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English-German Dictionary

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broken-back shrimp {pl} [family Hippolytidae] Putzer- und Marmorgarnelen {pl}
broken-barred carpet [Electrophaes corylata] [moth]Zweifarbiger Laubholz-Bindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
broken-barred carpet [Electrophaes corylata] [moth]Laubholz-Bindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
broken-barred carpet [Electrophaes corylata] [moth]Linden-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
broken-barred roller [Ancylis unguicella] [moth] Gelber Heide-Spitzflügelwickler {m} [Mottenart]
broken-belted bumblebee [Bombus soroeensis] Distelhummel {f}
broken-down vehicle liegengebliebenes Fahrzeug {n}
brokenhearted untröstlich
broken-hearted gebrochenen Herzens
broken-hearted [attr.] mit gebrochenem Herzen [nachgestellt]
broken-heartedly gebrochenen Herzens
broken-in bootseingetragene Stiefel {pl}
brokenly gebrochen
brokenly [e.g. say sth. brokenly] abgehackt [z. B. abgehackt sprechen]
brokenness Zerrissenheit {f}
brokennessGebrochenheit {f}
brokennessZerbrochenheit {f}
broken-period interest aufgelaufener Zins {m}
broken-ringed earth snake [Geophis semidoliatus]Korallen-Erdnatter {f}
broken-up aufgebrochen
broken-winded kurzatmig
brokerMakler {m}
broker Börsenmakler {m}
broker Mittler {m}
brokerVermittler {m}
broker Zwischenhändler {m}
broker Maklergesellschaft {f}
brokerMäkler {m} [regional] [sonst selten] [Makler]
brokerBroker {m}
broker [female] Börsenmaklerin {f}
broker [female] Börsianerin {f} [ugs.] [Börsenmaklerin]
broker [female] Maklerin {f}
broker activityMaklertätigkeit {f}
broker firm Brokerfirma {f}
broker in small funds Makler {m} in kleinen Mengen
brokerageMaklergebühr {f}
brokerage Provision {f} [eines Maklers]
brokerage Vermittlungsgebühr {f}
brokerage Courtage {f}
brokerageMakleranteil {m}
brokerageMaklergeschäft {n}
brokerage Maklerprovision {f}
brokerageMaklertätigkeit {f}
brokerage Maklergesellschaft {f}
brokerage Maklercourtage {f}
brokerageKurtage {f} [Rsv.] [Courtage]
brokerage account Maklerkonto {n}
brokerage account Brokerkonto {n}
brokerage account Courtagekonto {n}
brokerage commission Maklerprovision {f}
brokerage contract Maklervertrag {m}
brokerage contract Mäklervertrag {m}
brokerage enterprise Brokerunternehmen {n}
brokerage feeMaklergebühr {f}
brokerage firmMaklerfirma {f}
brokerage firm Maklergesellschaft {f}
brokerage house Maklerfirma {f}
brokerage houseMaklergesellschaft {f}
brokerage house Maklerunternehmen {n}
brokerage house Brokerhaus {n}
brokerage office Maklerbüro {n}
brokerage ratesMaklersätze {pl}
brokerage servicesMaklerdienste {pl}
brokerages Maklergebühren {pl}
broker-dealer sowohl Makler als auch Händler
brokered vermittelt
brokered verhandelt
brokereddurch Vermittlung ausgehandelt
brokered mit Hilfe eines Vermittlers geregelt
brokered ausgehandelt
brokeress Maklerin {f}
brokering aushandelnd
brokers Makler {pl}
broker's charges {pl}Maklergebühr {f}
broker's commission Maklergebühr {f}
broker's commission Maklerprovision {f}
broker's commission Schmus {m} [ugs., veraltet]
broker's feeMaklergebühr {f}
broker's loan Maklerdarlehen {n}
broker's loan Maklerkredit {m}
broker's noteSchlussschein {m}
broker's office Maklerbüro {n}
broker's returnCourtage {f}
brokers' row [Br.]Trödelmarkt {m}
broker's statementMaklerabrechnung {f}
brolga [Antigone rubicunda, syn.: Grus rubicunda, G. rubicundus] Brolgakranich {m}
brolga [Antigone rubicunda, syn.: Grus rubicunda, G. rubicundus]Australischer Kranich {m}
B-roll[Material von den Dreharbeiten zur Verwendung für u. a. Schnittbilder]
brolly [Br.] [coll.] Regenschirm {m}
brolly [Br.] [coll.]Regendach {n} [hum.] [Regenschirm]
brolly overwrap [Br.] [zeltplanenartiger Überwurf für den Brolly, der den Schirm in ein Zelt verwandelt]
bromadiolone [C30H23BrO4] Bromadiolon {n}
bromance [coll.] [portmanteau of brother-romance, non-sexual] innige Männerbeziehung {f} [nicht sexueller Natur]
bromance [coll.] [portmanteau of brother-romance, non-sexual] Bromance {f} [Neol.]
bromance [coll.] [portmanteau of brother-romance, non-sexual] Bromanze {f} [Neol.]
bromanol [HBrO] hypobromige Säure {f}
bromargyrite [AgBr]Bromargyrit {m}
bromate Bromat {n}
bromatology Bromatologie {f}
« broabroabroaBrocbrokbrokbrombronbronbronbron »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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