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bush typhus [tsutsugamushi disease]Tsutsugamushi-Fieber {n}
bush typhus [tsutsugamushi disease] Tsutsugamushifieber {n}
bush vegetation Buschvegetation {f}
bush vetch [Vicia sepium] Zaunwicke {f}
bush vlei rat [Myotomys unisulcatus]Busch-Lamellenzahnratte {f}
bush wren [Thryothorus rutilus] Rotbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
bush wren [Xenicus longipes] Neuseelandschlüpfer {m}
bushbaby [genus Galago] Buschbaby {n}
bushbaby [genus Galago]Galago {m}
bushbuck [Tragelaphus scriptus]Buschbock {m}
bushclover / bush-clover dodder [Cuscuta campestris, syn.: C. arvensis, C. pentagona, Grammica campestris, G. pentagona] Nordamerikanische Seide {f}
bushcraft instructorÜberlebenstrainer {m}
bushcricket [Tettigoniidae]Laubheuschrecke {f}
Bushehr Buschehr {n}
bushel [Am.] <US.bu., US.bsh.>Bushel {n} [Raummaß]
bushel [Br.] <Imp.bu., Imp.bsh.> Bushel {n} [Raummaß]
bushel <bu.> Scheffel {m}
bushel basket Scheffelkorb {m}
bushels Scheffel {pl}
bush-encroached [land] verbuscht [Landschaft]
bushes Büsche {pl}
bushes Sträucher {pl}
bushes {pl}Buschwerk {n}
bushes {pl} Gesträuch {n}
bushes {pl}Gebüsch {n}
bushfireBuschfeuer {n}
bushfires Buschbrände {pl}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Land-Reitgras / Landreitgras {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Sand-Reitgras / Sandreitgras {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Sandrohr {n} [Land-Reitgras]
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Landschilf {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Landrohr {n} [Land-Reitgras]
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Waldschilf {n}
bushgrass [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Gemeines Reitgras {n}
bushhammer Scharrierhammer {m}
bush-hammered scharriert
Bushido [also: bushido] Buschido {n}
bushie [Aus.] [sl.] Buschbewohner {m}
bushie [coll.] [Aus.]Landei {n} [ugs.]
bushiness Buschigkeit {f}
bushingBuchse {f}
bushingHülse {f}
bushingLagerschale {f}
bushing Durchführung {f}
bushing Futterstück {n}
bushingBuchsring {m}
bushingMuffe {f}
bushing cloth Kerntuch {n} [bes. im Klavierbau]
bushing contactBuchsenkontakt {m}
bushing extractorBuchsenzieher {m} [selten auch: Büchsenzieher]
bushing insulator Durchführungsisolator {m}
bushing insulator Isolierhülse {f}
bush-league [Am.]unterklassig
bush-league [Am.] [coll.] [amateurish]dilettantisch
bush-league [coll.] zweitklassig
bush-leaguer [Am.] Provinzspieler {m}
bush-leaguer [female] [Am.] Provinzspielerin {f}
bush-leaguer [fig.]Dilettant {m} [geh.]
bushmakinite [Pb2(Al,Cu) [OH|PO4|(V,Cr)O4]]Bushmakinit {m}
Bushman [now sometimes offensive] [a San] Buschmann {m} [oft pej.] [veraltet für: San]
bushman [person who lives, works, or travels in the bush, esp. in Australia] Buschmann {m} [bes. Australien]
bushman hare [Bunolagus monticularis] Buschmannhase {m}
bushman rabbit [Bunolagus monticularis] Buschmannhase {m}
bushman's arrow poison [Acokanthera oppositifolia, syn.: A. longiflora, A. venenata, Cestrum oppositifolium, C. venenatum] Buschmanns Schöngift {n}
Bushman's clock [Dacelo novaeguineae, syn.: D. gigas]Jägerliest {m}
Bushman's clock [Dacelo novaeguineae, syn.: D. gigas] Lachender Hans {m}
bushman's pipes [genus Ceropegia] Leuchterblumen {pl}
bushman's poison [Acokanthera oppositifolia] Buschmanns Schöngift {n}
bushman's-poison [Acokanthera oppositifolia, syn.: A. longiflora, A. venenata, Cestrum oppositifolium, C. venenatum] Buschmanns Schöngift {n}
bushmaster [Lachesis muta muta] Buschmeisterschlange {f}
bushmaster [Lachesis muta]Buschmeister {m} [Giftschlange]
bushmeatBuschfleisch {n}
Bushmen Buschmänner {pl}
Bushmen Buschmenschen {pl}
BushmenBuschleute {pl}
Bushmen [also: San, Sho, Basarwa, ǃKung or Khwe] San {pl} [auch: Buschmänner, Buschmenschen, Buschleute, Basarwa]
bushpig [Potamochoerus larvatus]Buschschwein {n}
bushranger [Aus.] [19th century] Straßenräuber {m}
bushranger [Australia]Bushranger {m} [Australien]
bushshrikes [family Malaconotidae]Buschwürger {pl}
bushtit [Psaltriparus minimus]Buschmeise {f}
bushtits [family Aegithalidae] Schwanzmeisen {pl}
bushveld bluebush [Diospyros lycioides] Blaubusch {m}
bushveld bluebush [Diospyros lycioides] Sternapfel {m}
bushveld bluebush [Diospyros lycioides] Affenpflaume {f}
bushveld elephant shrew [Elephantulus intufi] Trockenland-Rüsselspringer {m}
bushveld elephant-shrew [Elephantulus intufi]Trockenland-Elefantenspitzmaus {f}
Bushveld gerbil [Gerbilliscus (Taterona) leucogaster]Weißbauch-Nacktsohlenrennmaus {f}
bushveld pipit [Anthus caffer] Buschpieper {m}
bushveld sengi [Elephantulus intufi]Trockenland-Elefantenspitzmaus {f}
bushveld sengi [Elephantulus intufi]Trockenland-Rüsselspringer {m}
bushwa [coll.]Blabla {n} [ugs.]
bushwalker [Aus.] [NZ] Wanderer {m} [im australischen Busch]
bushwalker [female] [Aus.] [NZ]Wanderin {f} [im australischen Busch]
bushwalking [Aus.] [NZ]Buschwandern {n}
bushwhacked aufgelauert
bushwhacker Buschmesser {n}
bushwhacker Machete {f}
bushwhacker [Am.]Südstaatenguerilla {m}
« burrbursburubuspbushbushbushbusibusibusibusi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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