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English-German Dictionary

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Buffalo Soldiers [Gregor Jordan] Army Go Home!
buffalo spinach [Basella alba] Indischer Spinat {m}
buffalo spinach [Basella alba] Malabarspinat {m}
buffalo thorn [Ziziphus mucronata] Büffeldorn {m}
buffalo treehopper [Stictocephalus bisonia] (Amerikanische) Büffelzikade {f}
buffalo treehopper [Stictocephalus bisonia] Büffelzirpe {f}
buffalo trunkfish [Lactophrys trigonus] Buffalo-Kofferfisch {m}
buffalo wings [Am.]Hühnerflügel {pl} [scharf gewürzt]
buffaloes Büffel {pl}
buffalogourd pumpkin [Cucurbita foetidissima, syn.: Pepo foetidissima]Prärie-Kürbis / Präriekürbis {m}
buffalogourd pumpkin [Cucurbita foetidissima, syn.: Pepo foetidissima]Wilder Kürbis {m}
buffalogourd pumpkin [Cucurbita foetidissima, syn.: Pepo foetidissima] Büffelkürbis / Büffel-Kürbis {m}
buffalohead [Steatocranus casuarius]Buckelkopfbuntbarsch {m}
Buffalonian [from Buffalo (USA)]aus Buffalo [nachgestellt]
buffalos Büffel {pl}
buffalo's milkBüffelmilch {f}
buff-banded bushbird [Buettikoferella bivittata] Timorbuschsänger {m}
buff-banded rail [Gallirallus philippensis] Bindenralle {f}
buff-banded thicketbird [Buettikoferella bivittata]Timorbuschsänger {m}
buff-banded tyrannulet [Mecocerculus hellmayri]Braunschwanztachuri {m}
buff-barred warbler [Phylloscopus pulcher]Goldbinden-Laubsänger {m}
buff-bellied dove [Leptotila ochraceiventris] Ockerbauchtaube {f}
buff-bellied fat-tailed mouse opossum [Thylamys venustus] Liebliche Fettschwanz-Beutelratte {f}
buff-bellied flowerpecker [Dicaeum ignipectus, syn.: D. ignipectum] Feuerbrust-Mistelfresser {m}
buff-bellied flycatcher [Neolalage banksiana]Harlekinmonarch {m}
buff-bellied hermit [Phaethornis subochraceus] Ockerbaucheremit {m}
buff-bellied hermit [Phaethornis subochraceus]Ockerbauch-Schattenkolibri {m}
buff-bellied hummingbird [Amazilia yucatanensis] Yucatanamazilie {f} [Fahlbauchamazilie]
buff-bellied hummingbird [Amazilia yucatanensis]Fahlbauchamazilie {f}
buff-bellied monarch [Neolalage banksiana] Harlekinmonarch {m}
buff-bellied penduline tit [Anthoscopus sylviella] Rostbauch-Beutelmeise {f}
buff-bellied pipit [Anthus rubescens] Pazifikpieper {m}
buff-bellied pipit [Anthus rubescens] Pazifischer Wasserpieper {m}
buff-bellied puffbird [Notharchus swainsoni] Swainson-Faulvogel {m}
buff-bellied tanager [Thlypopsis inornata] Braunbauchtangare {f}
buff-bellied warbler [Phyllolais pulchella] Akaziensänger {m}
buff-breasted babbler [Pellorneum tickelli, syn.: Trichastoma tickelli] Rotbrust-Maustimalie {f}
buff-breasted babbler [Pellorneum tickelli, syn.: Trichastoma tickelli]Rostbrust-Erdtimalie {f}
buff-breasted earthcreeper [Upucerthia validirostris]Braunbauch-Erdhacker {m}
buff-breasted earthcreeper [Upucerthia validirostris]Langschnabel-Erdhacker {m}
buff-breasted flycatcher [Empidonax fulvifrons]Braunbrusttyrann {m}
buff-breasted mountain tanager [Dubusia taeniata] Silberbrauen-Bergtangare {f}
buff-breasted mountain-tanager [Dubusia taeniata] Silberbrauen-Bergtangare {f}
buff-breasted paradise-kingfisher / paradise kingfisher [Tanysiptera sylvia]Paradiesliest {m}
buff-breasted sabrewing [Campylopterus duidae]Bergdegenflügel {m}
buff-breasted sabrewing [Campylopterus duidae] Tepuidegenflügel {m}
buff-breasted sabrewing [Campylopterus duidae] Cremefarbener Degenflügel {m}
buff-breasted sandpiper [Calidris subruficollis, syn.: Tryngites subruficollis]Grasläufer {m}
buff-breasted tody tyrant [Hemitriccus mirandae] Caatingspateltyrann {m}
buff-breasted wheatear [Oenanthe bottae]Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer {m}
buff-breasted wheatear [Oenanthe bottae]Braunbrustschmätzer {m}
buff-breasted wren [Thryothorus leucotis] Weißohr-Zaunkönig {m}
buff-bridled Inca finch [Incaspiza laeta] Goldschnabelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Goldschnabel-Ammer]
buff-bridled Inca sparrow [Incaspiza laeta] Goldschnabelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Goldschnabel-Ammer]
buff-browed chachalaca [Ortalis superciliaris] Gelbbrauenguan {m}
buff-browed foliage-gleaner [Syndactyla rufosuperciliata] Ockerbrauen-Blattspäher {m}
buff-browed spinetail [Synallaxis superciliosa] Brauenschlüpfer {m}
buff-capped babbler [Stachyris hypogrammica] Palawantimalie {f}
buff-capped babbler [Stachyris hypogrammica]Palawanstreifentimalie {f}
buff-cheeked greenlet [Hylophilus muscicapinus]Braunwangenvireo {m}
buff-cheeked tody flycatcher [Poecilotriccus senex]Braunwangen-Spateltyrann {m}
buff-chested babbler [Stachyris ambigua]Haringtontimalie {f}
buff-collared nightjar [Caprimulgus ridgwayi]Braunhals-Nachtschwalbe {f}
buff-crested bustard [Lophotis gindiana]Oustalettrappe {f}
buffed geschwabbelt
buffed poliert [Silber, Schuhe, Böden]
buffed surfacegeraute Oberfläche {f}
buffed-cheeked gibbon [Nomascus gabriellae]Südlicher Gelbwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
buffel grass [Cenchrus ciliaris, syn.: Pennisetum ciliare]Büffelgras {n}
buffelgrass [Cenchrus ciliaris, syn.: Pennisetum ciliare] Büffelgras {n}
buffelgrass / buffel grass [Cenchrus ciliaris, syn.: Pennisetum ciliare] Blaubüffelgras {n}
buffelgrass / buffel grass [Cenchrus ciliaris, syn.: Pennisetum ciliare] Wimper-Stachelgras {n}
buffelsbol [S.Afr.] [Gardenia thunbergia] ["buffalo ball"]Wald-Gardenie {f}
buffer Prellbock {m}
buffer Puffer {m}
buffer Stoßdämpfer {m}
bufferZwischenspeicher {m}
bufferPufferspeicher {m}
buffer Poliermaschine {f}
buffer [Br.] [sl.] [fellow, man] Kerl {m}
buffer amplifierPufferverstärker {m}
buffer areaPufferbereich {m}
buffer batteryPufferbatterie {f}
buffer beamPufferbohle {f}
buffer beam Stoßbalken {m}
buffer capacitor Pufferkondensator {m}
buffer capacityPufferkapazität {f}
buffer capacity Puffervermögen {n}
buffer carSchutzwagen {m}
buffer command Pufferbefehl {m}
buffer disc [Br.]Pufferteller {m}
buffer disk [Am.] Pufferteller {m}
buffer function Pufferfunktion {f}
buffer gas Puffergas {n}
buffer headPufferteller {m}
buffer layer Pufferschicht {f}
buffer linkage Puffergestänge {n}
buffer management Pufferverwaltung {f}
buffer management Bufferverwaltung {f}
buffer matrix Puffermatrix {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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