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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 465 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
bookish [stilted]geschraubt [ugs.]
bookish [well read] belesen
bookish knowledgeBücherweisheit {f}
bookish languageliterarischer Stil {m}
bookish person [speaking in a stilted manner]geschraubt sprechende Person {f}
bookishnessStubengelehrsamkeit {f} [geh.] [pej.]
bookishnessGelehrsamkeit {f}
bookishness Buchgelehrsamkeit {f} [veraltend]
bookjacket Schutzumschlag {m}
book-jacketBuchhülle {f}
bookkeeper Buchhalter {m}
book-keeper [female]Buchhalterin {f}
bookkeeper [female]Buchhalterin {f}
bookkeepingBuchhaltung {f}
bookkeepingBuchführung {f}
book-keeping Rechnungswesen {n}
bookkeeping Buchhalten {n} [veraltet]
bookkeeping clerk Buchhalter {m}
bookkeeping department Buchhaltungsabteilung {f}
bookkeeping errorBuchhaltungsfehler {m}
bookkeeping error Fehlbuchung {f}
bookkeeping loss Buchungsverlust {m}
bookkeeping transfer buchhalterische Übertragung {f}
booklearned mit Bücherweisheit [nachgestellt]
book-learning Belesenheit {f}
book-learning Buchwissen {n}
book-learning Büchergelehrsamkeit {f}
book-learning Gelehrsamkeit {f}
book-learning Schulweisheit {f}
book-learning Schulgelehrsamkeit {f}
book-learning Bücherweisheit {f}
book-learning [often pej.] Buchweisheit {f} [oft pej.]
bookless accounting Belegbuchhaltung {f}
booklet Broschüre {f}
booklet Heftchen {n}
bookletWerbebroschüre {f}
bookletBüchlein {n}
bookletBändchen {n} <Bdchen.>
bookletHeft {n} [geheftetes Büchlein]
bookletBooklet {n}
booklet Büchelchen {n} [regional]
bookletHeftlein {n} [Heftchen]
booklet [containing text of a song, an opera, play etc.]Textheft {n}
booklets Broschüren {pl}
booklets Büchlein {pl}
booklice [order Psocoptera]Staubläuse {pl}
book-like buchartig
bookloreBücherwissen {n}
book-lore Bücherweisheit {f}
book-loreBuchgelehrsamkeit {f} [veraltend]
book-lossrechnerischer Verlust {m}
bookloverBuchliebhaber {m}
bookloverBücherfreund {m}
book-loverBücherliebhaber {m}
booklover Bücherliebhaber {m}
booklover [female] Buchliebhaberin {f}
booklover [female] Bücherliebhaberin {f}
booklover's edition Liebhaberausgabe {f}
bookmaker Buchmacher {m}
bookmaker Bücherschreiber {m}
bookmaker [female] Buchmacherin {f}
book-maker [in betting] [spv.] Buchmacher {m} [bei Wetten]
bookmaker sandwich Buchmacher-Sandwich {n} {m}
bookmaking Buchmachen {n}
bookmaking Bücherschreiben {n}
bookmakingBuchherstellung {f}
bookmanBuchgelehrter {m}
bookmanStubengelehrter {m}
bookman Büchermensch {m}
bookman Gelehrter {m}
bookman Mann {m} des Buches
bookman Büchernarr {m}
bookman [female] Stubengelehrte {f}
bookmark Lesemarke {f}
bookmark Lesezeichen {n}
book-mark Lesezeichen {n}
bookmark Wendel {m} [pfälz.]
bookmarkBookmark {n}
bookmark Buchzeichen {n}
bookmark Einmerker {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [Lesezeichen]
bookmark Einmerkerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [Lesezeichen]
Bookmark not defined!Textmarke nicht definiert!
bookmark toolbarLesezeichenleiste {f}
bookmarkerLesezeichen {n}
bookmarkletBookmarklet {n}
bookmarksLesezeichen {pl}
bookmatched[spiegelsymmetrische Furniermaserung]
book-matched [spiegelsymmetrische Furniermaserung]
bookmate Studiengenosse {m}
bookmobileBücherbus {m}
bookmobile Fahrbücherei {f}
bookmobile mobile Bücherausleihe {f}
bookmobileFahrbibliothek {f}
bookmobile fahrbare Bücherei {f}
bookmobile Büchermobil {n}
bookname Buchname {m}
booknames Buchtitel {pl}
book-padding [obs.] [rare]Plagiat {n}
book-plateExlibris {n}
« bookbookbookbookbookbookbookbookboomboomboos »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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