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budgetary payments Haushaltszahlungen {pl}
budgetary planning Finanzhaushalt {m}
budgetary policies {pl} Haushaltspolitik {f}
budgetary policyHaushaltspolitik {f}
budgetary policyEtatpolitik {f}
budgetary policy Budgetpolitik {f}
budgetary positionHaushaltslage {f}
budgetary powers Haushaltsbefugnisse {pl}
budgetary powers Haushaltskompetenzen {pl}
budgetary pressureBudgetengpass {m}
budgetary principlesHaushaltsgrundsätze {pl}
budgetary principles Haushaltsprinzipien {pl}
budgetary procedure Haushaltsverfahren {n}
budgetary process [e.g. process steps to be followed in parliaments] Haushaltsverfahren {n} [z. B. Verfahrensablauf in Parlamenten]
budgetary projection Haushaltsprojektion {f} [Budgetvorausschau]
budgetary purposes Haushaltszwecke {pl}
budgetary reform [of a state]Haushaltsreform {f} [Staatshaushaltsreform]
budgetary restrictions haushaltsrechtliche Beschränkungen {pl}
budgetary rules Haushaltsvorschriften {pl}
budgetary rules Haushaltsregeln {pl}
budgetary situationHaushaltslage {f}
budgetary sovereigntyHaushaltshoheit {f}
budgetary stabiliser [Br.]Haushaltsstabilisator {m}
budgetary strategy Haushaltsstrategie {f}
budgetary surplusMehreinnahme {f}
budgetary unionFiskalunion {f}
budgetary yearHaushaltsjahr {n}
budgeted im Haushaltsplan vorgesehen
budgeted amount / figure Planwert {m}
budgeted earnings in den Haushalt eingeplante Einkünfte {pl}
budget-friendly kostengünstig
budgeting Etataufstellung {f}
budgeting Haushalt {m}
budgetingHaushaltsplanung {f}
budgetingBudgetierung {f}
budgeting process Budgetierungsprozess {m}
budgeting program [Am.]Haushaltsprogramm {n}
budgets Etats {pl}
budgets Budgets {pl}
budgets [of different institutions etc.] Haushaltsmittel {pl} [verschiedener Einrichtungen etc.]
budgie [coll.] [budgerigar] Wellensittich {m}
budgie smugglers {pl} [Aus.] [sl.] [hum.] Badeslip {m} [knappe Badehose für Männer]
budgiesWellensittiche {pl}
bud-headed groove-moss [Aulacomnium androgynum] Mannweibiges Streifensternmoos {n}
bud-headed groove-moss [Aulacomnium androgynum] Zwittriges Streifensternmoos {n}
Budin's chinchilla rat [Abrocoma budini]Budin-Chinchillaratte {f}
budo Budo {n}
budo sports [Am.] [treated as sg.] Budosport {m} [auch: Budo-Sport]
budsKnospen {pl}
buds [sl.] [buddies]Kumpel {pl} [ugs.]
Buds are just showing. Knospen zeigen sich.
buds of teeth Zahnknospen {pl}
BudvaBudva {n}
Budweis Budweis {n}
Buell Peninsula Buell-Halbinsel {f}
Buenos Aires Buenos Aires {n}
Buenos Aires tetra [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus]Rautenflecksalmler {m}
Buerger's disease Buerger-Syndrom {n}
Buettikofer's glass lizard [Ophisaurus buettikoferi]Borneo-Schleiche {f}
bufalin [C24H34O4]Bufalin {n}
bufeo [Inia geoffrensis, syn.: Delphinus frontatus, D. geoffrensis]Amazonasdelfin {m}
bufeo [Inia geoffrensis, syn.: Delphinus frontatus, D. geoffrensis] Boto {m} [Amazonasdelfin]
bufexamac [C12H17NO3]Bufexamac {n}
buff Büffelleder {n}
buff Lederfarbe {f}
buff starkes Leder {n}
buffBüffelhaut {f}
buff [colour] sämisch
buff [Am.] [coll.] [muscular]muskulös
buff [Am.] [sl.] [in a condition of high physical fitness]durchtrainiert
buff [Am.] [sl.] [physically attractive]attraktiv
buff [brownish-yellow]braungelb
buff [coll.](sachkundiger) Fan {m}
buff [coll.] [bare skin] bloße Haut {f}
buff [coll.] [enthusiast, e.g. a music buff]Enthusiast {m}
buff [coll.] [in the buff]nackt
buff [colour] gelbbraun
buff [colour] Gelbbraun {n}
buff [enthusiast]Fex {m} [österr.] [südd.]
buff [having the color of leather] lederfarben [gelbbraun]
buff [having the color of leather]lederfarbig
buff arches {pl} [treated as sg.] [Habrosyne pyritoides] Achat-Eulenspinner {m} [Schmetterling]
buff arches {pl} [treated as sg.] [Habrosyne pyritoides] [moth] Achateule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff batten Lautenzugleiste {f} [Cembalo]
buff belt Koppel {n}
buff ermine (moth) [Spilarctia luteum, syn.: Spilosoma lutea] Gelbe Tigermotte {f}
buff ermine (moth) [Spilarctia luteum, syn.: Spilosoma lutea] Gelber Fleckleibbär {m} [Nachtfalter]
buff ermine (moth) [Spilarctia luteum, syn.: Spilosoma lutea] Gelber Tigerbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff ermine (moth) [Spilarctia luteum, syn.: Spilosoma lutea] Gelber Bär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff footman [Eilema depressa, syn.: E. deplana, Katha depressa, K. deplana] [moth]Nadelwald-Gelbsaumflechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff footman [Eilema depressa, syn.: E. deplana, Katha depressa, K. deplana] [moth] Nadelwald-Flechtenbärchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff footman [Eilema depressa] [moth] Flachflügel-Flechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff footman [Eilema depressa] [moth]Nadelholzflechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
buff stopLautenzug {m} [Cembalo]
buff striped keelback [Amphiesma stolatum] [snake]Gestreifte Wassernatter {f}
« buckbuckBuddbudgbudgbudgbuffbuffbuffbuffbug[ »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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