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« backPage 526 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
branch Außenstelle {f}
branchFiliale {f}
branch Geschäftsstelle {f}
branch Geschäftszweig {m}
branchIndustriezweig {m}
branch Nebenstelle {f}
branchNiederlassung {f}
branch Programmverzweigung {f}
branch Sparte {f}
branch Stromkreis {m}
branch Unterabteilung {f}
branchAbleger {m} [Zweigunternehmen]
branchSchenkel {m} [gekrümmtes Rohr, Winkelstahl]
branch Teilgebiet {n}
branch Teildisziplin {f}
branch Ausläufer {m}
branch Etablissement {n} [Niederlassung]
branchStrahlrohr {n}
branch Repräsentanz {f}
branch [candlestick]Arm {m} [Leuchter]
branch [e.g. of river, canal] Seitenarm {m}
branch [e.g. pipe] Abzweig {m} [z. B. Rohr]
branch [esp. Am.] [regional] [creek] Bach {m}
branch [esp. of an institution]Dependance {f} [geh.] [Zweigstelle]
branch [family descent] Seitenlinie {f} [einer Familie]
branch [furcation]Gabelung {f}
branch [of a bank]Zweiganstalt {f} [österr.] [Filiale, insbes. einer Bank]
branch [of a company] Zweigniederlassung {f}
branch [of a discipline] Teilbereich {m}
branch [of a political party] Unterbezirk {m}
branch [of a political party] Sektion {f} [österr.]
branch [of antler] Sprosse {f} [Geweihsprosse]
branch [sector] Sektor {m}
branch [tributary]Zufluss {m} [Bach, Fluss]
branch abroad Niederlassung {f} im Ausland
branch address Sprungadresse {f}
branch addressAnschrift {f} der Filiale
branch address Verzweigungsadresse {f}
branch and bound algorithm <BB algorithm> Branch-and-Bound-Algorithmus {m} <BB- / B&B-Algorithmus> [Verzweigung und Schranke]
branch association Branchenverband {m}
branch bank Bankfiliale {f}
branch bankBank {f} mit Zweigstellen
branch bankingFilialbanksystem {n}
branch banking Zweigniederlassungsbankwesen {n}
branch canalStichkanal {m}
branch canalZweigkanal {m}
branch circuit Lichtleitung {f} [Stromkreis für Raumbeleuchtung]
branch circuit Verzweigungsleitung {f}
branch circuit [attr.]Abzweig-
branch commandVerzweigungsbefehl {f}
branch competence Branchenkompetenz {f}
branch condition Sprungbedingung {f}
branch condition Verzweigungsbedingung {f}
branch control logicVerzweigungssteuerlogik {f}
branch coral [Caulastrea spp.] Fingerkoralle {f}
branch coverageZweigüberdeckung {f}
branch coverage testingZweigüberdeckungstest {m}
branch creek [tributary of a creek, aka, a very small intermittent flow of water] Nebenflüsschen {n}
branch currentTeilstrom {m}
branch current Zweigstrom {m}
branch cutterAstschneider {m}
branch cutting shears {pl} Astschere {f}
branch destinationSprungziel {n}
branch ductAbgangsschacht {m} [abzweigend]
branch establishment Zweiggeschäft {n}
branch establishment Niederlassung {f}
branch establishmentZweigniederlassung {f}
branch establishment Filiale {f}
branch exchangeNebenamt {n} [Telefonvermittlung]
branch factoryZweigwerk {n}
branch fork Astgabel {f}
branch fork Astgabelung {f}
branch head Niederlassungsleiter {m}
branch instructionSprungbefehl {m}
branch instructionVerzweigungsbefehl {m}
branch lengthZweiglänge {f}
branch length Astlänge {f}
branch libraryZweigbibliothek {f}
branch library Bibliotheksaußenstelle {f}
branch line Nebenbahn {f}
branch lineSeitenlinie {f}
branch line Nebenlinie {f}
branch line Nebenstrecke {f} [Bahnstrecke]
branch line Zweigbahn {f}
branch line Zweigstrecke {f}
branch lineAbzweigung {f} [Nebenlinie]
branch line Stichstrecke {f}
branch line [of a royal house]Nebenlinie {f} [eines Königshauses]
branch lines Seitenlinien {pl}
branch managerFilialleiter {m}
branch manager Niederlassungsleiter {m}
branch manager Geschäftsstellenleiter {m}
branch managerZweigstellenleiter {m}
branch manager [female] Geschäftsstellenleiterin {f} [Bank etc.]
branch material Astmaterial {n}
branch museum Zweigmuseum {n}
branch museums Zweigmuseen {pl}
branch network Filialnetz {n}
branch network Zweigstellennetz {n}
branch of ... Fachrichtung {f}
« braibrakbrakbrakbrakbranbranbranbranbranbran »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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