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English-German Dictionary

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Bantu languageBantusprache {f}
bantustan [homeland]Homeland {n} [Bantustan]
banya [Russian steam bath] Banja {f}
banyan (lose) Jacke {f}
banyanMorgenrock {m}
banyan [Ficus bengalensis] Banyanbaum {m}
banyan [Ficus bengalensis]Bengalische Feige {f}
banyan [Ficus benghalensis] Banyan-Feige {f}
banyan [Ind.] [undershirt] Unterhemd {n}
banyan days [sl.] [archaic] [Tage, an denen kein Fleisch gegessen wurde]
banyan fig [Ficus benghalensis] Bengalische Feige {f}
banyan fig [Ficus benghalensis] Banyanbaum {m}
banyan tree Banyanbaum {m}
Banz Abbey Kloster {n} Banz
Banzai! [Japanese battle cry or joyous shout] Banzai! [japanischer Schlacht- oder Glückwunschruf]
baobab [Adansonia digitata, syn.: A. sphaerocarpa]Affenbrotbaum {m}
baobab [Adansonia digitata, syn.: A. sphaerocarpa] Baobab {m} [Affenbrotbaum]
baobab fruitBaobab-Frucht {f}
baobab fruit Affenbrotbaumfrucht {f}
baobab (fruit)Baobab {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Baobabfrucht, Baobab-Frucht]
baobab tree [Adansonia]Baobabbaum {m}
baobabs [genus Adansonia]Affenbrotbäume {pl}
Baoruco blindsnake [Typhlops eperopeus] Bahoruco-Blindschlange {f}
baotite [Ba4(Ti,Nb)8Si4O28Cl] Baotit {m}
Baoule's mouse [Mus (Nannomys) baoulei] Baoulei-Zwergmaus {f}
baoziBaozi {pl}
bap [Br.] [großes, weiches Brötchen]
baps [Br.] [coll.] [woman's breasts] Möpse {pl} [ugs.] [Brüste]
B*A*P*S [Robert Townsend] Beverly Hills Beauties
baptifoline [C15H20N2O2]Baptifolin {n}
baptised [Br.] getauft
baptised person [Br.] Getaufter {m}
[baptised Christians no longer affiliated with their denominations]Taufscheinchristen {pl.}
baptism Taufe {f}
baptism [action] Taufakt {m}
baptism by fireFeuertaufe {f}
baptism by immersion Immersionstaufe {f} [Ganzkörpertaufe]
baptism by immersion Ganzkörpertaufe {f} [auch: Immersionstaufe]
baptism by submersionImmersionstaufe {f} [Ganzkörpertaufe]
baptism by submersion Ganzkörpertaufe {f} [auch: Immersionstaufe]
baptism cake Torte {f} zur Taufe
baptism cake Tauftorte {f}
baptism candle Taufkerze {f}
baptism ceremony Tauffeier {f}
baptism certificateTaufschein {m}
baptism for the dead Totentaufe {f}
baptism in an emergencyNottaufe {f}
baptism in extremis Nottaufe {f}
baptism in the (Holy) SpiritGeistestaufe {f}
baptism in the (Holy) SpiritGeisttaufe {f}
baptism of a / the bellGlockenweihe {f}
baptism of fireFeuertaufe {f}
baptism of hereticsKetzertaufe {f}
baptism of proselytes Proselytentaufe {f}
baptismal Tauf-
baptismalzur Taufe gehörig
baptismal angel Taufengel {m}
baptismal bellTaufglocke {f}
baptismal bowlTaufschale {f}
baptismal candidate Taufkandidat {m}
baptismal candle Taufkerze {f}
baptismal catechesisTaufbelehrung {f}
baptismal ceremony Taufzeremonie {f}
baptismal certificate Taufschein {m}
baptismal certificateTaufurkunde {f}
baptismal certificate Taufbescheinigung {f}
baptismal covenantTaufbund {m}
baptismal entry Taufeintrag {m}
baptismal eucharistTaufeucharistie {f}
baptismal font Taufbecken {n}
baptismal font Taufstein {m}
baptismal font Taufbrunnen {m}
baptismal fonts Taufsteine {pl}
baptismal formula Taufformel {f}
baptismal instructionTaufunterweisung {f}
baptismal instruction Taufunterricht {m}
baptismal liturgyTaufliturgie {f}
baptismal motto Taufspruch {m}
baptismal name Taufname {m}
baptismal order [liturgy]Taufordnung {f} [Liturgie]
baptismal questions [part of baptismal liturgy] Tauffragen {pl} [Teil des Taufritus]
baptismal register Taufregister {n}
baptismal registerTaufbuch {n}
baptismal rite Taufritual {n}
baptismal rite Taufritus {m}
baptismal ritualTaufritus {m}
baptismal sect Taufsekte {f}
baptismal serviceTaufgottesdienst {m}
baptismal serviceTaufe {f}
baptismal vows {pl} Taufgelübde {n}
baptismal water Taufwasser {n}
(baptismal) fonts Taufbecken {pl}
baptisms Taufen {pl}
baptist Täufer {m}
Baptist Baptist {m}
Baptist [female]Baptistin {f}
Baptist church Baptistengemeinde {f}
Baptist congregation Baptistengemeinde {f}
Baptist minister Baptistenprediger {m}
« bankbankbankbankbannBantBaptbarcbarpbarbBarb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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