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English-German Dictionary

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Bosniak [lancer, Prussian Army, 18th cent.] Bosniake {m} [Lanzenreiter, preußische Armee, 18. Jh.]
Bosniak Corps [unit of lancers, Prussian Army, 18th cent.]Bosniakenkorps {n} [Lanzenreitereinheit, preußische Armee, 18. Jh.]
BosniaksBosniaken {pl}
Bosnian Bosnier {m}
BosnianBosnisch {n}
Bosnian [female] Bosnierin {f}
Bosnian CrisisBosnische Annexionskrise {f}
Bosnian Crisis Bosnische Krise {f}
Bosnian crisis [also: annexation crisis, First Balkan Crisis] [1908] Bosnische Krise {f} [auch: Bosnische Annexionskrise]
Bosnian cuisine bosnische Küche {f}
Bosnian hellebore [Helleborus torquatus]Serbische Nieswurz {f}
Bosnian maple [Acer obtusatum, syn.: A. opalus ssp. obtusatum]Neapolitanischer Ahorn {m}
Bosnian maple [Acer obtusatum, syn.: A. opalus ssp. obtusatum] Stumpfblättriger Ahorn {m}
Bosnian pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis] Heldreichs Kiefer {f}
Bosnian pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis]Weißrindige Kiefer {f}
Bosnian pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: Pinus leucodermis]Schlangenhaut-Kiefer {f}
Bosnian pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: Pinus leucodermis] Lorica-Kiefer {f}
Bosnian pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: Pinus leucodermis] Panzerkiefer {f}
Bosnian pony Bosniak {m}
Bosnian ponyBosniake {m}
Bosnian viper [Vipera berus bosniensis] Bosnische Kreuzotter {f}
Bosnian viper [Vipera berus bosniensis] Balkan-Kreuzotter {f}
Bosnian WarBosnienkrieg {m}
Bosnian-bornin Bosnien geboren
Bosnians Bosnier {pl}
Bosnians [female]Bosnierinnen {pl}
Bosnian-speaking bosnischsprachig
bosom Busen {m}
bosomBrust {f}
bosom [fig.] [archaic]Herz {n} [fig.]
bosom [fig.] [literary] [loving care and protection, e.g. in the bosom of the family] Schoß {m} [fig.] [geh.] [Geborgenheit, z. B. im Schoß der Familie]
bosom buddy Busenfreund {m}
bosom buddy [female] Busenfreundin {f}
bosom companionBusenfreund {m}
bosom enemy [ironic]Busenfeind {m} [ironisch]
bosom friend Busenfreund {m}
bosom friend [female]Busenfreundin {f} [eher ironisch; auch Intimfeindin]
bosom friendshipBusenfreundschaft {f}
bosom girlfriend Busenfreundin {f} [eher ironisch; auch Intimfeindin]
bosom grabberBusengrapscher {m} [ugs.]
bosom of the family Schoß {m} der Familie
bosom orchid [Ophrys mammosa] Busen-Ragwurz {f}
bosom pal [coll.] Busenfreund {m} [meist ironisch]
bosom pal [female]Busenfreundin {f}
bosomfriend Busenfreund {m}
bosom-grabber Busengrapscher {m} [ugs.]
bosomsBusen {pl}
bosomy vollbusig
boson Boson {n}
boson decayBosonenzerfall {m}
boson field Bosonenfeld {n} [Feld, Hoch]
bosonic bosonisch
bosonisation [Br.]Bosonisierung {f}
bosonization Bosonisierung {f}
bosons Bosonen {pl}
BosphorusBosporus {m}
Bosporan KingdomBosporanisches Reich {n}
Bosporus Bosporus {m}
bosquetGebüsch {n}
bosquet Boskett {n}
bosquetLustwäldchen {n} [im Barockgarten]
bossChef {m}
boss Oberhaupt {n}
bossHerr {m} [veraltend] [Chef]
boss Knopf {m}
boss Macher {m}
boss Meister {m} [Chef] [Anrede]
boss Vorgesetzter {m}
boss King {m} [ugs.]
boss Beule {f}
boss Anschwellung {f}
boss Bosse {f}
boss Prinzipal {m} [altertümlich, 19. Jh]
boss Boss {m} [ugs.]
bossLochplatte {f}
bossBaas {m} [nordd., bes. Seemannssprache: Herr, Meister]
boss Endgegner {m}
boss [female]Chefin {f}
boss [female] Bossin {f} [ugs.]
boss [knob, stud] Buckel {m} [Auswölbung]
boss [sl.] [excellent]klasse [ugs.] [indekl. Adj.]
boss keyCheftaste {f}
boss lady [coll.] Chefin {f}
boss man [coll.] Boss {m} [ugs.] [Chef]
boss mareLeitstute {f}
boss of the crew Leiter {m} der Mannschaft
Boss Peak Boss Peak {m}
boss spacingNabenabstand {m}
bossa novaBossa nova {m} {f}
bossagenoch zu behauender Stein {m}
bossage Bossenquaderwerk {n}
bossboy [S.Afr.] Vorarbeiter {m}
bossedmit Bossen verziert
bosseln [game involving the throwing of a ball along country roads]Boßeln {n} [nordd.]
bosses Anlötteile {pl}
bosses Bosse {pl} [ugs.]
bossesChefs {pl}
bosses Baase {pl} [nordd., bes. Seemannssprache: Herren, Meister, Aufseher]
« boribornBornboroborrBosnbossbotaBothBotsbott »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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