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English-German Dictionary

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broadcast concertRundfunkkonzert {n}
broadcast date Sendetermin {m}
broadcast domainBroadcast-Domäne {f}
broadcast engineerRundfunktechniker {m}
broadcast engineer [female] Rundfunktechnikerin {f}
broadcast lecture im Rundfunk übertragener Vortrag {m}
broadcast listenerRundfunkhörer {m}
broadcast managementSendeabwicklung {f}
broadcast mediaRundfunkmedien {pl}
broadcast musicRundfunkmusik {f}
broadcast programme [Br.]Rundfunkprogramm {n}
broadcast receiverRundfunkempfänger {m}
broadcast satellite Rundfunksatellit {m}
broadcast sowing breitwürfiges Säen {n}
broadcast spreader [seeding, fertilizing, etc.] Düngerstreuer {m}
broadcast station Rundfunkstation {f}
broadcast station Sender {m} [Radiosender]
broadcast studio Funkhaus {n}
broadcast studio Sendestudio {n}
broadcast transmitter Radiosender {m}
broadcast videotex Videotextsystem {n}
broadcast wave format <BWF>Broadcast-Wave-Format {n} <BWF>
broadcasted gesendet
broadcaster Rundfunksprecher {m}
broadcaster Ansager {m}
broadcasterSender {m}
broadcaster [broadcast seeder machine] Breitsämaschine {f} [Breitsaatsämaschine, Breitsaat-Sämaschine]
broadcaster [female] Ansagerin {f}
broadcaster [personality] Fernsehpersönlichkeit {f}
broadcaster [personality] Rundfunkpersönlichkeit {f}
broadcaster's own sendereigen
broadcastingRundfunksendung {f}
broadcasting Rundsendung {f}
broadcastingSendung {f}
broadcasting Rundfunk {m}
broadcasting Rundfunkübertragung {f}
broadcasting area Sendegebiet {n}
broadcasting center [Am.] Funkhaus {n}
broadcasting centre [Br.]Rundfunkstation {f}
broadcasting centre [Br.]Funkhaus {n}
broadcasting committee Rundfunkkomitee {n}
broadcasting company Rundfunkgesellschaft {f}
broadcasting companyRundfunkanstalt {f}
broadcasting corporationSendeanstalt {f}
broadcasting corporationRundfunkanstalt {f}
broadcasting fee [in Germany, a fee paid by each household to support public broadcasting] Rundfunkbeitrag {m}
broadcasting for schoolsSchulfunk {m}
broadcasting hours Sendezeiten {pl}
broadcasting houseSender {m}
broadcasting industry Rundfunkbranche {f}
broadcasting industry Rundfunkindustrie {f}
broadcasting industryRundfunk und Fernsehen [je nach Thema auch nur: (der) Rundfunk, (das) Fernsehen] [Rundfunkbranche, Rundfunk- und Fernsehwirtschaft]
broadcasting industry Rundfunk- und Fernsehwirtschaft {f} [je nach Thema auch nur: Rundfunkwirtschaft, Fernsehwirtschaft]
broadcasting mandate Programmauftrag {m}
broadcasting monopoly Sendemonopol {n}
broadcasting monopoly [radio] Rundfunkmonopol {n}
broadcasting networks Netz {n} der Radiostationen
broadcasting organisation [Br.] Sendeanstalt {f}
broadcasting organizationSendeanstalt {f}
broadcasting organization Sendeunternehmen {n}
broadcasting program [Am.] Sendeprogramm {n}
broadcasting programme [Br.] Rundfunkprogramm {n}
broadcasting programs [Am.] Sendeprogramme {pl}
broadcasting project Rundfunkprojekt {n}
broadcasting revenue {sg} Rundfunk- und Fernsehgelder {pl}
broadcasting rights Übertragungsrechte {pl}
broadcasting rightsSenderechte {pl}
broadcasting serviceRundfunkdienst {m}
broadcasting services Rundfunkdienste {pl}
broadcasting station Rundfunksender {m} [Sendeanstalt]
broadcasting station Sender {m}
broadcasting stationSendeanstalt {f}
broadcasting stationFernsehstation {f}
broadcasting station Rundfunkstation {f}
broadcasting station Sendestation {f}
broadcasting stationSendeanlage {f}
broadcasting studio Rundfunkstudio {n}
broadcasting studio Sendestudio {n}
broadcasting time Sendezeit {f}
broadcasting tower [Am.] Sendemast {m}
broadcasting transmitterSender {m}
broadcasting union Senderverbund {m}
broadcasting vanÜ-Wagen {m} [ugs.] [Übertragungswagen]
broadcasting wave Rundfunkwelle {f}
broadcasts Sendungen {pl}
broadchestedmit breitem Brustkasten [nachgestellt]
broad-clawed crayfish [Astacus astacus, syn.: A. fluviatilis](Deutscher) Edelkrebs {m}
broad-clawed crayfish [Astacus astacus, syn.: A. fluviatilis] Europäischer Flusskrebs {m}
broad-clawed crayfish [Astacus astacus, syn.: A. fluviatilis] Gemeiner Flusskrebs {m}
broad-clawed crayfish [Astacus astacus, syn.: A. fluviatilis]Rotscherling {m} [Deutscher Flusskrebs]
broad-clawed porcelain crab [Porcellana platycheles, syn.: Cancer platycheles]Haariger Porzellankrebs {m}
broad-clawed porcelain crab [Porcellana platycheles, syn.: Cancer platycheles] Grauer Porzellankrebs {m}
broadclothfeines schwarzes Tuch {n}
broadcloth merzerisierter Baumwollstoff {m}
broadcloth Walkstoff {m}
broadclub cuttlefish [Sepia latimanus, syn.: Ponderosepia eclogaria]Breitkeulen-Sepie {f}
broadclub cuttlefish [Sepia latimanus, syn.: Ponderosepia eclogaria] Breitarm-Sepie {f}
broadclub cuttlefish [Sepia latimanus] Breitarm-Sepia {f}
broadclub cuttlefish [Sepia latimanus] Breitkeulen-Sepia {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers