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« backPage 66 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
band organ [Am.]Jahrmarktsorgel {f}
band organ [Am.] Karussellorgel {f}
band reed instruments Bandzungen {pl}
band ring [jewelry]Bandring {m} [Schmuck]
band sawBandsäge {f}
band saw Bandsägemaschine {f}
band saw blade Bandsägeblatt {n}
band shellKonzertmuschel {f}
band shell(muschelförmiger) Musikpavillon {m}
band silicate [inosilicate]Bandsilikat {n} [auch: Bandsilicat]
band size Streifenbreite {f}
band spectrum Bandenspektrum {n}
band speed Bandgeschwindigkeit {f}
band stallion Leithengst {m}
band structure [semiconductors] Bandstruktur {f} [Halbleiter]
band switchWellenbereichsschalter {m}
band wagon effect Gruppeneinfluss {m}
band wheelSchwungrad {n}
band width [also: bandwidth]Bandbreite {f}
band widths Bandbreiten {pl}
band windowsBandfenster {pl}
(band) rehearsal Bandprobe {f}
Banda [brass-based Mexican music] Banda {f} [mexikanische Blasmusik]
Banda [Central African Republic] Banda {pl} [Zentralafrikanische Republik]
Banda [Sudan] Banda {pl} [Sudan]
Banda ArcBandabogen {m}
Banda IslandsBanda-Inseln {pl}
Banda machine [Br.]Matrizendrucker {m}
Banda Sea Bandasee {f}
Banda white-eye [Zosterops chloris]Molukkenbrillenvogel {m}
bandageVerband {m}
bandage Wundverband {m}
bandageBandage {f}
bandageSchutzverband {m}
bandageStützverband {m}
bandageBinde {f}
bandage Fatsche {f} [österr.] [Bandage, Binde]
bandage Fasche {f} [österr.] [Verband, Binde, Bandage]
bandage clip Verbandklammer {f}
bandage clip Schwiegermutter {f} [ugs., hum.: Verbandklammer]
bandage dressBandage-Kleid {n}
bandage for burnsBrandbinde {f}
bandage scissors {pl} [one pair]Verbandschere {f}
bandaged verbunden
bandaged eyes verbundene Augen {pl}
bandaged fingerverbundener Finger {m}
bandaged handverbundene Hand {f}
bandaged leg bandagiertes Bein {n}
bandages Bandagen {pl}
bandages Binden {pl}
bandages Verbände {pl}
bandaging bandagierend
bandaging material Verbandstoff {m}
bandaging material Verbandmaterial {n}
band-aid [Am.]Pflaster {n}
band-aid [Am.] Wundpflaster {n}
band-aid [Am.] [fig.] [coll.] Übergangslösung {f}
band-aid [Am.] [fig.] [coll.]Notlösung {f}
bandaid surgery [esp. Am.] [Band-Aid ® surgery] [e.g. laparoscopy]minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f} [z. B. Laparoskopie]
Band-Aid ™ [Am.] Hansaplast ™ {n}
bandanalanger Schal {m}
bandana Halstuch {n}
bandanaKopftuch {n}
bandanaBandana {n}
BandaneseBandanese {m}
bandanna Halstuch {n}
bandanna Kopftuch {n}
bandannaTaschentuch {n} [Stofftaschentuch]
bandanna langer Schal {m}
bandanna Bandana {n}
bandarRhesusaffe {m}
Bandar Seri Begawan [capital of Brunei] Bandar Seri Begawan {n} <BSB> [Hauptstadt Bruneis]
band-backed wren [Campylorhynchus zonatus]Tigerzaunkönig {m}
band-bellied crake [Porzana paykullii]Mandarinsumpfhuhn {n}
band-bellied owl [Pulsatrix melanota]Bindenkauz {m}
band-bellied owl [Pulsatrix melanota]Bänder-Brillenkauz {m}
bandbox Hutschachtel {f}
band-box Putz- oder Hutschachtel {f}
bandbox Putzschachtel {f}
bandboxesHutschachteln {pl}
band-collar shirt Stehkragenhemd {n} [Oberhemd ohne umgeschlagenen Kragen]
bandeau Stirnband {n}
bandeauKopfband {n}
bandeau [headband] Kopfbinde {f}
bandeau bra Bandeau-BH {m}
bandeau dress Bandeau-Kleid {n}
bandeau dressBandeaukleid {n}
bandeaux Stirnbänder {pl}
bandedmit Bändern [nachgestellt]
banded stabkernig
banded beringt
banded agaric [Agaricus bitorquis] Stadt-Champignon / Stadtchampignon {m}
banded agaric [Agaricus bitorquis] Straßen-Champignon / Straßenchampignon {m}
banded agaric [Agaricus bitorquis] Stadt-Egerling / Stadtegerling {m}
banded agaric [Agaricus bitorquis] Scheiden-Champignon / Scheidenchampignon {m}
banded agaric [Agaricus bitorquis]Scheiden-Egerling / Scheidenegerling {m}
« balubambbanobanabanabandbandbandbandbandband »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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