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Bronze Age tumulusbronzezeitlicher Grabhügel {m}
bronze arrowhead Bronzepfeilspitze {f} [auch: Bronze-Pfeilspitze]
bronze axe Bronzebeil {n}
bronze barBronzebarren {m}
bronze bass [Micropterus dolomieu] Schwarzbarsch {m}
bronze bearBronzebär {m}
bronze bearing Bronzelager {n}
bronze bellBronzeglocke {f}
bronze birch borer [Agrilus anxius]Birkenprachtkäfer {m}
bronze birch borer [Agrilus anxius] Bronzefarbener Birken-Bohrer / Birkenbohrer {m}
bronze bream [Abramis brama] Brachse {f}
bronze bream [Abramis brama] Brachsen {m}
bronze bream [Abramis brama]Brachsme {f}
bronze bream [Abramis brama] Brachsmen {m} [schweiz.]
bronze bream [Abramis brama]Brasse {f}
bronze bream [Abramis brama] Blei {m} [Brachse]
bronze bull [bull of Phalaris] Bronzestier {m} [auch: eherner Stier]
bronze bustBronzebüste {f}
bronze casket [Am.] Bronzesarg {m}
bronze casting Bronzeguß {m} [alt]
bronze casting Bronzeguss {m} [Verfahren]
bronze catfish [Corydoras aeneus] Metallpanzerwels {m} [auch: Metall-Panzerwels]
bronze catfish [Corydoras aeneus] Goldstreifenpanzerwels {m} [auch: Goldstreifen-Panzerwels]
bronze cauldronBronzekessel {m}
bronze coffinBronzesarg {m}
bronze coin Bronzemünze {f}
bronze coins Bronzemünzen {pl}
bronze color [Am.]Bronzeton {m}
bronze colour [Br.] Bronzeton {m}
bronze connector Bronzedübel {m}
bronze corydoras [Corydoras aeneus] Metallpanzerwels {m} [auch: Metall-Panzerwels]
bronze corydoras [Corydoras aeneus]Goldstreifenpanzerwels {m} [auch: Goldstreifen-Panzerwels]
bronze currency Bronzewährung {f}
bronze daggerBronzedolch {m}
bronze depositBronzevorkommen {n}
bronze doorBronzetür {f}
bronze earring Bronzeohrring {m}
bronze featherback [Notopterus notopterus] Asiatischer Fähnchen-Messerfisch {m}
bronze fibula Bronzefibel {f}
bronze finds Bronzefunde {pl}
bronze forester [Procris chloros, syn.: Jordanita chloros]Kupferglanz-Grünwidderchen {n} [Nachfalterspezies]
bronze forester [Procris chloros, syn.: Jordanita chloros]Mehrfarbiges Grünwidderchen {n} [Nachfalterspezies]
bronze founder Bronzegießer {m}
bronze founderAffengießer {m}
bronze founder Rotgießer {m}
bronze foundryBronzegießerei {f}
bronze frog [Lithobates clamitans clamitans][Unterart des Amerikanischen Grünfrosches bzw. Schreifrosches]
bronze frog [Lithobates clamitans, syn.: Rana clamitans] Schreifrosch {m}
bronze frog [Lithobates clamitans, syn.: Rana clamitans]Amerikanischer Grünfrosch {m}
bronze grackle [Quiscalus quiscula, syn.: Qu. quiscala] Purpurgrackel {f} [auch: Purpur-Grackel]
bronze grackle [Quiscalus quiscula, syn.: Qu. quiscala] Purpurbootschwanz {m}
bronze grass skink [Eutropis macularia, syn.: Mabuya macularia] Bronzeskink {m}
bronze grass skink [Eutropis macularia, syn.: Mabuya macularia]Gefleckte Mabuye {f} [Skinkart]
bronze ground beetle [Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis]Hain-Laufkäfer {m}
bronze ground dove [Gallicolumba beccarii] Graubrusttaube {f}
bronze groupBronzegruppe {f}
bronze guideFührungsleiste {f} aus Bronze
bronze hammerhead [Sphyrna lewini] Bogenstirn-Hammerhai {m}
bronze hammerhead [Sphyrna lewini] Gekerbter Hammerhai {m}
bronze hardware {sg}Bronzebeschläge {pl}
bronze headBronzekopf {m}
bronze helmet Bronzehelm {m}
bronze horseBronzepferd {n}
bronze inca [Coeligena coeligena] Himmelsmusketier {m} [Kolibri]
bronze ingotBronzeblock {m}
bronze inscriptionsBronzeinschriften {pl}
bronze lionBronzelöwe {m}
bronze mabuya [Eutropis macularia, syn.: Mabuya macularia] Bronzeskink {m}
bronze mabuya [Eutropis macularia, syn.: Mabuya macularia] Gefleckte Mabuye {f} [Skinkart]
bronze mannikin [Lonchura cucullata]Kleinelsterchen {n}
bronze maskBronzemaske {f}
bronze medal Bronzemedaille {f}
bronze medal game Spiel {n} um die Bronzemedaille
bronze medal gameSpiel {n} um Bronze [ugs.]
bronze medalist [Am.]Bronzemedaillengewinner {m}
bronze medalist [female] [Am.] Bronzemedaillengewinnerin {f}
bronze medallist [Br.] Bronzemedaillengewinner {m}
bronze medallist [female] [Br.] Bronzemedaillengewinnerin {f}
bronze mirrorBronzespiegel {m}
bronze mount Bronzebeschlag {m}
bronze munia [Lonchura cucullata] Kleinelsterchen {n}
bronze needle Bronzenadel {f}
bronze New Zealand burr [Acaena microphylla] Kleinblättriges Stachelnüsschen {n}
bronze New Zealand burr [Acaena microphylla]Braunblättriges Stachelnüsschen {n}
bronze object Bronzeobjekt {n}
bronze owlet [Scythris fallacella]Ähnlicher Heidefalter {m}
bronze paper Bronzepapier {n}
bronze parotia [Parotia berlepschi, syn.: P. carolae berlepschi]Berlepscher Strahlenparadiesvogel {m}
bronze pinBronzenadel {f}
bronze pirri-pirri-bur [Acaena anserinifolia, syn.: A. sanguisorbae] Fingerkraut-Stachelnüsschen / Fingerkrautstachelnüsschen {n}
bronze pirri-pirri-bur [Acaena anserinifolia] Stachelnüsschen {n}
bronze pirri-pirri-bur [Acaena anserinifolia] Fingerkrautblättriges Stachelnüsschen {n}
bronze plaque Bronzetafel {f} [Gedenktafel]
bronze plaqueBronzeplatte {f} [Gedenktafel]
bronze powder [aurum musivum, aurum mosaicum] [mosaic gold] unechtes Muschelgold {n} [Musivgold]
bronze printingBronzedruck {m}
bronze production Bronzeherstellung {f}
bronze quoll [Dasyurus spartacus] Bronzequoll {m}
bronze relief Bronzerelief {n}
bronze reproductionBronzereproduktion {f}
« brokBrokbrokbrombronBronbronbrooBroobrotbrou »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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