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breast milk bankFrauenmilchbank {f} <FMB>
breast milk passage Milchgängigkeit {f}
breast milk stool [faeces]Muttermilchstuhl {m}
breast milk substitute Muttermilchersatz {m}
breast nipple [Papilla mammae, Papilla mammaria] Brustwarze {f}
breast of chickenHühnerbrust {f}
breast of chicken Geflügelbrust {f}
breast of duck Entenbrust {f}
breast of gooseGänsebrust {f}
breast of muttonHammelbrust {f}
breast of pheasantFasanenbrust {f}
breast of pork Schweinsbrust {f}
breast of turkeyTruthahnbrust {f}
breast of veal Kalbsbrust {f}
breast pad Stilleinlage {f}
breast pain {sg} Brustschmerzen {pl}
breast plateBrustplatte {f}
breast plate [horse] Brustblatt {n}
breast pocketBrusttasche {f}
breast pocketHemdentasche {f}
breast pocket handkerchief Einstecktuch {n}
breast pocketsBrusttaschen {pl}
breast problemBrustproblem {n}
breast prosthesis Brustprothese {f}
breast ptosis Hängebrust {f}
breast pumpMilchpumpe {f}
breast rail Brüstung {f}
breast reconstructionBrustrekonstruktion {f}
breast reduction Brustverkleinerung {f}
breast reduction surgery Mammareduktionsplastik {f}
breast refusal [esp. Aus.] Stillstreik {m}
breast removalBrustentfernung {f}
breast shapeBrustform {f}
breast shieldBrustschild {n}
breast size Brustgröße {f}
breast spectroscopy Brustspektroskopie {f}
breast star [medal]Bruststern {m} [Abzeichen, Orden]
breast strapBrustgurt {m}
breast stroke [spv.] Bruststil {m}
breast stroke swimmer [spv.]Brustschwimmer {m}
breast stroke swimmer [spv.] [female] Brustschwimmerin {f}
breast stroker [spv.] Brustschwimmer {m}
breast surgeonBrustchirurg {m}
breast surgery [branch of medicine]Brustchirurgie {f}
breast surgery [branch of medicine] Mammachirurgie {f}
breast surgery [operation]Brustoperation {f}
breast surgery [operation]Brust-OP {f} [kurz für: Brustoperation]
breast swelling Anschwellen {n} der Brust
breast swelling Brustschwellung {f}
breast table [mammography]Objekttisch {m} [Mammographie]
breast thermogram Brustthermogramm {n}
breast thermography Brustthermographie {f}
breast thermographyBrustthermografie {f}
breast tissue Brustgewebe {n}
breast to breast Brust an Brust
breast tomosynthesisBrusttomosynthese {f}
breast tumor [Am.] Mammatumor {m}
breast tumour [esp. Br.]Mammatumor {m}
breast ultrasound Brustultraschall {m}
breast ultrasound (examination) Brustultraschall-Untersuchung {f} [Mammasonographie]
breast wallStützmauer {f}
breast wall Stützwall {m}
breast wallFensterbrüstung {f}
[breast feeding by the birth mother]Selbststillen {n}
(breast) form braForm-BH {m}
(breast) needle localization Nadellokalisation {f} [für Brustbiopsie od. -operation]
breastboneBrustknochen {m}
breastbone [(Os) sternum] Brustbein {n}
breastbone [(Os) sternum] Sternum {n}
breastbone fractureBrustbeinbruch {m}
breastbone fracture Bruch {m} des Brustbeins
breastbone ridge Brustbeinkamm {m}
breastbones Brustbeine {pl}
breast-conserving [therapy]brusterhaltend [Therapie]
breast-conserving surgery <BCS>brusterhaltende Chirurgie {f}
breast-conserving therapy <BCT> brusterhaltende Therapie {f} <BET>
breasted bauchig [Säge]
breast-fed gesäugt
breastfed gestillt
breast-fed babies brustgenährte Kinder {pl} [selten]
breast-fed baby gestilltes Kleinkind {n}
breast-fed babygesäugtes Kleinkind {n} [heute selten, früher öfter] [gestilltes Kleinkind]
breast-fed baby Stillbaby {n}
breastfed baby Stillbaby {n}
breast-fed babyBrustkind {n}
breastfed baby Brustkind {n}
breastfed childgesäugtes Kind {n} [heute selten, früher öfter] [gestilltes Kind]
breastfed child gestilltes Kind {n}
breastfed children gestillte Kinder {pl}
breastfed infant Stillkind {n}
breastfed infants Stillkinder {pl}
breastfeederStillende {f}
breastfeeding Säugen {n}
breastfeeding Stillen {n}
breast-feeding stillend
breastfeeding stillend
breastfeeding baby Säugling {m}
breastfeeding consultantStillberater {m}
breastfeeding counselor [Am.] Stillberater {m}
« breabreabreabreabreabreabreabreabreaBrecbree »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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