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Bowles mint [Mentha x villosa, syn.: M. nemorosa, M. niliacea, M. spicata x M. suaveolens, M. villosa] Apfel-Minze {f}
Bowles mint [Mentha x villosa, syn.: M. nemorosa, M. niliacea, M. spicata x M. suaveolens, M. villosa]Wollige Minze {f}
Bowles mint [Mentha x villosa, syn.: M. nemorosa, M. niliacea, M. spicata x M. suaveolens, M. villosa]Breitblättrige Minze {f}
Bowles perennial wallflower [Erysimum bicolor] Zweifarbiger Schöterich {m}
bowlful Schüssel {f} voll
bowline Buglinie {f}
bowline Schertauknoten {m} [Palstek]
bowlineBulin {m}
bowlineRettungsschlinge {f} [Palstek]
bowline Feuerwehrrettungsknoten {m} [Palstek]
bowlineBrustbund {m}
bowline einfacher Ankerstich {m} [z. B. beim Technischen Hilfswerk]
bowline [hitch, knot]Palstek {m} [Seemannsknoten]
bowline [hitch, knot] Pfahlstich {m} [Seemannsknoten]
bowline [hitch, knot] Leibknoten {m} [Palstek]
bowline on a bightdoppelter Palstek {m}
bowline on a bight [knot] doppelter Bulin-Knoten {m}
bowline on a bight [knot]doppelter Bulin {m} [ugs.]
bowline with Yosemite finisheineinhalbfacher Bulin {m}
bowlingKegeln {n}
bowling Bowlen {n}
bowling Kegelscheiben {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
bowling alley Kegelbahn {f}
bowling alley Bowlingbahn {f}
bowling alley Kegelhalle {f}
bowling alleysKegelbahnen {pl}
bowling ball Bowlingkugel {f}
Bowling for Columbine [Michael Moore]Bowling for Columbine
bowling greenRasenfläche {f} für Bowling
bowling greenBowlinggreen {n}
bowling green Boulingrin {n} {m} [hist.]
Bowling Green Plateau Bowling-Green-Plateau {n}
bowling pin Bowlingkegel {m}
bowl-o-rama Bowlinghaus {n}
bowlsBowlen {pl}
bowlsSchalen {pl}
bowls Murmelspiel {n}
bowls Bowling {n} [auf dem Rasen]
bowlsNäpfe {pl}
bowls Schüsseln {pl}
bowls {pl} [treated as sg.] Bowls {n} [britisches Kugelspiel]
bowls [Br.] [treated as sg.] [lawn bowls, lawn bowling] Bowlsspiel {n} [seltener für: Rasenbowling]
bowls [Br.] [treated as sg.] [lawn bowls, lawn bowling]Rasenkugelspiel {n} [seltener für: Rasenbowling]
bowls [Br.] [treated as sg.] [lawn bowls, lawn bowling]Rasenbowling {n}
bowls playerBowlsspieler {m}
bowl-shaped schalenförmig
bowmanBogenschütze {m}
Bowman Coast Bowman-Küste {f}
Bowman GlacierBowman-Gletscher {m}
Bowman's capsule [Capsula glomeruli] [also: Bowman capsule]Bowman-Kapsel {f} [auch: Capsula glomeruli {f}]
Bowman's capsule [Capsula glomeruli] [also: Bowman capsule]Bowman'sche Kapsel {f}
Bowman's glands [Glandulae olfactoriae]Bowman-Drüsen {pl}
bowman's root [Gillenia trifoliata, syn.: Porteranthus trifoliatus] Nördliche Dreiblattspiere {f}
bowmouth guitarfish [Rhina ancylostoma]Rundkopf-Geigenrochen {m}
bowmouth guitarfish [Rhina ancylostoma] Bogenmaul-Geigenrochen {m}
bowmouth guitarfish [Rhina ancylostoma] Gitarrenfisch {m}
bow-net Fischreuse {f}
bowplane (vorderes) Tiefenruder {n}
bowriding [of a dolphin] Bugwellenreiten {n} [eines Delfins]
bowsBogen {pl}
bowsBücklinge {pl}
bows Bögen {pl}
bow-saw Bogensäge {f}
bowser [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] Zapfsäule {f}
bowser [generic term] [Bowser ®] [fuel tanker]Betankungsfahrzeug {n}
bow-shaped bügelförmig
bowshot Bogenschuss {m}
bowside [also: bow side] [rowing] steuerbord
bowsie [Irish] [coll.] [unruly person]Rüpel {m} [pej.]
bowsprit Bugspriet {n} {m}
bowsprit tortoise [Chersina angulata] Afrikanische Schnabelbrustschildkröte {f}
bowstave [also: bow stave] Bogenstab {m}
bow-string Bogensehne {f}
bowstringBogensehne {f}
bowstring Sehne {f} [Bogensehne]
bowstring / bow-string hemp [Calotropis gigantea, syn.: Asclepias gigantea] Mudarpflanze {f}
bowstring / bow-string hemp [Calotropis gigantea, syn.: Asclepias gigantea] Mudarstrauch {m} [auch Madarstrauch]
bowstring / bow-string hemp [Calotropis gigantea, syn.: Asclepias gigantea] Akonfaserstrauch {m}
bowstring / bow-string hemp [Calotropis gigantea, syn.: Asclepias gigantea]Kronenblume {f}
bowstring girder Langerscher Balken {m} [alt]
bowstring girder Langer'scher Balken {m}
bowstring hemp [genus Sansevieria]Bogenhanf {m}
bowstring-girder bridgeStabbogenbrücke {f}
bowsy [Irish] [sl.] Lümmel {m}
bow-taut [fig.] straff gespannt
bow-tie Fliege {f}
bowtie [spv.] Fliege {f}
bow-tie blouseSchluppenbluse {f}
bow-tie pasta {sg} Schmetterlingsnudeln {pl}
bowtruckle [magic creature, originally in Harry Potter] Bowtruckle {m} [magisches Geschöpf, ursprünglich in Harry Potter]
bow-winged grasshopper [Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) biguttulus biguttulus, syn.: C. biguttulus]Nachtigall-Grashüpfer {m} [auch: Nachtigallgrashüpfer]
bowwow wauwau
bow-wow [child's language] [dog] Wauwau {m} [Kindersprache] [Hund]
bowyer Bogenmacher {m}
bowyerBogner {m} [Hersteller von Bogen]
bowyer's mustard [Lepidium ruderale]Schutt-Kresse / Schuttkresse {f}
box Futteral {n}
box Kasse {f}
box Stallzelle {f}
« bouqboutbovibow-bow-Bowlbox boxhbox(boxibox- »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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