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building boomBauhochkonjunktur {f}
building boom Blüte {f} des Städtebaus
building boomBauboom {m}
building brickBaustein {m}
building brickHausziegel {m}
building brick Bauklotz {m}
building bricksBauklötze {pl}
building business [company]Baufirma {f}
building capacity [capacity for building construction] Baukapazität {f}
building capital Baukapital {n}
building capitalBaugeld {n}
building centre [Can.]Baumarkt {m}
building chemistry Bauchemie {f}
building class Gebäudeklasse {f}
building cleaner Gebäudereiniger {m}
building cleaning Gebäudereinigung {f}
building cleaning tradeGebäudereinigungshandwerk {n}
building climate controlBauklimatik {f}
building coatingBautenfarbe {f}
building code Bauordnung {f}
building companyBauunternehmen {n}
building completion Baufertigstellung {f}
building complexGebäudekomplex {m}
building complex Baukomplex {m}
building componentBauteil {n}
building concept Gebäudekonzept {n}
building construction Bauausführung {f}
building construction Hochbau {m}
building construction in progressBauzustand {m}
building contractBauvertrag {m}
building contractorBauunternehmer {m}
building contractor Baufirma {f}
building contractorBauherr {m}
building contractorBauträger {m}
building contractor [female] Bauunternehmerin {f}
building contractor [female]Bauträgerin {f}
building contractor [firm]Bauunternehmen {n}
building contractorsBauunternehmer {pl}
building control Bauaufsicht {f}
building control Gebäudesteuerung {f}
building control authority Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}
building control department Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}
building control procedure bauaufsichtliches Verfahren {n}
building coreGebäudekern {m}
building coreErschließungskern {m} [Gebäudekern]
building cost {sg} Baukosten {pl}
building costs Baukosten {pl}
building costsGebäudekosten {pl}
building craneBaukran {m}
building credit Baudarlehen {n}
building culture Baukultur {f}
building custodianGebäudeverwalter {m}
building demolitionGebäudeabbruch {m}
building densityBebauungsdichte {f}
building department Bauamt {n}
building department [building authority] Baubehörde {f}
building descriptionGebäudebeschreibung {f}
building designGebäudelehre {f} [Studiengang]
building design Bauplanung {f}
building designGebäudeplanung {f}
building designer Bauplaner {m}
building development requiring building permission genehmigungsbedürftiges Bauvorhaben {n}
building dimension Bauabmessung {f}
building directorate Baureferat {n}
building distributor Gebäudeverteiler {m}
building dock Baudock {n}
building drainage system Gebäudeentwässerungssystem {n}
building drum Wickeltrommel {f} [Reifenherstellung]
building engineer Bauingenieur {m}
building engineeringHochbau {m}
building enterprise Baufirma {f}
building enterpriseBauunternehmung {f}
building enterprisesBaufirmen {pl}
building entrance Gebäudeeingang {m}
building entrance Hauseingang {m}
building envelope Gebäudehülle {f}
building excavation Baugrube {f}
building expansion joints Gebäudedehnungsfugen {pl}
building expenses Gebäudekosten {pl}
building expertBaufachmann {m}
building expert [Br.]Bausachverständiger {m}
building facadeGebäudefassade {f}
building feedGebäudeeinspeisung {f}
building fire insuranceGebäudefeuerversicherung {f}
building firmBaufirma {f}
building firmBauunternehmen {n}
building firm Baugeschäft {n}
building fitter Bauschlosser {m}
building fitters Bauschlosser {pl}
building footprint Gebäudegrundfläche {f}
building for livestock Stall {m}
building foundation Gebäudefundament {n}
building foundations Gebäudefundamente {pl}
building freeze Baustop {m} [alt]
building freezeBaustopp {m}
building fund Baufonds {m}
building geologist [construction geologist] Baugeologe {m}
building geologist [female] [construction geologist] Baugeologin {f}
building groundBaugrundstück {n}
building ground Baugrund {m}
« buffbuffbugbbuggbuilbuilbuilbuilbuilbuilbuil »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers