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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 459 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
book fairBüchermesse {f}
book flea marketBücherflohmarkt {m}
book for adolescents Jugendbuch {n}
book for advanced studentsFortgeschrittenenbuch {n}
book for beginnersAnfängerbuch {n}
book for ChristmasBuch {n} als Weihnachtsgeschenk
book for girlsMädchenbuch {n}
book for the use of children Buch {n} für Kinder
book for young girlsMädchenbuch {n}
book for young peopleJugendbuch {n}
book formBuchform {f}
book format Buchformat {n}
book gainBuchgewinn {m}
book hand Buchschrift {f}
book illustrationBuchillustration {f}
book illustrations Buchillustrationen {pl}
book illustratorBuchillustrator {m}
book illustrator [female] Buchillustratorin {f}
book in folio formBuch {n} im Folioformat
book in sheets ungebundenes Buch {n}
book intended for studentsBuch {n} für Studenten
book inventory Bücherinventar {n}
book jacketBuchhülle {f}
book jacket Schutzumschlag {m}
book keeperBuchhalter {m}
book keeper [female] Buchhalterin {f}
book keeping Buchhaltung {f}
book knowledge Buchwissen {n}
book knowledge [also: book-knowledge] Schulgelehrsamkeit {f} [pej.]
book knowledge [also: book-knowledge] Schulweisheit {f} [pej.]
book launch Buchvorstellung {f}
book launchBuchpräsentation {f}
book layout Buchausstattung {f}
book learning Schulgelehrsamkeit {f}
book learningBelesenheit {f}
book learning Buchwissen {n}
book learning Gelehrsamkeit {f}
book learningSchulweisheit {f}
book learning [also: book-learning]Buchgelehrsamkeit {f} [veraltend]
book lendingBuchausleihe {f}
book listBücherliste {f}
book loss buchmäßiger Verlust {m}
book loss Buchverlust {m} [buchmäßiger Verlust]
book louse Buchlaus {f}
book louse Bücherlaus {f}
book lover Bücherfreund {m}
book lover Bücherliebhaber {m}
book lover [female]Bücherfreundin {f}
book lover [female] Bücherliebhaberin {f}
book lung [respiration organ of scorpions and spiders] Buchlunge {f} [Atmungsorgane von Spinnen und Skorpionen]
book maker [female] Buchherstellerin {f}
book making [manufacturing of books] Buchherstellung {f}
book markLesezeichen {n}
book market Büchermarkt {m}
book market Buchmarkt {m}
book matches {pl} Zündholzbriefchen {n} [wörtlich: Zündhölzer in Buchform]
book mobile Bücherwagen {m}
book money Buchgeld {n}
book money Giralgeld {n}
book move [chess] Theoriezug {m} [Schach]
book muslin Mull {m} des Buchbinders
book numberBuchnummer {f}
book number Signatur {f}
book nutBüchernarr {m}
book of accountsKontenbuch {n}
Book of Acts [Book of the Apostles]Apostelgeschichte {f} <Apg.>
book of adventure storiesAbenteuerbuch {n}
book of arrivals Eingangsbuch {n}
book of balladsBalladensammlung {f}
Book of Baruch (Bar) Buch {n} Baruch
book of birdsVogelbuch {n}
Book of Books Buch {n} der Bücher
book of chargesUnkostenbuch {n}
Book of Chronicles Buch {n} der Chronik
book of commissions Auftragsbuch {n}
Book of Common Prayer [Anglican Church] Agende {f} [evang. Kirche]
Book of Common Prayer [Church of England / Anglican Communion]Book of Common Prayer {n}
Book of Common Prayer <BCP>[Gebetbuch der anglikanischen Kirche]
book of complaints Beschwerdebuch {n}
Book of ConcordKonkordienbuch {n}
book of condolence Kondolenzbuch {n}
book of condolences Kondolenzbuch {n}
Book of Confutation Konfutationsbuch {n}
book of consolationTrostbuch {n}
book of consolation Trostschrift {f}
book of coupons [Am.] Gutscheinheft {n}
book of dreamsTraumbuch {n}
Book of Ecclesiastes <Ecc> Buch {n} Kohelet <Koh>
Book of Ecclesiastes <Ecc> [called Qoheleth] Buch {n} Der Prediger <Koh>
book of engravingsStichwerk {n}
book of etiquette Knigge {m}
book of exercisesÜbungsbuch {n}
book of fablesFabelnsammlung {f}
book of factsNachschlagewerk {n}
Book of FactsBuch der Tatsachen [Isaac Asimov]
book of fairy-talesMärchenbuch {n}
book of fairytales Märchenbuch {n}
book of faith Glaubensbuch {n}
book of family vouchersFamilienpass {m}
book of folk tales Volksbuch {n}
« boneBonnbonuboo booibookBookbookbookbookbook »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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