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bunch [coll.] [a group of people] Muschpoke {f} [jidd.] [pej.] [hier: Gruppe von Personen]
bunch [coll.] [a group of people] Mischpoke {f} [jidd.] [pej.] [heute selten] [hier: Gruppe von Personen]
bunch [coll.] [group of people] Korona {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Gruppe, Schar von Menschen]
bunch [flowers etc.] Strauß {m}
bunch [flowers, twigs etc.] Buschen {m} [österr.] [südd.]
bunch [of flowers etc.] Bund {n} [österr. {m}] [zu einem Bündel zusammengebunden]
bunch [of grapes] Traube {f}
bunch [of people] [coll.] Haufen {m} [ugs.] [Menschen]
bunch decouplingBündelentkopplung {f}
bunch discharge Büschelentladung {f}
bunch grass Horstgras {n}
bunch mite [Brevipalpus californicus, syn.: B. australis] Scharlachrote Teemilbe {f}
bunch of astersAsternstrauß {m}
bunch of bollocks [Br.] [sl.] großer Unsinn {m}
bunch of bunglers Gurkentruppe {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
bunch of cables Kabelbündel {n}
bunch of conductors Leiterbündel {n}
bunch of feathers Federbüschel {n}
bunch of field flowers Wiesenblumenstrauß {m}
bunch of flowersBlumenstrauß {m}
bunch of grapes Traube {f}
bunch of grapes Weintraube {f}
bunch of grapes Traubenhängel {m} [regional]
bunch of grapesTraubenbündel {n}
bunch of herbs Kräuterbüschel {n}
bunch of keysSchlüsselbund {m} {n}
bunch of lies Lügenbündel {n}
bunch of lilies of the valley Maiglöckchenstrauß {m}
bunch of old grandads [hum.] Altherrenriege {f} [hum.]
bunch of orders Bündel {n} Aufträge
bunch of parsley Petersilienbund {m}
bunch of roses Rosenstrauß {m}
bunch of samplesMustersammlung {f}
bunch of troublemakers Lumpenbande {f} [ugs.]
bunch of troublemakers Lumpenpack {n} [ugs.]
bunch of trunks Leitungsbündel {n}
bunch of wild flowers Maien {m} [schweiz.]
bunch of wild flowers Feldblumenstrauß {m}
bunch sprint [cycling]Massensprint {m} [Radrennen]
bunchberry [Cornus canadensis, syn.: Chamaepericlymenum canadense]Kanadischer Hartriegel {m}
bunchberry dogwood [Cornus canadensis, syn.: Chamaepericlymenum canadense] Nordamerikanischer Hartriegel {m}
bunchberry dogwood [Cornus canadensis, syn.: Chamaepericlymenum canadense]Zwerg-Hartriegel / Zwerghartriegel {m}
bunchberry dogwood [Cornus canadensis, syn.: Chamaepericlymenum canadense]Kanadischer Hartriegel {m}
bunched gebündelt
bunched cable Bündelkabel {n}
bunched cable Kabelbündel {n}
bunched circuit Simultanleitung {f}
bunched electrons {pl} Elektronenpaket {n}
bunches Bündel {pl}
bunches [Br.] [hairstyle]Schwänze {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] [ungeflochtene Haarzöpfchen]
bunches [Br.] [hairstyle] Zöpfe {pl} [Frisur]
bunches [of flowers etc.] Bunde {pl}
bunches [of hair] Zöpfchen {pl} [Haar]
bunches of field flowers Wiesenblumensträuße {pl}
bunches of flowers Sträuße {pl}
bunches of grapesTrauben {pl}
bunches of keysSchlüsselbunde {pl}
bunchflower family {sg} [family Melanthiaceae]Germergewächse {pl}
bunchflower family {sg} [family Melanthiaceae] Schwarzblütengewächse {pl}
bunch-flowered narcissus [Narcissus tazetta] Strauß-Narzisse {f}
bunch-flowered narcissus [Narcissus tazetta] Bukett-Narzisse {f}
bunch-flowered narcissus [Narcissus tazetta] Mehrblütige Narzisse {f}
bunch-flowered narcissus [Narcissus tazetta]Tazette {f}
(bunch-flowered) soft rush [Juncus conglomeratus, syn.: J. glomeratus. J. leersii, J. subuliflorus]Knäuel-Simse / Knäuelsimse {f}
(bunch-flowered) soft rush [Juncus conglomeratus, syn.: J. glomeratus. J. leersii, J. subuliflorus] Knäuel-Binse / Knäuelbinse {f}
(bunch-flowered) soft rush [Juncus conglomeratus, syn.: J. glomeratus. J. leersii, J. subuliflorus] Knäuelige Simse {f}
(bunch-flowered) soft rush [Juncus conglomeratus, syn.: J. glomeratus. J. leersii, J. subuliflorus]Knäuelige Binse {f}
bunching Bündelung {f}
bunching Bündeln {n}
bunchy traubenförmig
bunco [Am.] [coll.] [also bunko] Trickbetrug {m}
buncombe [esp. Am.] [bunkum] [dated] Unsinn {m}
bund Damm {m}
bundTankwall {m}
BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)Bund {m} für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e. V. <BUND>
Bund Issues Auction Group Bietergruppe {f} Bundemissionen
bund wallTankumwallung {f}
Bundesbahn Central Office Bundesbahn-Zentralamt {n} <BZA>
Bundesbank Act Bundesbankgesetz {n}
Bundesliga Bundesliga {f}
Bundesliga [German soccer league] Fußball-Bundesliga {f}
Bundesliga games [of a player] Bundesligaeinsätze {pl}
Bundesliga matchBundesligaspiel {n}
Bundesliga season Bundesligasaison {f}
[Bundesliga award handed out by the German Kicker magazine] Torjägerkanone {f}
Bundesplatz [literal: federal square] [Bern, Switzerland] Bundesplatz {m} [Schweiz]
Bundesrat [upper house of the German or Austrian legislative or the chief executive authority of Switzerland] Bundesrat {m}
Bundestag Bundestag {m}
Bundestag building [Bonn] Bundeshaus {n}
Bundestag sessionBundestagssitzung {f}
Bundeswehr (armed forces) units Bundeswehrbeteiligung {f}
Bundeswehr conference Bundeswehrtagung {f}
Bundeswehr soldier [female] [German armed forces] Bundeswehrsoldatin {f}
Bundeswehr soldier [German armed forces]Bundeswehrsoldat {m}
Bundeswehr sports promotion sectionSportfördergruppe {f} der Bundeswehr
Bundeswehr studyBundeswehrstudie {f}
Bundeswehr Technical Center [technical center of the German armed forces] Wehrtechnische Dienststelle {f} <WTD> [Bundeswehr]
bunding Tankhof {m} [Auffangwanne für Gefahrgut]
Bündische Jugend [German youth movement] Bündische Jugend {f}
BundismBundismus {m}
« bullbullbumnbum-bumpbuncBundbungbunnbuoyburb »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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