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bombast Bombastik {f}
bombast Schwulst {m}
bombast Wortschwall {m}
bombast Saalschwulst {m}
bombastBombast {m}
bombast [padding] [also fig.]Füllmaterial {n} [auch fig.]
bombastic bombastisch
bombastic ausgepolstert
bombastic ausgestopft
bombastic hochklingend
bombastic schwulstig
bombastic überschwenglich [alt]
bombastic hochtrabend [Rede]
bombastic lineshochklingende Worte {pl}
bombastic phrasesüberschwängliche Redensarten {pl}
bombastic speech schwulstige Rede {f}
bombastic stylebombastischer Stil {m}
bombastically bombastisch
bombasts Schwülste {pl}
bombax family [family Bombacaceae] [now transferred as subfamily Bombacoideae to family Malvaceae]Bombaxgewächse {pl}
bombax family [family Bombacaceae] [now transferred as subfamily Bombacoideae to family Malvaceae] Kapokgewächse {pl}
bombax family [family Bombacaceae] [now transferred as subfamily Bombacoideae to family Malvaceae] Wollbaumgewächse {pl}
Bombay [former name for Mumbai] Bombay {n} [früherer Name für Mumbai]
Bombay blood groupBombay-Blutgruppe {f}
Bombay bowler <BB> Bombay Bowler {m} [Tropenhelm]
Bombay (cat)Bombay-Katze {f}
Bombay duck [Harpadon nehereus] Bummalo {m} [Raubfisch]
Bombay ebony [Diospyros montana] Tandam {f}
Bombay senna [Senna alexandrina, syn.: Cassia acutifolia, C. alexandrina, C. angustifolia, C. lanceolata, C. senna]Gewürzrinde {f}
Bombayite Bombayer {m}
Bombayite [female] Bombayerin {f}
bombazineBombasin {m}
bomb-bay bin Bombenschachtbehälter {m}
bomb-bay doorBombenschachtklappe {f}
bomb-bay rack Bombenaufhängung {f}
bomb-bay release gearBombenschachtauslöser {m}
bomb-bay tank Bombenschachttank {m}
bomb-buildingBombenbau {m}
bomb-building Bombenbauen {n}
bomb-damagedvon Bomben beschädigt
bombe Eisbombe {f}
bombe [Br.] [Turing bombe, Turing-Welchman bombe; an electromechanical device used by British cryptologists] Turing-Bombe {f} [ugs.: Bombe]
Bombe Alaska Alaskabombe {f}
bombe glacée Eisbombe {f}
bombed zerbombt
bombed [Am.] [coll.] [drunk]besoffen [ugs.]
bombed out ausgebombt
bombed to pieces [postpos.] zerbombt
bombed-out zerbombt
bombed-out people Ausgebombte {pl}
bomber Bombenleger {m}
bomber Bombenflugzeug {n}
bomber Bomber {m}
bomber [female] Bombenlegerin {f}
bomber [terrorist] Bombenattentäter {m}
bomber blouson Bomber-Blouson {m} {n}
bomber blouson Bomberblouson {m} {n}
bomber crew Bomberbesatzung {f}
bomber formation Bomberformation {f}
bomber formation Bomberverband {m} [Formation]
bomber group Kampfgruppe {f} <Kgr> [Luftwaffe]
bomber group [Am.] Bombergeschwader {n}
bomber group [Am.]Bomberverband {m} [Einheit]
Bomber Group [converted to fighter operations]Kampfgruppe-Jäger {f} <Kgj> [Luftwaffe]
bomber jacket Fliegerjacke {f}
bomber jacket Bomberjacke {f}
bomber jacketBomber-Jacke {f}
bomber pilot Bomberpilot {m}
bomber roleBomberrolle {f}
bomber squadronBombergeschwader {n}
bomber squadronBomberstaffel {f}
Bomber Wing Kampfgeschwader {n} <KG> [Luftwaffe]
bomber wingBombergeschwader {n}
bomber wingBomberverband {m} [Einheit]
bombers Bomber {pl}
bombesin Bombesin {n}
bomb-grade bombenfähig
bombilla [straw to drink mate] Bombilla {f} [Trinkröhrchen für Mate-Tee]
bombingBombenabwurf {m}
bombing Bombardierung {f}
bombing Bombardement {n}
bombingSprengstoffattentat {n}
bombingBombenwurf {m}
bombing [terror attack] Bombenanschlag {m}
bombing aircraft Bombenflugzeug {n}
bombing altitudeBombenabwurfhöhe {f}
bombing attack Angriff {m} mit Bombenflugzeugen
bombing attack Bombenangriff {m}
bombing bag Bombentasche {f}
bombing campaign Bombardierungskampagne {f}
bombing (in a pool) [Br.] [splash diving]Arschbomben {n} [derb]
Bombing of Darmstadt Luftangriff {m} auf Darmstadt
bombing panel Bombenteppich {m}
bombing practice area Bombodrom {n}
« BoliBolsboltbombbombbombbombbonabondbondbond »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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