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English-German Dictionary

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bottled by the proprietor [Br.]Erzeugerabfüllung [Etikettaufschrift]
bottled cider Apfelwein {m} in Flaschen
bottled fruit [Br.]eingemachtes Obst {n} [in Gläsern]
bottled gasFlaschengas {n}
bottled in Denmark [postpos.] in Dänemark abgefüllt [in Flaschen]
bottled in our cellars [postpos.] aus eigener Abfüllung [nachgestellt] [Herstellerangabe] [z. B. Wein]
bottled milk Flaschenmilch {f}
bottled oxygen Flaschensauerstoff {m}
bottled pears [Br.] eingemachte Birnen {pl} [in Gläsern]
bottled waterTafelwasser {n}
bottled water Flaschenwasser {n}
bottled wineauf Flaschen gezogener Wein {m}
bottled wineFlaschenwein {m}
bottled wineWein {m} in Flaschen
bottled-up hatredangestauter Hass {m}
bottle-fed mit der Flasche aufgezogen
bottle-fed babies Flaschenkinder {pl}
bottle-fed baby Flaschenkind {n}
bottle-filling machine Abfüller {m}
bottlefulFlasche {f} (voll)
bottlegreenFlaschengrün {n}
bottle-imported in Flaschen importiert
bottle-maker [also: bottlemaker] [person who makes bottles] Flaschenmacher {m} [veraltet]
bottleneckEngpass {m}
bottleneck Engpaß {m} [alt]
bottle-neck Flaschenhals {m}
bottleneck Flaschenhals {m}
bottleneck Kapazitätsengpaß {m} [alt]
bottleneck Bottleneck {m} [Zubehör für Gitarristen]
bottleneck [Am.] Sanduhr {f}
bottleneck [fig.] Engstelle {f}
bottleneck [fig.]Kapazitätsengpass {m}
bottleneck [narrow section of road] Nadelöhr {n} [fig.] [Engpass]
bottleneck cartridge Flaschenhalspatrone {f}
bottleneck effect Flaschenhalseffekt {m}
bottleneck guitar Bottleneck-Gitarre {f}
bottleneck in supply Versorgungsengpass {m}
bottleneck inflation sektorielle Inflation {f}
bottleneck machinesEngpassmaschinen {pl}
bottleneck slideBottleneck Slide {m}
bottleneckingBottlenecking {n}
bottlenecks Engpässe {pl}
bottlenose skate [Rostroraja alba]Saumrochen {m}
bottlenose skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: bottlenose]Bandrochen {m}
bottlenose skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: bottlenose] Spitzrochen {m} [Bandrochen]
bottlenose skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: bottlenose] Randrochen {m}
bottlenose skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: bottlenose] Gesäumter Glattrochen {m}
bottle-nosed dolphin [Tursiops truncatus] Großer Tümmler {m}
bottlenosed skate [Rostroraja alba] [also: bottlenose]Bandrochen {m}
bottle-o [Aus.] [sl.]Getränkemarkt {m}
bottleplant shrub [Jatropha podagrica] Rhabarber {m} von Guatemala
bottleplant shrub [Jatropha podagrica] Pagodenpflanze {f}
bottleplant shrub [Jatropha podagrica] Flaschenpflanze {f}
bottlerAbfüller {m}
bottlerFlaschenabfüller {m}
bottler [beverage industry] Lohnfüller {m} [Kontraktpacker, Getränkeindustrie]
bottler [beverage industry]Lohnabfüller {m} [Lohnfüller]
bottler [bottling company] Abfüllerfirma {f}
bottler [bottling company] Abfüllfirma {f}
bottler [Br.] [coll.] Flasche {f} [ugs.] [Versager, Weichei]
bottler [female]Flaschenabfüllerin {f}
bottlersAbfüllerfirmen {pl}
bottles Flaschen {pl}
bottlesPullen {pl} [ugs.]
bottles of beer Mollen {pl} [berlinerisch: Flaschen Bier] [ugs.]
bottles of brandySchnapsflaschen {pl}
bottle-trap [plumbing] Flaschensiphon {m}
bottle-washing Flaschenreinigung {f}
bottling Abfüllen {n} [in Flaschen]
bottlingin Flaschen abfüllend
bottling Abfüllung {f}
bottling Flaschenabfüllung {f}
bottling [attr.] [e.g. factory, machine, plant]Abfüll- [Flaschenabfüll-] [z. B. Betrieb, Maschine, Anlage]
bottling companyAbfüllbetrieb {m}
bottling departmentAbfüllabteilung {f}
bottling factory Abfüllbetrieb {m} [bes. für Flaschen]
bottling jar Einmachkrug {m}
bottling jarEinmachglas {n}
bottling machine Abfüllmaschine {f}
bottling machine Flaschenfüllmaschine {f}
bottling plantAbfüllanlage {f}
bottling-room Abfüllraum {m}
bottom Boden {m} [v. Behälter]
bottom Ende {n}
bottom Fußgrund {m}
bottomGrund {m} [v. Gefäß, Becken, Tal, etc.]
bottom Popo {m}
bottomBasis {f}
bottom hinteres Ende {n}
bottom Hintern {m} [ugs.]
bottomKonjunkturtief {n}
bottom niedrigster Stand {m}
bottom Tiefpunkt {m}
bottomTiefstand {m}
bottom Tiefststand {m}
bottom Unterseite {f}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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