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borrowing costsFremdkapitalkosten {pl}
borrowing costs {pl}Schuldendienst {m}
borrowing customer Kreditkunde {m}
borrowing facilitiesKreditfazilitäten {pl}
borrowing facilitiesKreditmöglichkeiten {pl}
borrowing from ausborgend
borrowing (from sb./sth) Anlehnung {f} (an jdn./etw.) [literarische oder musikalische etc. Anleihe]
borrowing limit Kreditlinie {f}
borrowing limit Beleihungsgrenze {f} [aus Sicht des Leihenden]
borrowing of moneyAufnahme {f} von Schulden
borrowing of money Kreditaufnahme {f}
borrowing on accounts receivable Kreditaufnahme {f} gegen Forderungen
borrowing powerKreditfähigkeit {f}
borrowing power Kreditvermögen {n}
borrowing rateLeihzins {m}
borrowing rate Sollzins {m} [ugs.] [Sollzinssatz]
borrowing regulations Ausleihbestimmungen {pl}
borrowing request Kreditantrag {m}
borrowing requirements {pl} Finanzierungsbedarf {m}
borrowing requirements {pl}Fremdmittelbedarf {m}
borrowing rulesAusleihbedingungen {pl}
borrowing shop Leihladen {m}
borrowing transactionsKreditgeschäfte {pl}
borrowings Anleihen {pl}
borrowings Kreditbeanspruchung {f}
borrowingsaufgenommenes Kapital {n}
borrowings Kreditverbindlichkeiten {pl}
borrowings in a foreign currencyKreditaufnahmen {pl} in fremder Währung
borrows [organ stops] [Extension eines Orgelregisters als eigenes Register]
Borrow's bustard [Neotis denhami] Stanleytrappe {f} [auch: Stanley-Trappe]
Borrow's bustard [Neotis denhami]Kafferntrappe {f}
borsch [spv.]Borschtsch {m}
borschtBorschtsch {m}
borscht belt Borschtsch-Gürtel {m}
borsht [spv.] Borschtsch {m}
borstal Erziehungsanstalt {f} für junge Straffällige
borstal [Br.] [hist.: young offenders' institution]Jugendstrafanstalt {f}
borstal [Br.] [obs.]Besserungsanstalt {f} [veraltet]
borstal boy [Junge in einer Erziehungsanstalt]
borstal (institution) [also: Borstal] [Br.] [hist.] [young offenders' institution]Erziehungsanstalt {f} [erzieherisch gestaltete Jugendstrafanstalt]
Borsuk-Ulam theorem [also: theorem of / from Borsuk-Ulam] Satz {m} von Borsuk-Ulam
bort Diamantstaub {m}
bort [also: boart or boort] [industrially used diamonds]Bort {m} [nur für Industriezwecke verwendete Diamanten]
bortezomib [C19H25BN4O4]Bortezomib {n}
bortnikovite [Pd4Cu3Zn]Bortnikovit {m}
borts Borts {n}
Boruca people Boruca {pl}
Boructuarians Boruktuarer {pl}
BorujerdBorudscherd {n}
Borussia [female allegorical figure as personification of Prussia]Borussia {f} [allegorische weibliche Figur als Personifikation Preußens]
Borussia [Latin name of Prussia] Borussia {n} [lateinischer Name Preußens]
borylene complexBorylenkomplex {m}
Borysthenia naticina [freshwater snail in the family Valvatidae, the valve snails] Fluss-Federkiemenschnecke {f}
Borysthenia naticina [freshwater snail in the family Valvatidae, the valve snails]Strom-Federkiemenschnecke {f} [selten]
borzoi Barsoi {m} [russischer Windhund]
borzoi Barzoi {m}
Bosančica [also: Bosnian Cyrillic or Croatian Cyrillic] Bosančica {f}
Bosc monitor [Varanus exanthematicus, syn.: V. (Polydaedalus) exanthematicus, V. exanthematicus ocellatus, V. ocellatus, Lacerta exanthematicus] Steppenwaran {m}
Bosc monitor [Varanus exanthematicus, syn.: V. (Polydaedalus) exanthematicus, V. exanthematicus ocellatus, V. ocellatus, Lacerta exanthematicus]Kap-Waran / Kapwaran {m}
Bosc monitor [Varanus exanthematicus, syn.: V. (Polydaedalus) exanthematicus, V. exanthematicus ocellatus, V. ocellatus, Lacerta exanthematicus]Schwarzkehl-Waran / Schwarzkehlwaran {m}
Bosc pearBoscs Flaschenbirne {f}
boscage [literary] [also: boskage] [thicket] Dickicht {n}
boscage [literary] [also: boskage] [thicket] Gebüsch {n}
boscage [term used by painters]Waldstück {n} [Gemälde, Zeichnung etc.]
boscardinite [Ag0.3Tl1.2Pb3(Sb7.8As1.7)S18] Boscardinit {m}
Bosca's newt [Lissotriton boscai, formerly: Triturus boscai] Spanischer Wassermolch {m}
Bosc's (fringe-fingered) lizard [Acanthodactylus boskianus]Boscs Fransenfinger {m} [Eidechsenart]
Bosc's (fringe-fingered) lizard [Acanthodactylus boskianus] Afrikanischer Fransenfinger {m} [Eidechsenspezies]
Bosc's fringe-toed lizard [Acanthodactylus boskianus] Afrikanischer Fransenfinger {m} [Eidechsenspezies]
Bosc's fringe-toed lizard [Acanthodactylus boskianus]Boscs Fransenfinger {m} [Eidechsenart]
Bosc's monitor [Varanus exanthematicus, syn.: V. (Polydaedalus) exanthematicus, V. exanthematicus ocellatus, V. ocellatus, Lacerta exanthematicus] Schwarzkehl-Waran / Schwarzkehlwaran {m}
Bosc's monitor [Varanus exanthematicus, syn.: V. (Polydaedalus) exanthematicus, V. exanthematicus ocellatus, V. ocellatus, Lacerta exanthematicus] Kap-Waran / Kapwaran {m}
Bosc's monitor [Varanus exanthematicus] Steppenwaran {m}
Bose-Einstein condensate <BEC>Bose-Einstein-Kondensat {n} <BEK>
Bose-Einstein statistics Bose-Einstein-Statistik {f}
bosentan [C27H29N5O6S] Bosentan {n}
Bose's theorem [theorem of Bose]Satz {m} von Bose
boshQuatsch {m}
boshUnsinn {m}
bosh bandRastankerring {m} [Hochofen]
boshy [coll.]unsinnig
bosjemanite Manganpickeringit {m}
boskGehölz {n}
boskageGebüsch {n}
bosketGebüsch {n}
Bosley regulator Bosley-Rückerzeiger {m}
Bosman player Bosman-Spieler {m} [ohne Ablöse]
Bosman ruling Bosman-Entscheidung {f}
(Bosman's) potto [Perodicticus potto]Potto {m}
bos'n [spv. for: bosun] [boatswain] Bootsmann {m}
Bosna (River)Bosna {f} [Fluss]
BosniaBosnien {n}
Bosnia and Herzegovina <.ba>Bosnien und Herzegowina {n}
Bosnia-Herzegovina <.ba>Bosnien-Herzegowina {n}
Bosniak Bosniake {m}
Bosniak Bosniak {m} [österr.]
Bosniak bosniakisch
Bosniak [female] Bosniakin {f}
« boreboribornBornboroborrBosnbossbotaBothBots »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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