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boric acid (eye) lotion Borwasser {n}
boric acid solutionBorsäurelösung {f}
boric acid solution Borwasser {n} [gelöste Borsäure]
boric ointment Borsalbe {f}
boric oxide [B2O3] Bortrioxid {n}
boric oxide [B2O3]Dibortrioxid {n}
boric-acid ester Borsäureester {m}
borickite [CaFe4(PO4,SO4)2(OH)8·4-6H2O] [also: boryckite] Borickit {m} [auch: Boryckit]
borickyite [CaFe4(PO4,SO4)2(OH)8·4-6H2O]Borickyit {m}
boride Borid {n}
boring langweilig
boring fad [österr.] [südd.]
boring Bohrloch {n}
boring langweilend
boring öde [langweilig]
boringdröge [nordd.] [langweilig]
boringlangstielig [ugs.] [fig.] [langweilig]
boring Innendrehen {n}
boring zach [österr.] [langweilig]
boring [annoying] lästig
boring [drilling]bohrend
boring [making a hole] Bohren {n}
boring [not interesting]stupide [geh.] [pej.] [langweilig, monoton, stumpfsinnig]
boring algae bohrende Algen {pl}
boring algae Bohralgen {pl}
boring and facing latheBohr- und Plandrehmaschine {f}
boring and milling machineBohr- und Fräsmaschine {f}
boring as shit [vulg.]stinklangweilig [ugs.]
boring as sin [coll.]stinklangweilig [ugs.]
boring barBohrstange {f}
boring bar bit Bohrmesser {n}
boring bar holder Bohrstangenhalter {m}
boring bit Bohraufsatz {m}
boring bit Bohrereinsatz {m}
boring brown bolete [Boletus subtomentosus, syn.: Xerocomus subtomentosus] Ziegenlippe {f}
boring brown bolete [Boletus subtomentosus, syn.: Xerocomus subtomentosus]Filziger Röhrling {m}
boring bryozoans Bohrbryozoen {pl}
boring bush Bohrbuchse {f}
boring clam [Tridacna crocea] Eingewachsene Riesenmuschel {f}
boring dustBohrmehl {n}
boring headBohraufsatz {m}
boring jigBohrlehre {f}
boring jigBohrvorrichtung {f}
boring, lethargic old sod [Br.] [vulg.] Lahmarsch {m} [derb]
boring log Bohrprotokoll {n}
boring machineBohrmaschine {f}
boring mill Bohrwerk {n}
boring millBohrmühle {f}
boring musiclangweilige Musik {f}
boring oilBohröl {n}
boring painbohrender Schmerz {m}
boring petricola [Petricola lithophaga, syn.: P. costellata, P. rariflamma, P. rocellaria, P. sulcata, Mya decussata, Rupellaria reticulata, R. striata, Venerupis lamellosa, Venus lithophaga] Steinbohrender Engelsflügel {m} [Bohrmuschel]
boring process Bohrverfahren {n}
boring repetition langweilige Wiederholung {f}
boring speechlangweilige Rede {f}
boring sponges [genus Cliona]Bohrschwämme {pl}
boring sponges [genus Cliona] bohrende Schwämme {pl}
boring tale langweilige Erzählung {f}
boring tasklangweilige Aufgabe {f}
boring tool Bohrmeißel {m}
boring tool Bohrwerkzeug {n}
boring toolInnendrehstahl {m}
boring tool Aufbohrwerkzeug {n}
boring words langweilige Worte {pl}
boringly in langweiliger Weise
boringly langweilig
boringly normalstinknormal [ugs.]
boringly repetitious stumpfsinnig [pej.]
boringness Langweiligkeit {f}
boringsBohrspäne {pl}
boringsBohrspuren {pl} [in hartem Substrat angelegte Spuren]
Boris Godunov [Modest Mussorgsky] Boris Godunow [Modest Mussorgski]
Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev [pen name: Andrei Bely] Boris Nikolajewitsch Bugajew {m} [Schriftstellername: Andrei Bely]
Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin [Russian president] Boris Nikolajewitsch Jelzin {m}
borishanskiite [Pd(As,Pb)2]Borishanskiit {m}
borismBorvergiftung {f}
Borisoglebsk Borissoglebsk {n}
Borjomi Bordschomi {n}
borked [sl.] unwiderruflich beschädigt
borked [sl.] im Eimer [ugs.]
borked [sl.] unbrauchbar gemacht
borlotti beansBorlotti-Bohnen {pl}
BormioWorms {n} im Veltlintal [veraltet]
born von Geburt [nachgestellt]
-born -stämmig
born <b.> geboren <geb.>
born a fool [postpos.] dumm geboren
born a poet ein geborener Dichter {m}
born a poet [postpos.] zum Dichter geboren
born actor geborener Schauspieler {m}
born again wiedergeboren
born again wieder geboren
born alive lebend geboren
born and raisedgeboren und aufgewachsen
born and raised in New Yorkgeboren und aufgewachsen in New York
born and reared geboren und aufgewachsen
born atgeboren in
born at home [postpos.]zu Hause geboren
born blind [postpos.] blind geboren
« borbbordbordbordboreboribornBornboroborrBosn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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