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bread aisle Backwarenabteilung {f}
bread and apple pudding Ofenschlupfer {m} [bes. südd.] [Apfel-Brot-Auflauf]
bread and bread rolls Brot und Gebäck [österr.] [Brot und Semmeln, Weckerln etc.]
bread and butter Butterbrot {n}
bread and butter Brotverdienst {m}
bread and butter Butterstulle {f} [regional]
bread and butter [fig.] [livelihood]Lebensunterhalt {m}
Bread and Butter State [also: Wheat State, New England of the West] [nickname] [State of Minnesota] [Spitzname für Minnesota, USA]
bread and cake shop [Br.] [bakery] Brot- und Kuchengeschäft {n} [Bäckerladen]
bread and cheese dürftige Mahlzeit {f}
bread and circuses [panem et circenses] [Juvenal] [idiom]Brot und Spiele [Redewendung]
bread and dripping Fettbrot {n}
bread and dripping Schmalzbrot {n}
bread and dripping Schmalzstulle {f}
bread and dripping [Br.] [typically with pork or beef lard] Fettbemme {f} [bes. ostd.] [Schmalzbrot; typisch mit Schweineschmalz]
bread and jam Marmeladenbrot {n}
bread and milk aufgeweichtes Brot {n} [in Milch]
bread and roses [slogan] Brot und Rosen [Parole]
Bread and WineBrod und Wein [Friedrich Hölderlin]
bread bakingBrotbacken {n}
bread baking machineBrotbackautomat {m}
bread baking machine Brotbackmaschine {f}
bread basket Brotkorb {m}
bread basket Brotkörbchen {n}
bread basket [sl.] [stomach]Plauze {f} [ugs.] [regional] [Bauch]
bread baskets Brotkörbe {pl}
bread beetle [Stegobium paniceum]Brotkäfer {m}
bread binBrotkasten {m}
bread bin [esp. Br.]Brotdose {f} [zur Aufbewahrung]
bread board Backbrett {n}
bread board Brotschneidebrett {n}
bread bought in a shop in einem Laden gekauftes Brot {n}
bread bowl Brotschale {f}
bread boxBrotkasten {m}
bread butt [Am.] Knüstchen {n} [regional] [Anschnitt oder Endstück eines Brotlaibes]
bread butt [rare] [regional for: crust, heel]Kanten {m} [bes. nordd.] [Anschnitt oder Endstück eines Brotlaibes]
bread buttered on both sides [fig.] doppeltes Glück {n}
bread cake Brotkuchen {m}
bread cakeBrottorte {f}
bread cereals {pl} Brotgetreide {n}
bread clover [Blue Fenugreek (Trigonella caerulea)]Brotklee {m}
bread counter Brottheke {f}
bread coupon Brotgutschein {m}
bread crock Brottopf {m}
bread crumbBrosame {f}
bread crumb Brotkrume {f}
bread crumbBrotkrümel {m}
bread crumbs Brosamen {pl} [geh.] [veraltend]
bread crumbs Brotkrümel {pl}
bread crust Brotkruste {f}
bread crust Brotrinde {f}
bread cubesBrotwürfel {pl}
bread cubes {pl} [made of dry white bread] Knödelbrot {n} [österr.] [bayer.]
bread cubes [made of dry white bread]Semmelbröckerl {pl} [österr.] [bayer.] [Semmelwürfel]
bread cutter Brotschneidemaschine {f}
bread cutter Brotmaschine {f}
bread cutting boardBrotschneidebrett {n}
bread doughBrotteig {m}
bread drinkBrottrunk {m}
bread dumpling Semmelknödel {m} [österr.] [bayer.]
bread dumpling Semmelkloß {m}
bread dumplings Semmelklöße {pl}
bread exchange unit Broteinheit {f} <BE>
bread factory Brotfabrik {f}
bread flour Brotmehl {n}
Bread for AllBrot für alle [Organisation]
"Bread for the World" Campaign Aktion {f} "Brot für die Welt"
bread from / of heaven Himmelsbrot {n} [auch Manna]
bread grain market Brotgetreidemarkt {m}
Bread has gone up. Der Brotpreis ist gestiegen.
Bread has risen by 20%. [The price of bread has risen by 20%.]Der Brotpreis ist um 20 % gestiegen.
bread heelScherzl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
bread improvers Backmittel {pl}
bread improvers Backhilfsmittel {pl} [österr. oder veraltet]
Bread is down. Der Brotpreis ist gesunken.
Bread is down. Der Brotpreis ist gefallen.
Bread is down. Brot ist billiger geworden.
Bread is down. Brot kostet jetzt weniger.
Bread is going up. Der Brotpreis steigt.
Bread is going up in price. Der Brotpreis steigt.
Bread is going up (in price). Brot wird teurer.
Bread is running low. Das Brot wird knapp.
bread knife Brotmesser {n}
bread knivesBrotmesser {pl}
bread lineSchlange {f} von Armen und Hungrigen
bread line Existenzminimum {n}
bread machine Brotbackautomat {m}
bread machine Brotbackmaschine {f}
bread machine Brotmaschine {f} [Brotbackmaschine]
bread makerBrotbackautomat {m}
bread maker [machine] Brotbackgerät {n}
bread makingBrotherstellung {f}
bread making machine Brotbackautomat {m}
bread making machine Brotbackmaschine {f}
bread mixBrotbackmischung {f}
bread money Brotgeld {n}
bread napkin Brotserviette {f}
bread of the Presence Schaubrot {n}
bread peel Brotschieber {m}
bread plate Brotteller {m}
« bravbrawbrazBrazbreabreabreabreabreabreabrea »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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