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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 63 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
ban on leaving the countryAusreisesperre {f}
ban on mining Abbauverbot {n} [Lagerstätten]
ban on new issues Emissionssperre {f}
ban on night flightsNachtflugverbot {n}
ban on night flights [landings and take-offs]Nachtruhesperre {f} [schweiz.]
ban on night flights [landings and take-offs] Nachtflugsperre {f}
ban on night work Nachtarbeitsverbot {n}
ban on night-time driving Nachtfahrverbot {n}
ban on nighttime driving [also: ban on night-time driving] Nachtfahrverbot {n}
ban on nighttime flyingNachtflugverbot {n}
ban on night-time take-offsNachtstartverbot {n}
ban on nuclear weapons Atomwaffenverbot {n}
ban on office holding [ban on office holding] Ämtersperre {f} [Verbot ein Amt zu bekleiden]
ban on photographyFotografieverbot {n}
ban on photography Fotografierverbot {n}
ban on postersPlakatverbot {n}
ban on preaching Predigtverbot {n}
ban on private gold ownership privates Goldbesitzverbot {n}
ban on productionHerstellungsverbot {n}
ban on public assemblyVersammlungsverbot {n}
ban on public meetings Versammlungsverbot {n}
ban on (public) events Veranstaltungsverbot {n}
ban on publicationPublikationsverbot {n}
ban on putting up posters Plakatierverbot {n}
ban on quarryingAbbauverbot {n} [Steinbruch]
ban on recruitment Anwerbestopp {m}
ban on recruitmentEinstellungsstopp {m}
ban on Shabbat Sabbatverbot {n}
ban on slaughtering Schlachtverbot {n}
ban on smoking Rauchverbot {n}
ban on sounding one's horn Hupverbot {n}
ban on speaking Redeverbot {n}
ban on stayingAufenthaltsverbot {n}
ban on strikesStreikverbot {n}
ban on Sunday driving Sonntagsfahrverbot {n}
ban on swimmingSchwimmverbot {n}
ban on taking leaveUrlaubssperre {f}
ban on taking part in any football-related activityVerbot {n} jeglicher in Zusammenhang mit dem Fußball stehenden Tätigkeit
ban on taking time off Urlaubssperre {f}
ban on talking Redeverbot {n}
ban on the useNutzungsverbot {n}
ban on thinkingDenkverbot {n}
ban on tobacco advertising Tabakwerbeverbot {n}
ban on travelReiseverbot {n}
ban on vehicles Fahrverbot {n}
ban on violent video games Killerspiel-Verbot {n} [ugs.]
ban on violent video gamesKillerspielverbot {n} [ugs.]
ban on violent video games Verbot {n} von Killerspielen [ugs.]
ban on visitors Besuchsverbot {n}
ban on watching TV Fernsehverbot {n}
ban on wearing face coveringsVermummungsverbot {n}
[ban on exercising a function; disciplinary measure, e.g. in sports] Funktionssperre {f} [Disziplinarmaßnahme, bes. im Sport]
[ban on reading the Bible, esp. in translations] Bibelverbot {n}
[ban on the employment of teachers and civil servants who are considered to be radical]Radikalenerlass {m}
Banach algebra Banachalgebra {f}
Banach fixed-point theorem Banach'scher Fixpunktsatz {m}
Banach fixed-point theorem Fixpunktsatz {m} von Banach [auch: Fixpunktsatz nach Banach]
Banach lattice Banach-Verband {m}
Banach space Banachraum {m}
Banach spaceBanachscher Raum {m}
Banach spaceBanach-Raum {m}
Banach-Alaoglu theorem Satz {m} von Banach-Alaoglu
Banach-Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem Satz {m} von Banach-Alaoglu-Bourbaki
Banach-Dieudonné theorem [also: theorem of Banach-Dieudonné] Satz {m} von Banach-Dieudonné
Banach-Mackey theorem [also: theorem of Banach-Mackey]Satz {m} von Banach-Mackey
Banach-Mazur theorem [also: theorem of Banach-Mazur] Satz {m} von Banach-Mazur
Banach-Schauder theorem [open mapping theorem of Banach and Schauder] Satz {m} von Banach-Schauder
Banach-Steinhaus theorem [also: theorem of Banach-Steinhaus]Satz {m} von Banach-Steinhaus
Banach-Tarski paradoxBanach-Tarski-Paradoxon {n}
banal banal
banal abgedroschen [ugs.]
banal gewöhnlich
banal trivial
banal conceptAllerweltsidee {f} [banales Konzept]
banal rightsBannrechte {pl}
banalisation [Br.] Banalisierung {f}
banalities Banalitäten {pl}
banality Banalität {f}
banalityAbgedroschenheit {f}
banality Gemeinplatz {m}
banality Plattheit {f}
banalityAlltäglichkeit {f}
banalityGeistlosigkeit {f}
banalityFadheit {f}
banality of evil Banalität {f} des Bösen
banalizationBanalisierung {f}
banally banal
banalsite [BaNa2Al4Si4O16] Banalsit {m} [ein Feldspat]
bananaBanane {f}
banana Affenfrucht {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Banane]
banana Affenwurst {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Banane]
banana [attr.] Bananen-
banana [genus Musa, family Musaceae]Banane / Dessertbanane {f}
banana [genus Musa, family Musaceae] Obstbanane {f}
banana African climbing mouse [Dendromus messorius, syn.: D. ruddi]Bananen-Klettermaus {f}
banana ball [sl.] [slice] [in golf] Slice {m} [Golfspiel]
banana bat [Musonycteris harrisoni]Bananenfledermaus {f}
banana boatBananendampfer {m} [auch fig.]
banana boat [dessert] Bananenboot {n} [Dessert]
banana boat [water sled] Bananenboot {n} [Bootstyp]
« ballbalsBaltbalubambbanobanabanabandbandband »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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