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B-tree B-Baum {m}
B-type encodedB-kodiert
Buan goby [Amblygobius buanensis]Buan-Grundel {f} [auch {m}]
bub [Am.] [coll.] [pej.]Freundchen {n} [ugs.] [drohend]
bub [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] Bürschchen {n} [ugs.] [drohend]
bub [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [dated] [used chiefly as a term of address] [despektierliche Anrede einer männlichen Person]
bub [Am.] [sl.]Schampus {m} [ugs.] [Champagner]
bub [Aus.] [coll.]Baby {n}
bub [Aus.] [coll.] Kleinkind {n}
Buba [also: BuBa, BUBA] [coll.] [(the) Deutsche Bundesbank (the central bank of Germany)] Bundesbank {f} [kurz für: (die) Deutsche Bundesbank (zentrale Notenbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland)]
bubal [Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus] [extinct] Nordafrikanische Kuhantilope {f} [ausgestorben]
bubal antelope [Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus] [extinct] Nordafrikanische Kuhantilope {f} [ausgestorben]
bubal hartebeest [Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus] [extinct]Nordafrikanische Kuhantilope {f} [ausgestorben]
bubbie [Am.] [coll.] [Yiddish derivation for 'grandmother'] Oma {f} [ugs.]
bubbleBlase {f} [Luftblase etc.]
bubble Aufblähung {f}
bubble Magnetblase {f}
bubble [air bubble] Luftblase {f}
bubble [economic bubble, speculative bubble, stock market bubble, etc.] Blase {f} [Spekulationsblase, Finanzblase]
bubble [soap bubble] Seifenblase {f}
bubble [speech bubble]Sprechblase {f}
bubble akera [Akera bullata, syn.: A. farrani, A. tenuis, Bulla akera, B. fragilis, B. globosa, B. norvegica, B. resiliens, Eucampe donovani] (Gemeine) Kugelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
bubble algae [Valonia spp.]Blasenalgen {pl}
bubble and squeak [Br.] [dish made of leftover vegetables] Gemüsegröstl {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
bubble and squeak [Br.] [NZ][traditionelles Pfannengericht aus zerstampften Kohl- und Kartoffelresten, manchmal mit Fleisch; meist zum britischen Frühstück]
bubble anemone [Entacmaea quadricolor] Blasenanemone {f}
bubble anemone [Entacmaea quadricolor]Kupferanemone {f}
Bubble Bass [SpongeBob Squarepants] Blubberbernd {m} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
bubble bathSchaumbad {n} [Badezusatz und Wannenbad]
bubble bath Badeschaum {m}
Bubble Boy [Blair Hayes] Bubble Boy (– Leben hinter Plastik)
Bubble Buddy [SpongeBob SquarePants]Kumpelblase [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
bubble bush [Jatropha curcas] [physic-nut bush]Purgierstrauch {m}
bubble by bubble blasenweise
bubble cap tray Glockenboden {m}
bubble carKabinenroller {m}
bubble cavitationBlasenkavitation {f}
bubble chamber Blasenkammer {f}
bubble chocolate [Am.]Luftschokolade {f}
bubble column Blasensäule {f}
bubble control Blasenregelung {f}
bubble coral [Plerogyra spp.] Blasenkoralle {f}
bubble dance Nackttanz {m} hinter Luftballons
bubble dress Ballonkleid {n}
bubble envelope Luftpolstertasche {f}
bubble formation Blasenbildung {f} [in Flüssigkeiten]
bubble gauge Druckluftpegel {m}
bubble generationBlasenerzeugung {f}
bubble gum Kaugummi {m} {n}
bubble gum Bubblegum {m}
bubble gun Seifenblasen-Pistole {f}
bubble in house pricesHauspreisblase {f}
bubble levelWasserwaage {f}
bubble level Maurerwaage {f}
bubble level Richtwaage {f}
bubble level Schrotwaage {f}
bubble lift [coll.]Gondelbahn {f}
bubble liquidSeifenblasenflüssigkeit {f}
bubble memoryBlasenspeicher {m}
bubble nest Schaumnest {n}
bubble of air Luftblase {f}
bubble of foam Schaumblase {f}
bubble packLuftpolsterfolie {f}
bubble point test <BPT> Bubble-Point-Test {m} <BPT>
bubble point test <BPT>Blasendrucktest {m} [Bubble-Point-Test]
bubble point test <BPT>Blaspunktmessung {f} [Blasendrucktest]
bubble pressure tensiometer Blasendrucktensiometer {n} [auch: Blasendruck-Tensiometer]
bubble raft shell [Janthina janthina, syn.: J. affinis, J. africana, J. alba, J. bicolor, J. britannica, J. communis, J. fragilis, J. grandis, J. violacea, Helix janthina]Floßschnecke {f}
bubble raft shell [Janthina janthina, syn.: J. affinis, J. africana, J. alba, J. bicolor, J. britannica, J. communis, J. fragilis, J. grandis, J. violacea, Helix janthina]Veilchenschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
bubble raft shell [Janthina janthina, syn.: J. affinis, J. africana, J. alba, J. bicolor, J. britannica, J. communis, J. fragilis, J. grandis, J. violacea, Helix janthina]Purpurschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
bubble release agentEntschäumer {m}
bubble sextant Libellensextant {m}
bubble shell [Bulla striata, syn.: B. (Bulla) occidentalis, B. adansonii, B. amygdala / amygdalus, B. dactylis, Bullaria adansoni, B. occidentalis, Retusa mariateresae]Gestreifte Blasenschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
bubble shell [Bulla striata, syn.: B. (Bulla) occidentalis, B. adansonii, B. amygdala / amygdalus, B. dactylis, Bullaria adansoni, B. occidentalis, Retusa mariateresae]Gestreifte Meerblase {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
bubble shells [family Akeridae] Akeridae {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
bubble size Blasengröße {f} [auch: Blasen-Größe]
bubble skirt Ballonrock {m}
bubble snail [Bulla ampulla, syn.: B. columellaris, B. delorti, B. trifasciata, B. villosa, Quibulla selina] Ampullen-Blasenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
bubble snails [family Bullidae] [also: bubble shells]Blasenschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
bubble snails [suborder Cephalaspidea] Kopfschildschnecken {pl}
bubble sortBubble-Sort {n}
Bubble SpurBubble Spur {m}
bubble storageBlasenspeicher {m}
bubble surface Blasenoberfläche {f}
bubble teaSchaumtee {m}
bubble teaBubble Tea {m}
bubble tracks [of submarines]Blasenbahnen {pl} [von U-Booten]
bubble trayGlockenboden {m}
bubble tray tower Glockenbodenkolonne {f}
bubble viscometer Blasenviskosimeter {n}
bubble wrapLuftpolsterfolie {f}
bubble wrapNoppenfolie {f}
bubble wrap Blisterfolie {f}
bubble wrapKnallfolie {f} [ugs.]
bubble wrapPoppfolie {f} [ugs.]
[bubble level]Schrotwage {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Schrotwaage]
bubbleable [obs.] [gullible]leichtgläubig
bubbled glass Ornamentglas {n}
bubblefin wrasse [Halichoeres nigrescens] Weißfleck-Junker {m}
« brumbrusbrusbrutbrutB-trbubbbuccbuckbuckbuck »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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