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building lot [Am.] Bauparzelle {f}
building lot [esp. Am.] Baugrundstück {n}
building machine Aufbaumaschine {f}
building machineBaumaschine {f}
building machinery {sg} Baumaschinen {pl}
building main fuse bauseitige Netzabsicherung {f}
building management system <BMS> Gebäudeautomation {f} [System]
building management system <BMS> Gebäudeleittechnik {f} <GLT>
building management system <BMS>Gebäudemanagementsystem {n} <GMS>
building management system <BMS> Building Management System {n} <BMS>
building mass Baumasse {f}
building material Baumaterial {n}
building materialBaustoff {m}
building material classBaustoffklasse {f}
building material propertiesBaustoffeigenschaften {pl}
building materials Baumaterialien {pl}
building materials Baustoffe {pl}
building materials distributorBaumaterialienhändler {m}
building materials engineering (science) Baustoffingenieurwesen {n}
building materials industry Baustoffindustrie {f}
building materials retailer Baumaterialienhändler {m}
building materials science Baustoffkunde {f}
building materials supplier Baustofflieferant {m}
building materials supplyBaustoffversorgung {f}
building materials technology Baustofftechnik {f}
building materials testing Baustoffprüfung {f}
building measure Baumaßnahme {f}
building method Bauverfahren {n}
building moisture Baufeuchtigkeit {f}
building moistureBaufeuchte {f}
building moisture measurement Baufeuchtigkeitsmessung {f}
building number Gebäudenummer {f}
building objectBauobjekt {n}
building of a / the temple Tempelbau {m} [Aktivität]
building of a business Geschäftsaufbau {m}
building of character Charakterbildung {f}
building of historic importance Baudenkmal {n}
building of historic interest Bau {m} von historischem Interesse
building of home shelters Schutzraumbau {m}
building of roads Straßenbau {m}
building of the / a churchKirchenbau {m} [Errichtung der Kirche]
Building of the Berlin Wall(Berliner) Mauerbau {m}
building of warshipsBau {m} von Kriegsschiffen
building (of) a bridge Bau {m} einer Brücke
building (of) a towerBau {m} eines Turmes / Turms
building on stilts Pfahlbau {m}
building operationsBaumaßnahmen {pl}
building operations {pl} Bautätigkeit {f}
building order Baugebot {n}
building order becoming indefeasibleUnanfechtbarkeit {f} eines Baugebots
building outlayAusgaben {pl} für Baukosten
building ownerBauherr {m}
building owners Bauherren {pl}
building performance Gebäudeperformance {f}
building permissionBaugenehmigung {f}
building permitBaugenehmigung {f}
building permit Baubewilligung {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
building permit Bauerlaubnis {f}
building permit authority Baugenehmigungsbehörde {f}
building permitsBaubewilligungen {pl}
building phase Aufbauphase {f}
building phaseBauphase {f}
building phaseBauetappe {f}
building phase Baustufe {f}
building physicist Bauphysiker {m}
building physicist [female] Bauphysikerin {f}
building physics [treated as sg.] Bauphysik {f}
building pit Baugrube {f}
building pit dewatering by drains Horizontalabsenkung {f}
building pit hoist Baugrubenaufzug {m}
building plan Gebäudezeichnung {f}
building plan Gebäudeplan {m}
building planning [also: planning of a / the building]Gebäudeplanung {f} [Objektplanung]
building plot Baugrundstück {n}
building plot Bauland {n}
building plot Bauparzelle {f}
building plots {pl} Baugrund {m} [Baugrundstücke]
building plumberBauklempner {m}
building plumber [female] Bauklempnerin {f}
building policy Baupolitik {f}
building practice baupraktisch
building practice Baupraxis {f}
building precaution Bauvorsorge {f}
building process Bauablauf {m}
building product Bauprodukt {n}
Building Products ActBauproduktengesetz {n}
Building Products Guideline Bauproduktenrichtlinie {f}
building profileBaugespann {n} [schweiz.]
building program [Am.] Bauprogramm {n}
building progress Baufortschritt {m}
building progress {sg} Baufortschritte {pl}
building project Baumaßnahme {f}
building projectBauvorhaben {n}
building project Bauprojekt {n}
building project Überbauung {f} [schweiz.: Bebauung, Bauprojekt]
building projectBauaufgabe {f}
building project requiring permission genehmigungsbedürftiges Vorhaben {n}
building promoter Bauträger {m}
building protection materialBautenschutzstoff {m}
building protection work {sg} Bautenschutzarbeiten {pl}
« buffbuggbugpbuilbuilbuilbuilbuilbuilbulbbulb »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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