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brandy bottle Schnapsflasche {f}
brandy bottleCognacflasche {f}
brandy breath [coll.] Cognacatem {m} [selten] [auch: Cognac-Atem]
brandy breath [coll.] Cognacfahne {f} [ugs.]
brandy butter Weinbrandbutter {f}
brandy chocolate Weinbrandbohne {f}
brandy distilleryBranntweinbrennerei {f}
brandy flask Schnapsflasche {f}
brandy glass Kognakglas {n}
brandy glassSchwenker {m} [kurz für: Kognakschwenker]
brandy glass Cognacschwenker {m}
Brandy Hall [J. R. R. Tolkien] Brandygut {n}
brandy neat unverdünnter Branntwein {m}
brandy punch [cocktail] Feuerzangenbowle {f}
brandy snifter Kognakschwenker {m}
brandy snifter Weinbrandschwenker {m}
brandy snifterCognacschwenker {m}
brandy vinegar Branntweinessig {m}
[brandy made from stone pine cones] Zirbengeist {m} [österr.] [Schnaps]
(brandy) distillery Weinbrennerei {f}
brandy-and-sodaBranntwein {m} und Soda
Brandywine (River) [in J. R. R. Tolkien's works]Brandywein {m}
brane Bran {f}
brane cosmology <BC> Branenkosmologie {f}
Brangus cattle {pl}Brangus-Rind {n}
Branham's sign Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham-Phänomen {n}
Branham's sign [also: Branham sign] [Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham-Phänomen]Branham-Zeichen {n}
Braniewo Braunsberg {n}
brank Knebeleisen {n}
branks {pl} [scold's bridle] Knebeleisen {n}
branle Branle {m} [frz. Volkstanz]
bran-mashKleiebrei {m}
branmashKleiebrei {m}
brannerite [(U,Ca,Y,Ce)(Ti,Fe)2O6] Brannerit {m}
brannigan [Am.] [coll.] [brawl] gewalttätige Auseinandersetzung {f}
Brannigan [Douglas Hickox] Brannigan - Ein Mann aus Stahl
brannockite [KSn2Li3Si12O30] Brannockit {m}
bransle [branle] [spv.] Branle {m} [frz. Volkstanz]
brant [Am.] [Branta (bernicla) bernicla] Dunkelbäuchige Ringelgans {f}
brant [Am.] [Branta bernicla] Ringelgans {f}
brant [Am.] [Branta bernicla] Rottgans {f}
brantle [spv.]Branle {m} [frz. Volkstanz]
Brant's climbing mouse [Dendromus mesomelas] Brant-Klettermaus {f}
Brants's whistling rat [Parotomys brantsii, syn.: Euryotis pallida, Otomys rufifrons] Brants' Pfeifratte {f}
Brants's whistling rat [Parotomys brantsii, syn.: Euryotis pallida, Otomys rufifrons]Karru-Ratte {f}
branzini [Dicentrarchus labrax]Europäischer Seebarsch {m}
branzini [Dicentrarchus labrax] Europäischer Wolfsbarsch {m}
bras BHs {pl}
bras Busenhalter {pl} [ugs.]
bras Büstenhalter {pl}
Bras Bracht {n}
brasco [Aus.] [coll.]Lokus {m} [ugs.]
brash aufdringlich
brash Krankheitsanfall {m}
brash Regenschauer {m}
brash Schneewasser {n}
brash Schotter {m}
brash Trümmerhaufen {m}
brashschnoddrig [ugs.] [pej.]
brash [colour] knallig [ugs.]
brash [flashy]auffällig [Kleidung]
brash [of wood]brüchig
brash [rash] unbesonnen
brash [aggressively self-assertive, cocksure] forsch [(allzu) selbstbewusst, unglaublich selbstsicher]
brash [behaviour]nassforsch [ugs.]
brash [impudent, aggressively self-assertive; tactless] frech [dreist, forsch; taktlos]
brash [Scot.] [N. Engl.] [sudden indisposition]Anfall {m} [bes. Magen-Darm-Erkrankung]
brash [way of talking]schnodderig [ugs.] [pej.]
brash bearing dreistes Gehabe {n}
brash iceTreibeis {n}
brash manner ungestüme Art {f}
brash youths ungestüme Jugend {f}
Brasher's warbler [Basileuterus culicivorus, syn.: B. culicivorous] Goldhähnchen-Waldsänger {m}
brashlyschnodderig [ugs.] [pej.]
brashly nassforsch [ugs.]
brashly dreist
brashly [impetuously] unüberlegt
brashness Frechheit {f}
brashness Unüberlegtheit {f}
brashness Schnodderigkeit {f} [ugs.]
brashness Dreistigkeit {f}
brashness Forschheit {f}
brashness Unverfrorenheit {f}
brashy [Scot., N. Engl.]regnerisch
brasier [spv.] [rare] Kupferschmied {m}
Brasilia Brasilia {n}
Brasilia Brasília {n} [Rsv.]
Brasilia tapaculo [Scytalopus novacapitalis]Brasilia-Tapaculo {m}
BraşovKronstadt {n} [veraltet]
brassMessing {n}
brass Kupferlegierung {f}
brassBulle {m}
brass Messing-
brass {pl} [brass wind instruments forming a band or a section of an orchestra; their players]Blech {n} [ugs., auch etwas hum.: Blechbläser, Blechblasinstrumente]
brass {sg} {pl} [sl.] hochrangige Militärs {pl}
brass {sg} {pl} [sl.]ranghohe Militärs {pl}
« branbranbranbranbranbranbrasbrasbratbravbray »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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