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(baby) bottleFläschchen {n} [Babyfläschchen]
(baby) changing bagWickeltasche {f}
(baby) changing stand Wickelgestell {n} (für Babys)
(baby) cot [Br.] Kinderbettchen {n}
(baby) crib cardGeburtskarte {f}
(baby) formula Milchnahrung {f} [für Säuglinge]
(baby) ostrich chickStraußenküken {n}
(baby) stroller [Am.]Sportwagen {m} [Kinderwagen]
(baby) stroller [Am.] Kinderwagen {m}
(baby) walker Laufgestell {n} [Lauflernhilfe für Babys]
(baby) wipesFeuchttücher {pl} (für Babys)
baby-batterer[jemand, der Kleinkinder misshandelt]
baby-battering Kindesmisshandlung {f} [von Kleinkindern]
baby-blue himmelblau
baby-blue stone-crop / stonecrop [Sedum caeruleum]Blauer Mauerpfeffer {m}
baby-boom generationgeburtenstarke Jahrgänge {pl}
baby-boomer generationgeburtenstarke Jahrgänge {pl}
baby-bottle tooth decay [coll.] [early childhood caries] Fläschchenkaries {f} [ugs.] [frühkindliche Karies]
baby-bro [coll.]jüngster Bruder {m}
baby-bust generation geburtenschwache Jahrgänge {pl}
baby-cakes [Am.] [sl.] Schatz {m} [Liebling]
baby-care roomWickelraum {m}
baby-chairBaby-Stuhl {m}
Babycham Sekt {m} in kleinen Flaschen
BabychamPiccolo {m} [manchmal auch "Pikkolo"]
baby-changing roomBabywickelraum {m}
babydollBabydoll {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
baby-doll Babydoll {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
baby-doll face Puppengesicht {n}
baby-doll face Lärvchen {n} [veraltend] [ugs.] [puppenhaftes Gesicht]
babyface Milchgesicht {n} [ugs.]
babyfaceBabygesicht {n}
baby-face [adult male] Milchgesicht {n} [ugs.]
baby-faced milchgesichtig [ugs.]
baby-farm Pflegeheim {n} für kleine Kinder
baby-foodKindernahrung {f}
baby-girlkleines Mädchen {n}
Babygro ™ Strampler {m}
babygrow Strampler {m}
babyhoodSäuglingsalter {n}
babyhoodKindheit {f}
babyhood Babyzeit {f}
babyhood Babyalter {n}
babyhood {sg}Babyjahre {pl}
babyingals Säugling behandelnd
babyishkindlich [kindisch]
babyish [pej.] [silly and immature, childish] kindisch [pej.]
baby-led weaning <BLW>babygesteuerte Beikosteinführung {f}
Babylon Babylon {n}
babylon / Babylon quartzBabylonquarz {m}
Babylon 5 Babylon 5
Babylon FortressFestung {f} Babylon
Babylon weeping willow [Salix babylonica, syn.: S. babylonica var. crispa, S. matsudana] (Echte) Trauerweide {f}
Babylon weeping willow [Salix babylonica, syn.: S. babylonica var. crispa, S. matsudana]Babylonische Trauerweide {f}
Babylon weeping willow [Salix babylonica, syn.: S. babylonica var. crispa, S. matsudana] Chinesische Trauerweide {f}
Babylon willow [Salix babylonica, syn. Salix matsudana] Echte Trauerweide {f}
Babylon willow [Salix babylonica, syn. Salix matsudana] Babylonische Trauerweide {f}
BabyloniaBabylonien {n}
Babylonia babylonisches Reich {n}
Babylonian babylonisch <babyl., bab.>
BabylonianBabylonier {m}
Babylonian Babylonisch {n}
Babylonian [female]Babylonierin {f}
Babylonian auger [Terebra babylonia] Babylonische Schraubenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Babylonian captivity babylonische Gefangenschaft {f}
Babylonian clay tablet babylonische Tontafel {f}
Babylonian confusion babylonische Sprachverwirrung {f}
Babylonian Empire babylonisches Reich {n}
Babylonian exile babylonisches Exil {n}
Babylonian mathematics [usually treated as sg.]babylonische Mathematik {f}
Babylonian quartz [also: babylonian quartz]Babylonquarz {m}
Babylonian TalmudBabylonischer Talmud {m} <bT>
Babylonian War [311 BC - 309 BC] Babylonischer Krieg {m}
babylons [coll.] Euter {pl} [ugs.] [Brüste] [pej.]
babylons [coll.] Möpse {pl} [ugs.] [Brüste]
baby-minder [Br.] Tagesmutter {f}
babymoon [coll.]Babymoon {m} [ugs.] [letzter gemeinsamer Urlaub von künftigen Eltern oder erster gemeinsamer Urlaub als Familie zu dritt]
baby-pig disease [coll.] [neonatal hypoglycemia / hypoglycaemia] Hypoglykämie {f} der Saugferkel
baby's / babies' tears [treated as sg.] [Soleirolia soleirolii, syn.: Helxine soleirolii] Bubiköpfchen {n}
baby's / babies' tears [treated as sg.] [Soleirolia soleirolii, syn.: Helxine soleirolii]Bubikopf {m}
baby's binderWickelband {n}
baby's bodily carekörperliche Pflege {f} des Säuglings / Babys
baby's bonnet Baby-Mütze {f}
baby's bottleBaby-Flasche {f}
baby's bottle Milchflasche {f} [für Babys]
baby's breath [Gypsophila paniculata] Schleierkraut {n}
baby's breath [Gypsophila paniculata] Gipskraut {n}
baby's breaths [genus Gypsophila] Gipskräuter {pl}
baby's breaths [genus Gypsophila] Schleierkräuter {pl}
baby's chairBaby-Stuhl {m}
baby's changing tableWickeltisch {m}
baby's changing unit Wickelkommode {f}
baby's comforterBaby-Tröster {m}
baby's cryBabyschrei {m}
baby's dummy [Br.] Baby-Schnuller {m}
baby's garmentBaby-Kleidung {f}
baby's headSäuglingskopf {m}
baby's head Kopf {m} des Babys
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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