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bush league [Am.] Provinzliga {f} [niedrigere Spielklasse]
bush lilies [genus Clivia]Clivien {pl}
bush lily [Clivia miniata]Klivie {f}
bush lily [Clivia miniata]Zinnoberrote Klivie {f}
bush lily [Clivia miniata] Zinnoberrotes Riemenblatt {n}
bush mantis [Sphodromantis viridis] [giant African mantis] Grüne Gottesanbeterin {f}
bush mantis [Sphodromantis viridis] [giant African mantis] Afrikanische Riesengottesanbeterin {f}
bush meatWildfleisch {n}
bush mint [Mentha spicata]Grüne Minze {f}
bush morning glory [Ipomoea carnea, syn.: I. carnea ssp. fistulosa, I. crassicaulis, I. fistulosa, I. gossipioides, Batatas crassicaulis] Strauchige Prunkwinde {f}
Bush Mountains Bush Mountains {pl}
bush of hairHaarbüschel {n}
bush palmetto [Sabal minor, syn.: S. adansonii, S. glabra, S. louisiana, Chamaerops louisiana, Corypha minor] Zwergpalme {f} [Zwergpalmettopalme]
bush palmetto [Sabal minor]Zwergpalmettopalme {f}
Bush PeopleBuschmenschen {pl}
bush petronia [Petronia dentata] Buschsperling {m}
bush pig [Potamochoerus porcus] Pinselohrschwein {n}
bush pig [Potamochoerus porcus] Flussschwein {n}
bush pilot Buschpilot {m}
bush pilot [female] Buschpilotin {f}
bush pipit [Anthus caffer] Buschpieper {m}
bush plane Buschflugzeug {n}
bush plum [Carissa edulis, syn.: Carissa spinarum] Karanda-Pflaume {f}
bush pumpkin [Cucurbita pepo var. melopepo, syn.: C. melopepo, C. ovifera, C. pepo L. subsp. ovifera, C. pepo var. patisson]Bischofsmütze {f} [Kürbisart]
bush quail [Perdicula erythrorhyncha, syn.: P. erythrorhynchum, Cryptoplectron erythrorhyncha, C. erythrorhynchum]Buntwachtel {f}
bush quail [Perdicula erythrorhyncha, syn.: P. erythrorhynchum, Cryptoplectron erythrorhyncha, C. erythrorhynchum] Indische Rotschnabelwachtel {f}
Bush Rangie [coll.] [Bush Ranger, Bushranger] [Australian 4wd buggy]Bushranger {m} [auch: Bushrangie] [australischer Geländewagen]
bush rat [Aethomys] Afrikanische Buschratte {f}
bush rat [Neotoma floridana]Östliche Buschratte {f}
bush roller chain Rollenkette {f}
bush roseBuschrose {f}
bush sickness [Aus.] [NZ][durch Cobaltmangel verursachte Krankheit im Buschland]
bush snail [Fruticicola fruticum, syn.: Bradybaena fruticum, Eulota fruticum, Helix fruticum] Gebüschschnecke {f}
bush snail [Fruticicola fruticum, syn.: Bradybaena fruticum, Eulota fruticum, Helix fruticum] (Genabelte) Strauchschnecke {f}
bush snails [family Bradybaenidae]Strauchschnecken {pl}
bush sparrow [Spizella pusilla]Klapperammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Klapper-Ammer]
bush sparrow [Spizella pusilla] Feldammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
bush squash [Cucurbita pepo var. melopepo, syn.: C. melopepo, C. ovifera, C. pepo L. subsp. ovifera, C. pepo var. patisson] Bischofsmütze {f} [Kürbisart]
bush stone-curlew [Burhinus grallarius, formerly: Burhinus magnirostris] Langschwanztriel {m}
bush taxiBuschtaxi {n}
bush telegraph {sg} [fig.] Buschtrommeln {pl} [fig.]
bush telegraph [Br.] [also fig.]Buschtelefon {n} [auch fig.]
bush telegraph [fig.] Buschfunk {m} [fig.]
bush telegraphy {sg} [rare] [fig.] Buschtrommeln {pl} [fig.]
bush terrain Buschgelände {n}
bush thickening Verbuschung {f}
bush thick-knee [Burhinus grallarius, formerly: Burhinus magnirostris] Langschwanztriel {m}
bush tomatoBuschtomate {f}
bush tomato [Solanum centrale]Australische Buschtomate {f}
bush treeNiederstammbaum {m}
bush tucker [Aus.] [coll.]Nahrung {f} aus der Natur
bush turkey [Alectura lathami] Buschhuhn {n}
bush turkey [Alectura lathami]Australisches Talegalla {n}
bush turkey [Aus.] [Ardeotis australis] Wammentrappe {f}
bush typhus japanisches Flussfieber {n}
bush typhus [tsutsugamushi disease] Tsutsugamushi-Fieber {n}
bush typhus [tsutsugamushi disease] Tsutsugamushifieber {n}
bush vegetation Buschvegetation {f}
bush vetch [Vicia sepium] Zaunwicke {f}
bush vlei rat [Myotomys unisulcatus] Busch-Lamellenzahnratte {f}
bush wren [Thryothorus rutilus]Rotbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
bush wren [Xenicus longipes] Neuseelandschlüpfer {m}
bushbaby [genus Galago] Buschbaby {n}
bushbaby [genus Galago] Galago {m}
bushbuck [Tragelaphus scriptus] Buschbock {m}
bushclover / bush-clover dodder [Cuscuta campestris, syn.: C. arvensis, C. pentagona, Grammica campestris, G. pentagona]Nordamerikanische Seide {f}
bushcraft instructor Überlebenstrainer {m}
bushcricket [Tettigoniidae]Laubheuschrecke {f}
Bushehr Buschehr {n}
bushel [Am.] <US.bu., US.bsh.> Bushel {n} [Raummaß]
bushel [Br.] <Imp.bu., Imp.bsh.> Bushel {n} [Raummaß]
bushel <bu.> Scheffel {m}
bushel basket Scheffelkorb {m}
bushels Scheffel {pl}
bush-encroached [land] verbuscht [Landschaft]
bushes Büsche {pl}
bushes Sträucher {pl}
bushes {pl} Buschwerk {n}
bushes {pl} Gesträuch {n}
bushes {pl} Gebüsch {n}
bushfire Buschfeuer {n}
bushfiresBuschbrände {pl}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Land-Reitgras / Landreitgras {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Sand-Reitgras / Sandreitgras {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Sandrohr {n} [Land-Reitgras]
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Landschilf {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Landrohr {n} [Land-Reitgras]
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Waldschilf {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Gemeines Reitgras {n}
bushhammer Scharrierhammer {m}
Bushido [also: bushido] Buschido {n}
bushie [Aus.] [sl.] Buschbewohner {m}
bushie [coll.] [Aus.]Landei {n} [ugs.]
bushinessBuschigkeit {f}
bushing Buchse {f}
bushing Hülse {f}
bushing Lagerschale {f}
bushing Durchführung {f}
« burrbursbursbusbbustbushbushbushbusibusibusi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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