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bottle of brandy Schnapsflasche {f}
bottle of champagne Flasche {f} Sekt
bottle of ChiantiFlasche {f} Chianti
bottle of cold beer Flasche {f} kaltes Bier
bottle of fruit syrup Flasche {f} Fruchtsirup
bottle of hay [obs.] [bundle] Bündel {n} Heu
bottle of lager Flasche {f} Lagerbier
bottle of liquor Flasche {f} Likör
bottle of milk Flasche {f} Milch
bottle of mineral waterFlasche {f} Mineralwasser
bottle of oxygenSauerstoffflasche {f}
bottle of perfume Flasche {f} Parfüm
bottle of scent Flasche {f} Parfüm
bottle of sodaLimonadeflasche {f}
bottle of water Flasche {f} Wasser
bottle of wine Flasche {f} Wein
bottle openerFlaschenöffner {m}
bottle opener Kapselheber {m}
bottle openers Flaschenöffner {pl}
bottle organFlaschenorgel {f}
bottle palm [Hyophorbe lagenicaulis, syn.: Mascarena lagenicaulis]Flaschenpalme {f}
bottle palm [Hyophorbe lagenicaulis, syn.: Mascarena lagenicaulis] Fasspalme {f}
bottle party Bottleparty {f} [Party, zu der die geladenen Gäste die alkoholischen Getränke selbst mitbringen]
bottle plant [bottling plant, filling plant] Abfüllwerk {n} [Flaschenabfüllwerk]
bottle postFlaschenpost {f}
bottle pour spout Flaschenausgießer {m}
bottle productionFlaschenproduktion {f}
bottle rackFlaschengestell {n}
bottle rack Flaschenregal {n}
bottle return machine Flaschenrückgabeautomat {m}
bottle return receipt Pfandbon {m}
bottle rocket Flaschenrakete {f}
Bottle Rocket [Wes Anderson, 1996] Durchgeknallt
bottle scavengerFlaschensammler {m}
bottle screw Korkenzieher {m}
bottle sedge [Carex rostrata]Schnabel-Segge {f}
bottle sedge [Carex rostrata]Flaschen-Segge / Flaschensegge {f}
bottle shapeFlaschenform {f}
bottle ship museum Flaschenschiffmuseum {n}
bottle shop [Aus.] [S.Afr.]Getränkemarkt {m}
bottle size Flaschengröße {f}
bottle slingBootsmannsmaatenknoten {m}
bottle sling Krugknoten {m}
bottle sling [also: jug sling]Kannenschlinge {f} [selten]
bottle stand Flaschenständer {m}
bottle stopper Flaschenverschluss {m}
bottle stopper Flaschenkorken {m}
bottle stopperFlaschenstöpsel {m}
bottle stopperFlaschenstopfen {m}
bottle topVerschluss {m} [von Flasche]
bottle top Flaschenverschluss {m}
bottle top [esp. Br.] Flaschendeckel {m}
bottle top dispenser Flaschenaufsatzdispenser {m}
bottle topperFlaschenkrause {f}
bottle topperFlaschenkragen {m}
bottle topperFlaschenhalskrause {f}
bottle topper Flaschenaufstecker {m}
bottle topper Flaschenaufsatz {m}
bottle transport Flaschentransport {m}
bottle tree [genus Brachychiton] Flaschenbaum {m}
bottle warmerFlaschenwärmer {m}
bottle warmer Fläschchenwärmer {m}
bottle washer Flaschenreiniger {m}
bottle washer Flaschenwäscher {m}
bottle washer Flaschenwaschmaschine {f}
bottle with refundable deposit Pfandflasche {f}
(bottle) pourerAusgießer {m} [auf einer Flasche]
bottle-ageing Flaschenreifung {f}
bottle-agingFlaschenreifung {f}
bottle-baby Flaschenkind {n}
bottlebee [Calliphora vomitoria] Blaue Schmeißfliege {f}
bottlebee [Calliphora vomitoria] Blaue Aasfliege {f}
bottlebee [Calliphora vomitoria]Blaue Fleischfliege {f}
bottlebee [Calliphora vomitoria] Brummer {m} [Schmeißfliege]
bottlebrushFlaschenbürste {f}
bottlebrush [genus Beaufortia] Flaschenbürste {f} [Gattung der Myrtengewächse]
bottlebrush [genus Callistemon, family Myrtaceae]Pfeifenputzer {m} [Zylinderputzer]
bottlebrush [genus Callistemon, family Myrtaceae]Flaschenputzer {m} [Zylinderputzer]
bottlebrush [genus Callistemon] Zylinderputzer {m}
bottlebrush / bottle-brush / bottle brush grass [Elymus hystrix, syn.: Hystrix patula] Flaschenbürstengras {n} [auch: Flaschenbürsten-Gras]
bottlebrush / bottle-brush / bottle brush grass [Elymus hystrix, syn.: Hystrix patula] Flaschenputzergras {n}
bottlebrush / bottle-brush buckeye [Aesculus parviflora, syn.: Aesculus macrostachya, Pavia macrostachya]Strandrosskastanie {f}
bottlebrush buckeye [Aesculus parviflora, syn.: Aesculus macrostachya, Pavia macrostachya] Strauch-Rosskastanie {f}
bottlebrush buckeye [Aesculus parviflora, syn.: Aesculus macrostachya, Pavia macrostachya]Strauchkastanie {f}
bottle-brush coral [Muriceopsis flavida]Karibische Gorgonie {f}
bottle-brush coral [Muriceopsis flavida]Lila Gorgonie {f}
bottlebrush Indianwheat [Plantago aristata] Begrannter Wegerich {m}
bottledin Flaschen abgefüllt
bottled abgefüllt
bottled ale Flaschenbier {n}
bottled beerFlaschenbier {n}
bottled beerFlaschbier {n} [ugs.]
bottled beer Buttelbier {n} [veraltet]
bottled by the brewer von der Brauerei auf Flaschen gefüllt
bottled by the proprietor [Br.] Erzeugerabfüllung [Etikettaufschrift]
bottled cider Apfelwein {m} in Flaschen
bottled fruit [Br.] eingemachtes Obst {n} [in Gläsern]
bottled gas Flaschengas {n}
bottled in Denmark [postpos.] in Dänemark abgefüllt [in Flaschen]
« BosnbossbotaBothBotsbottbottbottbottbottbott »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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