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« backPage 517 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
braided river verzweigter Fluss {m}
braided salmon and sole [Am.] Zopf {f} von Lachs und Seezunge [auch: Lachs-Seezungen-Zopf]
braided screen Schirmgeflecht {n}
braided sealGeflechtdichtung {f}
braided shield Geflechtschirm {m}
braided shield Schirmgeflecht {n}
braided sleeving [esp. for cables] Geflechtschlauch {m}
braided sleeving [esp. for cables]Geflechtsschlauch {m}
braided sling Flechtriemen {m}
braided wiregeflochtene Litze {f}
braided yeast breadGermstriezel {m} [österr.] [Hefezopf]
braided yeast bread [sweetish]Striezel {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [Hefezopf]
braided yeast bunHefezopf {m}
[braided yeast bread for Easter breakfasts]Osterstriezel {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [Hefezopf]
(braided) sweet yeast breadHefezopf {m}
(braided) sweet yeast bread Osterbrot {n} [Osterzopf]
braiding flechtend
braidingLitze {f}
braiding Geflecht {n}
braidingUmflechtung {f}
braiding machineUmflechtungsmaschine {f}
braiding pattern Flechtmuster {n}
BraidismHypnotismus {m} nach Braid
braids Litzen {pl}
braidsgeflochtene Zöpfe {pl}
braids [Am.] [around one's head]Kranz {m} [Kranzfrisur]
braids [of hair] Flechten {pl} [geh.] [Zöpfe]
braies Bruche {f}
braies {pl} [archaic] Bruche {f} [Rsv.]
braies {pl} [archaic] Bruoch {f} [europäische Unterhose in Mittelalter und Renaissance, meist von Männern getragen]
[braies {pl} [archaic]] Brouche {f} [FALSCH für: Bruoch]
brailFloß {n}
braille Punktschrift {f}
Braille Brailleschrift {f}
Braille Blindenschrift {f}
Braille Punktschrift {f} [Braille]
Braille Braille-Schrift {f}
braille Braille-Schrift {f}
Braille [also: braille] [attr.]Braille-
braille [Am.] Blindenschrift {f} [Brailleschrift]
braille [Am.]Brailleschrift {f}
Braille alphabetBlindenalphabet {n}
braille alphabet Blindenschrift {f}
Braille keyboard [Am. also: braille keyboard] Brailletastatur {f} [auch: Braille-Tastatur]
braille music notation Braille-Notenschrift {f}
braille printer Brailleschriftdrucker {m}
braille printerBrailledrucker {m}
[Braillepost online project in German, French and Dutch] Braillepost {f}
brailler Brailleschreibmaschine {f}
brainGehirn {n}
brain Hirn {n} [seltener für: Gehirn]
brainKöpfchen {n}
brainVerstand {m}
brain Intellekt {m}
brain [attr.]Gehirn-
brain [attr.]Hirn-
brain [coll.] [intelligence]Grips {m} [ugs.]
brain [of a slaughtered animal] Brägen {m} [nordd.] [Rsv.]
brain [of a slaughtered animal] Bregen {m} [nordd.]
brain abscess Hirnabszess {m}
brain abscessGehirnabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]
brain activation Hirnaktivierung {f}
brain activityGehirntätigkeit {f}
brain activity Hirnaktivität {f}
brain activity Hirntätigkeit {f}
brain activityGehirnaktivität {f}
brain aneurism Hirnaneurysma {n}
brain aneurysm Gehirnaneurysma {n}
brain aneurysmHirnaneurysma {n}
brain aneurysm [cerebral aneurysm] zerebrales Aneurysma {n}
brain angiographyHirnangiographie {f}
brain architectureGehirnarchitektur {f}
brain area Hirnareal {n}
brain area Gehirnareal {n}
brain area Hirngebiet {n}
brain areasHirnregionen {pl}
brain atrophy Hirnatrophie {f}
brain attack Schlaganfall {m}
brain autopsyGehirnautopsie {f}
brain biopsy Hirnbiopsie {f}
brain bleeding Gehirnblutung {f}
brain bleeding Hirnblutung {f}
brain boxHirnschale {f}
brain cancer Hirnkrebs {m}
brain capacityHirnleistung {f}
brain capacity Gehirnkapazität {f}
brain case Neurokranium {n}
brain cast Hirnausguss {m}
brain cell Gehirnzelle {f}
brain cell Hirnzelle {f}
brain center [Am.]Hirnzentrum {n}
brain center [Am.] Gehirnzentrum {n}
brain centre [Br.] Hirnzentrum {n}
brain change Gehirnveränderung {f}
brain chemistry Hirnchemie {f}
brain child Geistesprodukt {n}
brain child (of) [fig.] [idea, work, etc.]geistiges Kind {n} ( [+ Gen.] / von) [fig.] [Idee, Werk usw.]
brain compression [Compressio cerebri] Hirnquetschung {f} [Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 3. Grades]
brain compression [Compressio cerebri] Gehirnquetschung {f} [Schädel-Hirn-Trauma 3. Grades]
brain contusion [Contusio cerebri] Hirnkontusion {f}
« brabbracbracbracbragbraibraibraibraibraibrak »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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