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English-German Dictionary

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brindled pug [Eupithecia abbreviata] [moth]Eichen-Blütenspanner / Eichenblütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
brindled white-spot [Parectropis similaria] [moth] Weißfleck-Rindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(brindled) square spot [Paradarisa consonaria] [moth]Glattbindiger Rindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(brindled) square spot [Paradarisa consonaria] [moth] Birken-Baumspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
brindleyite [(Ni,Mg,Fe)2Al(SiAl)O5(OH)4] Brindleyit {m}
brindly scheckig
brine Salzlauge {f}
brineSole {f}
brine Lauge {f}
brineSalzwasser {n}
brineSalzbrühe {f}
brine Lake {f}
brinePökel {m}
brineSalzlake {f}
brineSolewasser {n}
brine Pökellake {f}
brine [chiefly literary] See {f} [Meer]
brine [obs.] [poet.] Zähren {pl} [veraltet für Tränen] [poet.] [hum.]
brine [salt-water solution] Salzsole {f}
brine bathSolbad {n}
brine bathSalzwasserbad {n} [für Heilanwendungen]
brine cheese Salzlakenkäse {m}
brine cooling Solekühlung {f}
brine flies [family Ephydridae] Salzfliegen {pl}
brine flies [family Ephydridae]Sumpffliegen {pl}
brine flies [family Ephydridae]Breitmaulfliegen {pl}
brine flies [family Ephydridae] Weitmaulfliegen {pl}
brine flies [family Ephydridae] Ephydriden {pl} [Salzfliegen]
brine formation Soleformation {f}
brine formation [forming of brine]Solebildung {f}
brine pipeline Soleleitung {f}
brine poolSolebecken {n}
brine production Solegewinnung {f}
brine pump Kühlsolepumpe {f}
brine pumpSolepumpe {f}
brine shrimp [Artemia salina]Salinenkrebs {m}
brine shrimps [sea monkeys] Salzwassergarnelen {pl}
brine solution Salzlösung {f}
brine spring Solquelle {f}
brine springSalzquelle {f}
brine wellSolebrunnen {m}
brine worksSaline {f}
brine-cured salmonin Salzwasser eingelegter Lachs {m}
brined gepökelt
brined in Salzlake eingelegt
Brinell hardness Brinellhärte {f}
Brinell (hardness) number Brinellzahl {f}
brine-panSolpfanne {f}
brines Salzlaugen {pl}
brines Solen {pl}
Bring a buddy! [esp. Am.] [coll.] Bring eine Freundin / einen Freund mit!
Bring along your swimming things! Bring die Badesachen mit!
Bring her out! Bring sie hinaus!
Bring it here! Bring es her!
Bring it off! Mach es weg!
Bring It On [Peyton Reed] Girls United
Bring It On Again [Damon Santostefano] Girls United Again
Bring it on!Versuch's doch mal!
Bring me ... Hole mir ...
Bring me ...!Hol mir ...!
Bring me that book! Hole mir jenes Buch!
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia [Sam Peckinpah] Bring mir den Kopf von Alfredo Garcia
Bring some paper with you!Bring (dir) etwas Papier mit!
Bring the water to a rolling boil. Das Wasser zum Sprudeln bringen.
Bring this letter along with you.Bringen Sie bitte dieses Schreiben mit.
Bring to the Lord honour of His name [Br.]Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens [J. S. Bach, BWV 148]
Bring up your chair to the fire!Rück deinen Stuhl näher an den Kamin!
bring your own ... <BYO> (für) Selbstversorger [eigene Verpflegung mitbringen]
bring your own... <BYO> mit Selbstversorgung
Bring your own bottle. <BYOB> Getränke sind selbst mitzubringen.
Bring your own device <BYOD> Bring dein eigenes Gerät mit.
Bring your wife with you! Bring deine Frau mit!
bringdown [Am.] [coll.]Enttäuschung {f} [einer Hoffnung, Erwartung]
bringerBringer {m}
bringerÜberbringer {m}
bringer of bad luck Unheilsbote {m}
bringer of bad tidingsUnglücksbote {m}
bringer of good luckGlücksbote {m}
bringer of ideas Ideenbringer {m}
bringer of ill luck Unheilsbote {m}
bringer of news Überbringer {m} einer Nachricht
bringer of news Nachrichtenbringer {m}
bringer of peace Friedensbringer {m}
bringing bringend
bringing aboutHerbeiführung {f}
bringing along mitbringend
bringing backwiederbringend
bringing downherunterbringend
bringing downAusschaltung {f}
bringing downBesiegung {f}
bringing downNiederwerfung {f}
bringing down an opponentErledigung {f} eines Gegners
bringing forwardVorverlegung {f}
bringing forwardÜbertragung {f}
bringing ineinspielend
bringing in Hinzuziehung {f}
bringing in [e.g. an expert to a council] Beizug {m} [schweiz.] [Hinzuziehung z. B. eines Experten zu einem Gremium]
bringing in [of a person, organisation] Einschaltung {f} [eines Spezialisten, Vermittlers, Gerichts]
bringing in of a bill Einbringung {f} eines Gesetzes
bringing into lineAusrichtung {f}
« BrigbrigbrigbrilbrilbrinbrinbrisbrisBrisBrit »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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