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bachelorunterster akademischer Grad {m}
bachelorBakkalaureus {m}
bachelor Ritter {m} [niederen Ranges]
bachelor apartment Junggesellenwohnung {f}
bachelor boy eingefleischter Junggeselle {m}
bachelor button [Gomphrena globosa]Echter Kugelamarant {m}
bachelor days Junggesellentage {pl}
bachelor days {pl} ['days' meaning an extended period] Junggesellenzeit {f}
bachelor degree courseBachelor-Studiengang {m} [auch: Bachelorstudiengang]
bachelor dinnerJunggesellenessen {n}
bachelor flat [esp. Br.] Junggesellenwohnung {f}
bachelor girl Junggesellin {f}
bachelor girl unverheiratetes Mädchen {n}
bachelor habit Junggesellengewohnheit {f}
bachelor habitsJunggesellengewohnheiten {pl}
bachelor herd Junggesellenherde {f}
bachelor herd Junggesellenrudel {n}
bachelor life Junggesellenleben {n}
bachelor of artsBaccalaureus {m} [inoffiziell; häufig neben: Bakkalaureus]
Bachelor of ArtsBakkalaureus {m} der philosophischen Fakultät
bachelor of artsBakkalaureus {m}
Bachelor of Arts <BA> Bakkalaureus {m} der Philosophie
Bachelor of Arts <BA> Bachelor {m} of Arts <B. A.>
Bachelor of Divinity <BD, BDiv> Bakkalaureus {m} der Theologie
Bachelor of Economic Science <BEconSc>Bakkalaureus {m} der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Bachelor of Engineering <BE, BEng> Bakkalaureus {m} der Ingenieurwissenschaften
Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.> Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE>
Bachelor of Laws <LLB, LL.B.>Bakkalaureus {m} des Rechts
Bachelor of Literature <BLitt>Bakkalaureus {m} der Literatur
Bachelor of Literature <BLitt>Bakkalaureus {m} der Literaturwissenschaft
Bachelor of Medicine <BM> Bakkalaureus {m} der Medizin
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery <MBBS> [esp. Br.] Bachelor in Medizin und der Chirurgie [Bachelor in Medizin und Chirurgie]
Bachelor of Music <BM, BMus, MusB>Bakkalaureus {m} der Musik
Bachelor of Music Education <BME> Bachelor {m} of Music Education [Bakkalaureus der Musikerziehung]
Bachelor of Science <B.S., BSc> Bachelor {m} of Science <B. Sc.>
Bachelor of Science <B.S., BSc> [natural sciences] [Austria]Bakkalaureus {m} der Naturwissenschaften <Bakk. rer. nat.> [Österreich]
Bachelor of Surgery <BChir, MB BS> Bakkalaureus {m} der Chirurgie
Bachelor of Technology diploma <BTECH diploma>[Diplom einer Fachhochschule mit Technik- oder Wirtschaftsprofil]
bachelor of the year Junggeselle {m} des Jahres
bachelor officer quarters {pl} <BOQ>Offiziersledigenheim {n}
bachelor officer quarters {pl} <BOQ> Unterkunft {f} für ledige Offiziere
bachelor pad [coll.]Junggesellenbude {f} [ugs.]
bachelor party Junggesellenabschiedsfeier {f}
bachelor partyJunggesellenabschiedsparty {f}
bachelor party [Am.] Junggesellenfeier {f}
bachelor party [Am.] Junggesellenabschied {m}
bachelor party [Am.] Junggesellenparty {f}
Bachelor pre-examBachelorvorprüfung {f}
bachelor pre-examinationBachelorvorprüfung {f} <BVP>
bachelor state [bachelorhood] Junggesellenstand {m}
bachelor tax Junggesellensteuer {f}
bachelor thesis Bachelorarbeit {f}
bachelor thesisBachelor-Thesis {f}
bachelor uncle unverheirateter Onkel {m}
bachelor woman Junggesellin {f}
bachelor years {pl} Junggesellenzeit {f}
bachelordomJunggesellentum {n}
bacheloress [coll.] [rare for: bachelorette] Bachelorette {f} [ugs. für: Junggesellin]
bachelorette [Am.]Junggesellin {f}
bachelorette party Junggesellenabschiedsfeier {f} [für Frauen]
bachelorette party [Am.] Junggesellinnenabschied {m}
bachelorhoodJunggesellentum {n}
bachelorsJunggesellen {pl}
bachelors Bakkalaurei {pl}
bachelor's button [Bulgaria inquinans] (Gemeiner) Schmutzbecherling / Schmutz-Becherling {m}
bachelor's button [Centaurea cyanus] Kornblume {f}
bachelor's button [Centaurea montana] Berg-Flockenblume {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Achillea ptarmica, syn.: A. speciosa]Bertram-Schafgarbe / Bertramschafgarbe {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Achillea ptarmica, syn.: A. speciosa]Bertramskraut {n}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Achillea ptarmica, syn.: A. speciosa] Bertrams-Garbe / Bertramsgarbe {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Achillea ptarmica, syn.: A. speciosa] (Gewöhnliche) Sumpf-Schafgarbe / Sumpfschafgarbe {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Achillea ptarmica, syn.: A. speciosa]Nies-Schafgarbe / Niesschafgarbe {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Achillea ptarmica, syn.: A. speciosa] Weißer Dorant {m}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium]Mutterkraut {n}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium]Römische Kamille {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium] Falsche Kamille {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium] Zierkamille {f}
bachelor's buttons {pl} [treated as sg.] [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium] Fieberkraut {n}
bachelor's degreeBachelor-Abschluss {m}
bachelor's degree Bachelor {m}
bachelor's degreeBachelorabschluss {m}
bachelor's degree candidate Bachelorand {m}
bachelor's degree candidate [female]Bachelorandin {f}
Bachelor's degree programme [Br.]Bachelorstudium {n} [auch: Bachelor-Studium]
bachelor's den Junggesellenbude {f} [ugs.]
Bachelor's Ill Luck [in capital letters: ILL]Das Unglück des Junggesellen [Franz Kafka]
bachelor's lair Junggesellenschlafstätte {f}
bachelor's life Junggesellenleben {n}
bachelorshipJunggesellendasein {n}
Bachet's conjecture [Lagrange's four-square theorem]Satz {m} von Lagrange [Vier-Quadrate-Satz]
Bachianbachisch [seltener neben: bachsch]
Bachmann hitch [sometimes misspelled Bachman hitch] Karabinerklemmknoten {m}
Bachmann knot Bachmannknoten {m}
Bachmann knotKarabinerklemmknoten {m}
Bachman's sparrow [Peucaea aestivalis, syn.: Aimophila aestivalis]Bachmanammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Bachman's sparrow [Peucaea aestivalis, syn.: Aimophila aestivalis]Hainammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Bachman's sparrow finch [Aimophila aestivalis, syn.: Aimophila aestivalis] Bachmanammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Bachman's sparrow finch [Aimophila aestivalis, syn.: Aimophila aestivalis] Hainammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Bachman's summer finch [Aimophila aestivalis, syn.: Aimophila aestivalis] Bachmanammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
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