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bamboo vine [Smilax laurifolia]Sarsaparille {f}
bamboo vine [Smilax laurifolia] Sassaparille {f} [veraltend] [Sarsaparille]
bamboo viper [Trimeresurus stejnegeri] [Chinese green tree viper] Chinesische Bambusotter {f}
bamboo viper [Trimeresurus stejnegeri] [Chinese green tree viper]Stejnegers Bambusotter {f}
bamboo warbler [Bradypterus alfredi] Graubrust-Buschsänger {m}
bamboo woodpecker [Gecinulus grantia] Blasskopf-Bambusspecht {m}
bamboo woodpecker [Gecinulus viridis] Rotscheitel-Bambusspecht {m}
bamboo woodpecker [Gecinulus viridis]Rotscheitelbambusspecht {m}
bamboo woodpecker [Gecinulus viridis] Bambusspecht {m}
bamboo woodpecker [Gecinulus viridis] Blasskopfspecht {m}
bamboo-leaf oak [Quercus myrsinifolia] Bambusblättrige Eiche {f}
bamboo-leaf oak [Quercus myrsinifolia]Chinesische Myrteneiche {f}
bamboo-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton malaianus]Malayisches Laichkraut {n}
bamboosBambusse {pl}
bamboozled beschwindelt
bamboozlementBetrug {m}
bamboozlement Schwindelei {f}
bamboozlement Verwirrung {f}
bamboozlerSchwindler {m}
bamboozling Schwindelei {f}
bamboozling [coll.] beschwindelnd
BAME [Br.] [black, Asian and minority ethnic][einer schwarzen, asiatischen oder anderen ethnischen Minderheit angehörend]
Bamenda apalis [Apalis bamendae] Bamendafeinsänger {m} [auch: Bamenda-Feinsänger]
Bamenda wattle-eye [Platysteira laticincta] Bamendalappenschnäpper {m}
bamfordite [FeMo2O6(OH)3]Bamfordit {m}
Bamford-Stevens reaction Bamford-Stevens-Reaktion {f}
bamia moschata [Abelmoschus moschatus]Abelmoschus {m}
bamia moschata [Abelmoschus moschatus]Bisamstrauch {m}
bamia moschata [Abelmoschus moschatus] Indischer Hibiscus {m}
bamia moschata [Abelmoschus moschatus]Moschus-Malve {f}
Bamm-Bamm Rubble [The Flintstones]Bam-Bam Geröllheimer
bampot [also: barmpot] [Scot.] [coll.] [pej.] [feeble-minded person]Schwachkopf {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
bampot [also: barmpot] [Scot.] [coll.] [pej.] [foolish person] Spinner {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
bampot [Scot.] [sl.] [pej.] Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
bamstick [Scot.] [coll.] [foolish, stupid, or crazy person]Blödel {m} [ugs.]
bamtree [Populus balsamifera (subsp. balsamifera), syn.: Populus tacamahaca, P. candicans] [(eastern) balsam poplar] Balsampappel / Balsam-Pappel {f}
ban Bann {m}
ban Verbot {n}
ban Sperre {f}
ban Untersagung {f}
ban [archaic] [curse, malediction]Fluch {m}
ban [fig., political: of trade with terrorist regimes, of corporal punishment, etc.]Ächtung {f} [fig., politisch: Verbot]
ban [monetary subunit of the Romanian or Moldovan leu]Ban {m} [Untereinheit des Rumänischen oder Moldauischen Leu]
ban [title] Banus {m}
ban from certain occupational activities [e.g. due to risk of infection] Tätigkeitsverbot {n} [z.B. wegen Ansteckungsgefahr]
ban from entering sb.'s premises Hausverbot {n}
ban of panhandling [Am.]Bettelverbot {n}
ban of smokingRauchverbot {n}
ban of the empireReichsacht {f}
ban on abortionAbtreibungsverbot {n}
ban on abortionsAbtreibungsverbot {n}
ban on admission of young peopleJugendverbot {n}
ban on advertising Werbeverbot {n}
ban on aidBeihilfeverbot {n}
ban on alcohol Alkoholverbot {n}
ban on animal testing [cosmetics and pharmaceuticals] Tierversuchsverbot {n} [auch: Tierversuch-Verbot]
ban on blasphemy Blasphemieverbot {n}
ban on blessing [e.g. same-sex couples] Segnungsverbot {n} [z. B. gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare]
ban on brewing Brauverbot {n}
ban on buildingBauverbot {n}
ban on cars Autosperre {f}
ban on cartels Kartellverbot {n}
ban on cloning Klonverbot {n}
ban on comments Kommentarverbot {n}
ban on cultivationAnbauverbot {n}
ban on demonstrationsDemonstrationsverbot {n}
ban on deporting Abschiebestopp {m}
ban on discrimination Diskriminierungsverbot {n}
ban on drinking alcohol [esp. in public] Zechverbot {n}
ban on driving Fahrverbot {n}
ban on dumping Dumpingverbot {n}
ban on eel fishing Aalfangverbot {n}
ban on emigration Auswanderungsverbot {n}
ban on entering a public place [for infection control] Betretungsverbot {n} [zur Infektionsbekämpfung]
ban on entering the house Hausverbot {n}
ban on entering the pub [Br.] Hausverbot {n} [für eine Kneipe]
ban on exportAusfuhrsperre {f}
ban on export Ausfuhrstopp {m}
ban on exports Ausfuhrverbot {n}
ban on exportsExportverbot {n}
ban on exportsExportstopp {m}
ban on face coveringVerhüllungsverbot {n} [lt. österr. Anti-Gesichtsverhüllungsgesetz <AGesVG>]
ban on face coverings Gesichtsverhüllungsverbot {n}
ban on face veilsVerbot {n} von Gesichtsschleiern
ban on face veilsVerhüllungsverbot {n} [auf Gesichtsschleier bezogen]
ban on facial veils Verschleierungsverbot {n}
ban on fishing activities Fischereiverbot {n}
ban on flying Flugverbot {n}
ban on GM maize [Br.]Genmaisverbot {n}
ban on going outAusgangssperre {f}
ban on imagesBilderverbot {n}
ban on images Abbildungsverbot {n}
ban on immigration Einwanderungsverbot {n}
ban on immigration Aufnahmestopp {m} für Flüchtlinge
ban on imports Einfuhrverbot {n}
ban on imports Importverbot {n}
ban on imports Importstopp {m}
ban on imports Einfuhrstopp {m}
ban on imports Einfuhrsperre {f}
ban on leaving the country Ausreiseverbot {n}
« ballballbalsBaltbalubambbanobanabanabandband »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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