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Book of Gospels Evangeliar {n}
book of heraldry Wappenbuch {n}
book of homilies Predigtbuch {n}
book of honor [Am.]Ehrenbuch {n}
book of hours Stundenbuch {n}
book of household accounts Haushaltsbuch {n}
book of household science Arbeitslehrebuch {n}
book of hymns Hymnensammlung {f}
book of invoicesFakturenbuch {n}
Book of JubileesJubiläenbuch {n}
Book of JudithBuch {n} Judit
Book of Kells Book {n} of Kells
Book of KellsBuch {n} von Kells
Book of Lamentations Klagelieder {pl} Jeremias [Lamentationes]
book of light readingleichter Lesestoff {m}
book of liturgiesAgende {f} [evang. Kirche]
book of magic Buch {n} der Magie
book of matchesStreichholzbriefchen {n}
book of matches Zündholzheftchen {n}
book of matches Briefchen {n} Streichhölzer
book of matches Briefchen {n} Zündhölzer
book of matches Streichholzheftchen {n}
book of matchesStreichholzbrief {m}
Book of Matthew <Matt, Mt>Evangelium {n} nach Matthäus <Matth, Mt>
book of meditations Meditationsbuch {n}
book of monuments Denkmalbuch {n}
book of mug shotsVerbrecheralbum {n}
book of navigationNavigationsbuch {n}
book of needlesNadelheftchen {n}
book of non-fiction Sachbuch {n}
Book of Nut [collection of ancient Egyptian astronomical texts]Nutbuch {n} [Sammlung von altägyptisch-astronomischen Texten]
book of odesOdenbuch {n}
book of permits for buying toxic substances Giftbuch {n} [schweiz.] [Buch mit einzelnen Giftscheinen]
book of poems Gedichtband {m}
book of poetryGedichtband {m}
book of prayers Gebetsbuch {n}
book of prayersGebetbuch {n}
book of precedentsJudikatenbuch {n}
book of prescriptions Rezeptbuch {n}
book of prime entry Tagesjournal {n}
Book of Proverbs Buch {n} der Sprüche Salomons
Book of Proverbs Buch {n} der Sprichwörter [Sprüche Salomos]
Book of Psalms Buch {n} der Psalmen
book of quotations Buch {n} der Zitate
book of quotations Zitatenbuch {n}
book of receipt forms Quittungsblock {m}
book of receiptsEinnahmenbuch {n}
book of receiptsQuittungsbuch {n}
book of records Nachweisbuch {n}
book of reference Nachschlagewerk {n}
Book of Revelation Buch {n} der Offenbarung
Book of RevelationOffenbarung {f} des Johannes
book of rules Regelbuch {n}
book of samplesMusterbuch {n}
book of sermons Predigtbuch {n}
book of seven seals Buch {n} mit sieben Siegeln
Book of Shadows <BOS>Buch {n} der Schatten
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 [Joe Berlinger] Blair Witch 2
book of short storiesKurzgeschichtenbuch {n}
book of songsGesangbuch {n}
book of spellsZauberbuch {n}
book of stamps Briefmarkenbuch {n}
book of stamps Briefmarkenheftchen {n}
book of stamps Briefmarkenheft {n}
book of standing instructions Anweisungsbuch {n}
book of substance gehaltvolles Buch {n}
book of the BibleBuch {n} der Bibel
Book of the Covenant [Exod 20-23] Bundesbuch {n}
Book of the Dead [Patricia Cornwell]Totenbuch
Book of the Twelve ProphetsZwölfprophetenbuch {n}
book of the world Weltbuch {n}
(Book of the) Minor ProphetsZwölfprophetenbuch {n}
Book of (the) Watchers [1 Enoch 1–36] Wächterbuch {n}
book of tickets Fahrscheinheft {n}
Book of Tobit [Book of Tobias in older Catholic Bibles] Buch {n} Tobit
book of trades Ständebuch {n}
book of travel Reisebuch {n}
book of travelsReisebeschreibung {f}
book of vouchers Gutscheinheft {n}
(Book of) AmosAmosbuch {n}
(Book of) EstherEstherbuch {n}
(Book of) Jeremiah Jeremiabuch {n}
(Book of) Job Hiobbuch {n}
(Book of) Malachi Maleachibuch {n} [selten für: Buch Maleachi]
(Book of) Micah Michabuch {n}
(Book of) Sirach Buch {n} Jesus Sirach <SIR>
(Book of) WisdomBuch {n} der Weisheit
book on etiquetteKnigge {m}
book on falconry Falkenbuch {n}
book on France Buch {n} über Frankreich
book on fundamentals [also: book of fundamentals] Grundlagenbuch {n}
book on general knowledge Sachkundebuch {n} [Schulbuch]
book on hand vorliegendes Buch {n}
book on household science Arbeitslehrebuch {n} [Schulbuch]
book on Ireland Irlandbuch {n}
book on mathematicsMathematikbuch {n}
book on nature study Naturkundebuch {n} [Schulbuch]
book on social studies Sozialkundebuch {n}
book on social studiesGemeinschaftskundebuch {n}
book on the Index (of Prohibited Books) verbotenes Buch {n}
« bonnbonuBoo!boojbookBookbookbookbookbookbook »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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