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« backPage 473 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
borborygmusBorborygmus {m}
borborygmusDarmgeräusch {n}
borborygmus Darmkollern {n}
borborygmus Magenknurren {n}
borcarite [Ca4MgB4O6(OH)6(CO3)2] Borcarit {m}
Borchgrevink CoastBorchgrevink-Küste {f}
Borchgrevink GlacierBorchgrevink-Gletscher {m}
BordeauxBordeauxwein {m}
Bordeaux Bordeaux {n}
Bordeaux [wine]Bordeaux {m}
Bordeaux cricket [Modicogryllus bordigalensis] Bordeaux-Grille {f}
Bordeaux cricket [Modicogryllus bordigalensis] Südliche Grille {f}
Bordeaux glassBordeauxglas {n}
Bordeaux mixture Kupferkalkbrühe {f}
Bordeaux mixture Bordeauxbrühe {f} [Kupferkalkbrühe]
Bordeaux mixtureBordeauxmischung {f} [Kupferkalkbrühe]
Bordeaux mixtureKupfervitriolkalkbrühe {f} [Bordelaiser Brühe]
Bordeaux mixture [used as a fungicide] Bordelaiser Brühe {f} [Kupferkalkbrühe]
Bordeaux (wine)Bordeauxwein {m}
Bordeaux (wine) glass Bordeaux-Weinglas {n}
bordel [mostly historical] Bordell {n}
Bordelais [inhabitant of Bordeaux] Bordelese {m}
bordelaise sauce Bordeauxsauce {f}
bordelaise sauce Bordelaiser Sauce {f}
Bordelaise sauceBordelaiser Sauce {f}
Bordelaise sauce Bordeauxsauce {f}
Bordelese [obs.] [resident of Bordeaux] Bordelese {m} [Einwohner von Bordeaux]
bordelloHurenhaus {n} [veraltet]
bordelloPuff {m} [auch {n}] [ugs.] [Bordell]
bordelloSexsalon {m} [schweiz.]
bordello [esp. Am.]Bordell {n}
bordello customer [Am.] Bordellbesucher {m} [Freier]
bordello customer [Am.] Bordellkunde {m}
Bordello of Blood [Gilbert Adler] Bordello of Blood
bordello queen [coll.] Bordellmutter {f} [ugs.]
bordello queen [coll.] Puffmutter {f} [ugs.]
Borden IslandBorden-Insel {f}
border Begrenzung {f}
borderEinfassung {f}
border Grenze {f}
borderRand {m}
borderScheide {f} [veraltet] [Grenze]
border Bordüre {f}
border Borte {f}
borderEinrahmung {f}
borderRandleiste {f}
borderRandverzierung {f}
border Ufer {n}
border Umrandung {f}
borderLandesgrenze {f}
borderGebietsgrenze {f}
borderKante {f}
border Rabatte {f}
borderRandbeet {n}
borderAbschluss {m} [Rand, abschließender Teil]
borderSoffitte {f}
border [frame] Rahmen {m} [Einrahmung]
border [hem, edge] Saum {m}
border [trim, edging, moulding]Schmuckleiste {f}
border [trim, edging, moulding]Zierleiste {f}
border agreement Grenzabkommen {n}
border area Grenzbereich {m}
border area Grenzgebiet {n}
border areaGrenzland {n}
border area Grenzregion {f}
border area Grenzraum {m}
border areaRandzone {f}
border areaGrenzmark {f} [Grenzland, -gebiet]
border area Randregion {f}
border areas Grenzgebiete {pl}
border ballad Border Ballad {f}
border between sth. Grenze {f} zwischen etw. [Dat.]
border between the two Koreasinnerkoreanische Grenze {f}
border blaster [Am.] [coll.] [Rundfunksender, der für ein Zielpublikum in einem anderen Land sendet; insbesondere ein mexikanischer Sender, der in die USA sendet]
border carnation [Dianthus caryophyllus] Nelke {f}
border caseGrenzfall {m}
border checkGrenzkontrolle {f}
border checkpoint Grenzübergang {m} [Kontrollpunkt]
border cityGrenzstadt {f}
border clash Grenzkonflikt {m} [bewaffnet]
border clearance Grenzabfertigung {f}
border collie Border Collie {m} [Hunderasse]
border commerce Grenzhandel {m}
border community Grenzgemeinde {f}
border conflictsGrenzstreitigkeiten {pl}
border contrast Grenzkontrast {m}
border contrast Randkontrast {m}
border control Grenzkontrolle {f}
border controlsGrenzkontrollen {pl}
border controls {pl} Grenzkontrolle {f}
border countGrenzgraf {m}
border countriesGrenzländer {pl}
border country Grenzland {n}
border county Grenzgrafschaft {f}
border crosser Grenzgänger {m}
border crosserGrenzübertreter {m}
border crossingGrenzübergang {m} [Vorgang]
border crossing Grenzübertritt {m}
border crossing Grenzüberschreitung {f}
border crossing certificate Grenzübertrittsbescheinigung <GÜB> {f}
« boorboosbootbootboozborbbordbordbordborebori »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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