivars Dornschrecke {f}
Bolivia <.bo> Bolivien {n}
Bolivian bolivianisch
Bolivian Bolivianer {m}
Bolivian bolivisch [Rsv.]
Bolivian Bolivier {m} [Rsv.]
Bolivian [female] Bolivianerin {f}
Bolivian [female] Bolivierin {f} [Rsv.]
Bolivian anaconda [Eunectes beniensis] Beni-Anakonda {f}
Bolivian blackbird [Oreopsar bolivianus] Andenstärling {m}
Bolivian blackhead [Apostolepis tenuis] Bolivianische Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Bolivian boliviano <BOB>Bolivianischer Boliviano {m} <BOB>
Bolivian brushfinch / brush finch / brush-finch [Atlapetes rufinucha] Rotnacken-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Bolivian burrowing snake [Apostolepis dorbignyi] Westliche Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Bolivian butterfly [Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, syn.: Papiliochromis altispinosa]Bolivianischer Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch {m}
Bolivian cacique [Cacicus chrysonotus, syn.: Cacicus leucoramphus]Bergkassike {f}
Bolivian cacique [Cacicus chrysonotus, syn.: Cacicus leucoramphus] Mittelandenkassike {f}
Bolivian calico snake [Oxyrhopus emberti] Bolivianische Mondnatter {f}
Bolivian chinchilla rat [Abrocoma boliviensis] Bolivianische Chinchillaratte {f}
Bolivian collared snake [Phalotris sansebastiani]Bolivianische Diademnatter {f}
Bolivian diadem snake [Phalotris sansebastiani] Bolivianische Diademnatter {f}
Bolivian earthcreeper [Upucerthia harterti] Braunkappen-Erdhacker {m}
Bolivian glossy flowerpiercer [Diglossa mystacalis] Barthakenschnabel {m}
Bolivian gray titi [Am.] [Callicebus donacophilus] Weißohr-Springaffe {m}
Bolivian green smooth snake [Erythrolamprus albertguentheri] Bolivianische Grüne Glattnatter {f}
Bolivian grey titi [Br.] [Callicebus donacophilus] Weißohr-Springaffe {m}
Bolivian hemispingus [Hemispingus calophrys] Ockerbrauenhemispingus {m} [auch: Ockerbrauen-Hemispingus]
Bolivian jew [Callisia repens, syn.: Commelina hexandra var. mandonii, Hapalanthus repens, Spironema robbinsii, Tradescantia callisia] Kriechendes Schönpolster {n}
Bolivian racer [Philodryas boliviana] Bolivianische Streifen-Strauchnatter {f}
Bolivian ram [Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, syn.: Papiliochromis altispinosa]Bolivianischer Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch {m}
« boguboheboilboilBolaboldBoliBolsboltbombbomb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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