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« backPage 494 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
bounce [ball] Aufsprung {m} [von Ball]
bounce [e.g. of a ball]Absprung {m} [z. B. eines Balles]
bounce [fig.] Auftrieb {m} [fig.] [Schwung, Energie]
bounce [leap]Sprung {m}
bounce [sl.] Entlassung {f}
bounce [sl.] Rausschmiss {m} [ugs.]
bounce back [coll.] [Am.]Drehtürpatient {m} [ugs.] [bei Suchtkrankheiten]
bounce back [coll.] [Am.]Rückfallpatient {m} [bei Suchtkrankheiten]
bounce flashindirekter Blitz {m}
bounce house [Am.] aufblasbare Hüpfburg {f}
bounce lighting indirekte Blitzbeleuchtung {f}
bounce lighting indirekte Fotolampen-Beleuchtung {f}
bounce memory Dämpfung {f}
bounce of a ball Aufprall {m} eines Balles
bounce property [e.g. tennis ball]Sprungeigenschaft {f} [z. B. Tennisball]
bounce pulse Preller {m}
bounce rateAbsprungrate {f}
bounce shotAufsetzer {m}
bounce time Prellzeit {f}
bounceback [recovery]Erholung {f}
bounce-back [recovery] Erholung {f}
bouncebackability Stehaufmännchen-Qualität {f}
bouncebackability [coll.] [Fähigkeit, sich nach einer Niederlage oder einem Rückschlag nicht demoralisieren zu lassen]
bouncebackability [coll.] [resilience] Resilienz {f} [bes. fachspr.]
bounced [coll.] [cheque]geplatzt [ugs.]
bounced check [Am.] geplatzter Scheck {m}
bounced check [Am.] ungedeckter Scheck {m}
bounced cheque [Br.]geplatzter Scheck {m}
bounced cheque [Br.] ungedeckter Scheck {m}
bounced email unzustellbare E-Mail {f}
bounce-free prellfrei
bouncerPrahler {m}
bouncer Rausschmeißer {m}
bouncerAufschneider {m}
bouncerMordskerl {m}
bouncer Türsteher {m}
bouncer [bounced cheque / check] geplatzter Scheck {m}
bouncer [bounced cheque / check]ungedeckter Scheck {m}
bouncer [cricket] hoch aufspringender Ball {m}
bouncer [football, handball] Aufsetzer {m}
bouncer [liar]Angeber {m}
bouncer [obs.] große Lüge {f}
bouncer castle Hüpfschloss {n} [seltener für: Hüpfburg]
bouncer castleHüpfburg {f}
bouncers Rausschmeißer {pl}
bouncersTürsteher {pl}
bouncily munter
bounciness Abprallstärke {f}
bouncingPrellen {n}
bouncing gesund aussehend
bouncing prahlerisch
bouncing ability [of a ball]Sprungvermögen {n} [eines Balles]
bouncing baby gesundes Baby {n}
bouncing baby boystrammer Junge {m} [Baby]
bouncing ball [football, handball] Aufsetzer {m}
bouncing Bet [Saponaria officinalis] Seifenwurz {f}
bouncing Bet [Saponaria officinalis]Echtes Seifenkraut {n}
bouncing Bet [Saponaria officinalis] Gewöhnliches Seifenkraut {n}
bouncing Bet [Saponaria officinalis]Waschwurz {f}
Bouncing Betty [coll.] [nickname of bounding anti-personnel mines] Schrapnellmine {f} <S-Mine>
bouncing bomb Rollbombe {f}
bouncing cheque [Br.] geplatzter Scheck {m}
bouncing cheque [Br.] ungedeckter Scheck {m}
bouncing gait schwungvoller Gang {m}
bouncing girl dralles Mädchen {n}
bouncing girlstrammes Mädchen {n}
bouncing pulsePreller {m}
bouncing puttyFüllspachtel {m}
bouncing putty hüpfender Kitt {m} [Knetmasse auf Silikonbasis]
bouncing puttyHüpfknete {f}
bouncing putty Springkitt {m}
bouncing shot [football]Aufsetzer {m}
bouncy elastisch
bouncy federnd
bouncy holpernd
bouncy quietschvergnügt [ugs.]
bouncyvergnügt und munter
bouncy schaukelig
bouncy [ball]gut springend
bouncy ballFlummi {m} [ugs.]
bouncy ball Flummiball {m}
bouncy castle [Br.] Hüpfburg {f}
bouncy seatBabywippe {f}
bound Schranke {f}
boundSprung {m} [Satz]
bound verpflichtet
bound gebunden
boundgebunden [Artikulation]
bound Abgrenzung {f}
bound [enchained] gefesselt
bound [predetermined]vorherbestimmt
bound [boundary, limit] Grenze {f}
« bottbottbottbottBougbounbounbounbounbouqBour »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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