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« backPage 457 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
book Buch {n}
book Gesang {m} [Teil einer Dichtung]
bookTextbuch {n}
book Titel {m} [pars pro toto]
book [attr.] [e.g. artist, cover, illustrator, page, review] Buch- [z. B. Künstler, Einband, Illustrator, Seite, Kritik]
book [attr.] [e.g. burning, list, lover, token]Bücher- [z. B. Verbrennung, Liste, Freund, Gutschein]
book [esp. scholarly book, e.g. monography, edited volume]selbständige Veröffentlichung {f}
book [esp. scholarly book, e.g. monography, edited volume] selbstständige Veröffentlichung {f}
book [thin booklet, exercise book etc. with soft cover] Heft {n}
book about / on animals Tierbuch {n}
book about / on biology Biologiebuch {n}
book about / on chemistryChemiebuch {n}
book about / on drugs Drogenbuch {n} [Buch über Drogen]
book about / on natural history Naturkundebuch {n}
book about / on physical science Naturlehrebuch {n}
book about / on physics Physikbuch {n}
book about / on plants Pflanzenbuch {n}
book about / on poisons Giftbuch {n} [Buch über Gifte]
book about (cowboys and) Indians Indianerbuch {n}
book about economics Wirtschaftsbuch {n} [Buch über Wirtschaftslehre]
book art Buchkunst {f}
book artist Buchkünstler {m}
book auctionBücherversteigerung {f}
book author Buchautor {m}
book bag [Am.] Schultasche {f}
book bag [Am.]Büchertasche {f} [Schultasche]
book banning Bücherverbot {n}
book binderyBuchbinderei {f}
book binding Bucheinband {m}
book boardBücherbrett {n}
book box Bücherkiste {f}
book box set Kassette {f} [mit Büchern]
book burning Bücherverbrennung {f}
book business Buchgeschäft {n}
book capacitor Flachkondensator {m}
book capacitor Quetschkondensator {m}
book carriageBücherkarren {m}
book cart Bücherwagen {m}
book case Bücherschrank {m}
book caseBücherkiste {f}
Book Case [Stephen Greenleaf] Buch der Lügen
book catalog [Am.]Bücherkatalog {m}
book catalogue Bücherkatalog {m}
book chapterBuchkapitel {n}
book chapter [in an edited volume] Buchbeitrag {m} [in einem Sammelband]
book claim Buchforderung {f}
book claimsBuchforderungen {pl}
book claspBuchschließe {f}
book cloth Buchbinderleinwand {f}
book club Buchgemeinschaft {f}
book clubBuchklub {m}
book club Büchergemeinschaft {f}
book clubLesegruppe {f}
book clubBüchergilde {f}
book club [reading group]Literaturzirkel {m}
book clubs Buchgemeinschaften {pl}
book collection Buchsammlung {f}
book collection Büchersammlung {f}
book collectorBüchersammler {m}
book conceptBuchkonzeption {f}
book containing plates Buch {n} mit Abbildungen
book corner [fig.] Bücherecke {f} [fig.]
book coverBucheinband {m}
book coverBuchumschlag {m}
book cradle [helps prop a book open, usually at an angle less than 180° (V-shaped)] Buchwiege {f}
book cradle [keeps both sides of an open book level, at 180°] Buchwippe {f}
book credit Buchkredit {m}
book critic Buchkritiker {m}
book critic [female] Buchkritikerin {f}
book criticsRezensenten {pl} [von Büchern]
book cultureBuchkultur {f}
book dealer Buchhändler {m}
book dealer [also: book-dealer] Buchführer {m} [Buchhändler] [in diesem Sinne veraltet]
book debt Buchschuld {f}
book debtsAußenstände {pl}
book decorationBuchschmuck {m}
book description [review] Buchbeschreibung {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Buchbesprechung]
book description [review]Buchbesprechung {f}
book designBuchausstattung {f}
book design Buchgestaltung {f}
book development Buchentwicklung {f}
book distribution centre [Br.] Bücherauslieferungslager {n}
book distributors {pl} Buchvertrieb {m}
book drop (off) Buchrückgabe {f}
book edgeBuchkante {f}
book edition Buchausgabe {f}
book edition Buchauflage {f} [Buchausgabe]
book end Bücherstütze {f}
book endsBücherstützen {pl}
book entryBuchung {f}
book entry Buchungseintrag {m}
book entry Verbuchung {f}
book entry systemBuchungssystem {n}
book exhibition Bücherausstellung {f}
book fairBuchmesse {f}
book fair Büchermesse {f}
book flea market Bücherflohmarkt {m}
book for adolescents Jugendbuch {n}
book for advanced studentsFortgeschrittenenbuch {n}
book for beginnersAnfängerbuch {n}
« bonebonebonnbonuBoo!bookbookbookbookbookbook »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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