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English-German Dictionary

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baloney [coll.] Schwachsinn {m} [ugs.]
baloney [coll.]Stuss {m} [ugs.]
baloney [coll.]Fickfackerei {f} [regional für: Unsinn]
baloney [coll.] Quatsch {m} mit Soße [ugs.]
baloney [coll.]Spökes {m} [ugs.] [regional]
baloney brain [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] Matschbirne {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
Balon's ruffe [Gymnocephalus baloni]Donaukaulbarsch {m} [auch: Donau-Kaulbarsch]
Balon's ruffe [Gymnocephalus baloni] Balons Kaulbarsch {m}
Baloo [Jungle Book] [Disney]Balu
Baloo [TaleSpin] Balu [Käpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew]
Baloo's Air Service [TaleSpin] Balus Fliegerservice [Käpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew]
Baló's disease Baló-Krankheit {f}
Baló's diseasekonzentrische Sklerose {f}
balsa [Ochroma pyramidale, syn.: O. lagopus]Balsa {n}
balsa [Ochroma pyramidale, syn.: O. lagopus]Balsabaum {m}
balsa wood Balsaholz {n}
balsa wood tree [Aeschynomene elaphroxylon]Ambatch-Baum {m}
balsa wood tree [Aeschynomene elaphroxylon] Ambatsch {m}
balsam Balsam {m}
balsam apple [Echinocystis lobata] [also: balsam-apple]Igelgurke {f}
balsam apple [Echinocystis lobata] [also: balsam-apple] (Gelappte) Stachelgurke {f}
balsam apple [Echinocystis lobata] [also: balsam-apple] Wilde Gurke {f}
balsam apple [Momordica balsamina] Balsamapfel {m}
balsam apple [Momordica balsamina]Balsamgurke {f}
balsam carpet [Xanthorhoe biriviata] [moth] Springkraut-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
balsam carpet [Xanthorhoe biriviata] [moth]Springkraut-Quellflur-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
balsam family {sg} [family Balsaminaceae]Balsaminengewächse {pl}
balsam family {sg} [family Balsaminaceae]Springkrautgewächse {pl}
balsam family {sg} [family Balsaminaceae]Balsaminaceen {pl}
balsam fir [Abies balsamea] Balsam-Tanne {f}
balsam fir [Abies balsamea]Balsamtanne {f}
balsam fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor] Grau-Tanne / Grautanne {f}
balsam fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor] Silber-Tanne / Silbertanne {f}
balsam fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor] Kolorado-Tanne / Koloradotanne {f}
balsam fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor] Colorado-Tanne / Coloradotanne {f}
balsam herb [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris] Frauenminze {f}
balsam herb [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris] Balsamkraut {n}
balsam herb [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris]Marienblatt {n}
balsam herb [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris] Marienbalsam {m} [Balsamkraut]
balsam of fir [Balsamum canadense] Kanadabalsam {m}
balsam of Peru Wundbalsam {m}
balsam of Peru [Balsamum peruvianum nigrum, Balsamum indicum nigrum, Myroxylon balsamum] Perubalsam {m} [auch: Peru-Balsam]
balsam of Peru [Balsamum peruvianum nigrum, Balsamum indicum nigrum, Myroxylon balsamum]Indischer Balsam {m} [Perubalsam]
balsam poplar [Populus balsamifera (subsp. balsamifera), syn.: Populus tacamahaca, P. candicans] Balsampappel / Balsam-Pappel {f}
balsam spurge [Euphorbia balsamifera]Balsam-Wolfsmilch {f}
balsam spurge [Euphorbia balsamifera]Süße Wolfsmilch {f}
balsam turpentine oilBalsamterpentinöl {n} [auch: Balsam-Terpentinöl]
balsam twig aphid [Mindarus abietinus]Weißtannentrieblaus {f}
balsam willow [Salix pyrifolia](Amerikanische) Balsam-Weide / Balsamweide {f}
balsam woodBalsamholz {n}
balsam woolly aphid [Adelges piceae, syn.: A. (Dreyfusia) piceae, Chermes piceae] Stammrindenlaus {f}
balsam woolly aphid [Adelges piceae, syn.: A. (Dreyfusia) piceae, Chermes piceae] (Europäische) Tannenstammlaus / Tannen-Stammlaus {f}
balsam woolly aphid [Adelges piceae, syn.: A. (Dreyfusia) piceae, Chermes piceae] Tannenknospenlaus {f}
balsamic balsamisch
balsamic odour [Br.]aromatischer Wohlgeruch {m}
balsamic sage [Salvia tomentosa] Filz-Salbei {m} {f}
balsamic sage [Salvia tomentosa]Filziger Salbei {m} [auch {f}: Filzige Salbei]
balsamic sage [Salvia tomentosa] Syrischer Salbei {m} [auch {f}: Syrische Salbei]
balsamic vinegar Balsamico-Essig {m}
balsamic vinegarBalsamessig {m}
balsamic vinegar Balsamicoessig {m}
balsamic vinegarBalsamico {m}
balsamic vinegarAceto balsamico {m}
balsamiferousBalsam erzeugend
balsamina [Momordica balsamina] Balsamgurke {f}
balsamina [Momordica balsamina]Balsamapfel {m}
balsamroot [genus Balsamorhiza]Balsamwurzel {f} [auch Balsamroot]
balsams [family Balsaminaceae] [balsam family] Springkrautgewächse {pl}
balsams [family Balsaminaceae] [balsam family] Balsaminaceen {pl}
balsams [family Balsaminaceae] [balsam family]Balsaminengewächse {pl}
balsamy balsamisch
Balsas armed lizard [Ctenosaura clarki] Michoacán-Schwarzleguan {m}
Balsas centipede snake [Tantilla sertula]Balsas-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Balsas screech owl [Megascops seductus] Balsaskreischeule {f}
Balsas woodpecker [Melanerpes hypopolius, syn.: Centurus hypopolius] Graukehlspecht {m} [auch: Graukehl-Specht]
Balsas worm lizard [Bipes canaliculatus]Zweifuß-Doppelschleiche {f}
Balsas worm lizard [Bipes canaliculatus] Vierfingrige Handwühle {f}
balsawoodBalsaholz {n}
BaltBalte {m}
Balthazar Balthasar {m}
Balthazardingsbums Balthasar {m}
balthazar [12-litre bottle]Balthasar {f} [12-Liter-Flasche]
Baltic amberBaltischer Bernstein {m}
Baltic area Ostseeraum {m}
Baltic Avenue [Am.] [Monopoly] Turmstraße {f} [Monopoly]
Baltic bog-moss / bog moss [Sphagnum balticum]Baltisches Torfmoos {n}
Baltic Chain Baltische Kette {f} [selten für: Baltischer Weg]
Baltic city Ostseestadt {f}
Baltic clam [Limecola balthica] Baltische Plattmuschel {f}
Baltic clam [Limecola balthica] Nordische Tellmuschel {f}
Baltic clam [Limecola balthica] Baltische Tellmuschel {f}
Baltic clam [Limecola balthica]Rote Bohne {f} [Baltische Tellmuschel]
Baltic coastOstseeküste {f}
Baltic countries baltische Staaten {pl}
Baltic countries {pl} Baltikum {n}
Baltic Defence [Br.] [chess opening] Baltische Verteidigung {f} [Schacheröffnung]
Baltic Defence College <BALTDEFCOL> <BDCOL> Baltische Verteidigungsakademie {f}
« ballballballballballbaloBaltbalubambbanobana »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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