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English-German Dictionary

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breakwaterMole {f}
breakwaterBuhne {f}
breakwater Kribbe {f} [nordd.] [Buhne]
breakwater light Einfahrtsfeuer {n}
breakwater light Molenfeuer {n}
breakwaters Wellenbrecher {pl}
breaky [coll.] [short for: breakfast] Frühstück {n}
bream {pl}Brassen {pl}
bream [Abramis brama] Brachse {f}
bream [Abramis brama] Brachsen {m}
bream [Abramis brama] Brachsme {f}
bream [Abramis brama] Brachsmen {m} [schweiz.]
bream [Abramis brama]Blei {m} [Brachse]
bream [Lutjanus campechanus] [red snapper]Nördlicher Schnapper {m}
bream zone Brachsenregion {f}
bream zone Bleiregion {f}
brearleyite [Ca12Al14O32Cl2]Brearleyit {m}
breastBrust {f}
breast Abbaustoß {m}
breast [attr.] [e.g. cancer, pocket] Brust- [z. B. Krebs, Tasche]
breast abscess Brustabszess {m}
breast abscessBrustdrüsenabszess {m}
breast anomaliesMammaanomalien {pl}
breast asymmetry Brustasymmetrie {f}
breast asymmetryMammaasymmetrie {f}
breast augmentation Brustvergrößerung {f}
breast augmentationBrustvermehrung {f}
breast augmentationBrustaugmentation {f}
breast augmentation surgeryBrustvergrößerung {f} [Operation]
breast augmentation (surgery) Mammaaugmentation {f} [fachspr.]
breast beam Hauptbalken {m}
breast berry / breastberry [Solanum mammosum] Euter-Nachtschatten / Euternachtschatten {m}
breast berry / breastberry [Solanum mammosum]Zitzen-Nachtschatten / Zitzennachtschatten {m}
breast bone [(Os) sternum]Brustknochen {m}
breast bone [sternum] Brustbein {n}
breast cancer Brustkrebs {m}
breast cancer Mammakarzinom {n}
breast cancer Brustkrebserkrankung {f}
breast cancer cells Brustkrebszellen {pl}
breast cancer gene <BRCA gene> BRCA-Gen {n}
breast cancer gene <BRCA gene> Brustkrebsgen {n}
breast cancer in men Brustkrebs {m} beim Mann
breast cancer in womenBrustkrebs {m} bei der Frau
breast cancer mortality <BC mortality> Brustkrebsmortalität {f}
breast cancer patient [female] Brustkrebspatientin {f}
breast cancer prevention Brustkrebsvorsorge {f}
breast cancer risk <BCR>Brustkrebsrisiko {n}
breast cancer risk <BCR> Mammakarzinomrisiko {n}
breast cancer screening Brustkrebs-Screening {n}
breast cancer screening <BCS> [EUR 17538] mammographische Früherkennung {f} [EUR 17538]
breast cancer surgery [branch of medicine] Brustkrebschirurgie {f}
breast cancer surgery [operation]Brustkrebsoperation {f}
breast carcinoma Mammakarzinom {n} [Brustkrebs]
breast carcinomaBrustkarzinom {n} [auch: Brust-Karzinom]
breast center [Am.] [e.g. clinic] Brustzentrum {n} [z. B. Gemeinschaftspraxis, Klinik]
breast compression [EUR 17538]Brustkompression {f} [EUR 17538]
breast compression device <BCD> [EUR 17538] Brustkompressionsvorrichtung {f} [EUR 17538]
breast compression plate [EUR 17538] Kompressionsplatte {f} [Mammographie] [EUR 17538]
breast correction Brustkorrektur {f}
breast cystBrustzyste {f}
breast cytologyMammazytologie {f}
breast density Brustdichte {f}
breast disease Brustkrankheit {f}
breast diseaseBrusterkrankung {f}
breast drill Brustleier {f}
breast drill Brustbohrmaschine {f}
breast drillBrustbohrer {m}
breast drill machineBrustbohrmaschine {f}
breast engorgement Milchstau {m}
breast enlargement Brustvergrößerung {f}
breast envelope [skin envelope] Hautmantel {m} [Brust]
breast epithelial cellBrustepithelzelle {f}
breast epithesis Brustepithese {f} [Brustprothese]
breast epithesisMammaepithese {f}
breast examBrustuntersuchung {f}
breast feather Brustfeder {f}
breast feedingStillen {n}
breast feeding or bottle feeding Stillen {n} oder Flaschennahrung
breast filletBrustfilet {n}
breast form Brustform {f} [aus Silikon geformte Form, die an die Brust oder an einen BH geklebt werden kann]
breast grabberBusengrapscher {m} [ugs.]
breast grabber Busengrabscher {m} [ugs.]
breast groperBusengrapscher {m} [ugs.]
breast groper Brustgrabscher {m} [ugs.]
breast groper Busengrabscher {m} [ugs.]
breast growth Brustwachstum {n}
breast harnessBrustharnisch {m}
breast harness Sielengeschirr {n}
breast height Brusthöhe {f}
breast implant Brustimplantat {n}
breast implantMammaprothese {f}
breast implants Brustimplantate {pl}
breast lift Mastoplexie {f}
breast liftBruststraffung {f}
breast liftMastopexie {f}
breast liftingBruststraffung {f}
breast localization wireMarkierungsdraht {m} [für Brustbiopsie od. -operation]
breast meatBrustfleisch {n}
breast milk Muttermilch {f}
breast milkBrustmilch {f}
« breabreabreabreabreabreabreabreabreabreaBrec »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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