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barbadine [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande]Riesen-Granadilla / Riesengranadilla {f}
barbadine [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande] Vierflügelige Passionsblume {f}
barbadine [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande]Königs-Grenadille / Königsgrenadille {f}
barbadine [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande] Riesen-Grenadille / Riesengrenadille {f}
Barbados <.bb>Barbados {n}
Barbados aloe [Aloe vera, syn.: A. barbadensis, A. chinensis, A. indica, A. vulgaris] (Echte) Aloe {f}
Barbados aloe [Aloe vera, syn.: A. barbadensis, A. chinensis, A. indica, A. vulgaris]Curacao-Aloe {f}
Barbados aloe [Aloe vera, syn.: A. barbadensis, A. chinensis, A. indica, A. vulgaris] Wüstenlilie {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata, syn.: Malpighia glabra, Malpighia punicifolia] Ahornkirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata, syn.: Malpighia glabra, Malpighia punicifolia] Barbados-Kirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata, syn.: Malpighia glabra, Malpighia punicifolia] Jamaika-Kirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata, syn.: Malpighia glabra, Malpighia punicifolia] Kirsche {f} der Antillen
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata, syn.: Malpighia glabra, Malpighia punicifolia] Puerto-Rico-Kirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata] Antillenkirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata]Barbadoskirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata]Westindische Kirsche {f}
Barbados cherry [Malpighia emarginata]Acerola-Kirsche {f}
Barbados dollar <BBD, Bds$>Barbados-Dollar {m} <BBD, Bds$>
Barbados ground snake / groundsnake [Erythrolamprus perfuscus] Barbados-Glattnatter {f}
Barbados keyhole limpet [Fissurella barbadensis, syn.: Fissuridea barbadensis, Patella barbadensis] Barbados-Schlüssellochschnecke {f}
Barbados legBarbadosbein {n}
Barbados leg Barbados-Bein {n}
Barbados lily [Hippeastrum puniceum, syn.: Amaryllis punicea]Barbados-Ritterstern {m}
Barbados lily [Hippeastrum vittatum, syn.: Amaryllis vittata]Ritterstern {m}
Barbados nut [Jatropha curcas]Purgiernuss {f}
Barbados nut [Jatropha curcas] Purgierstrauch {m}
Barbados pride [Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn.: Poinciana bijuga, P. elata, P. pulcherrima] Zwerg-Poinciane / Zwergpoinciane {f}
Barbados pride [Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn.: Poinciana bijuga, P. elata, P. pulcherrima] Pfauenblume {f}
Barbados pride [Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn.: Poinciana bijuga, P. elata, P. pulcherrima]Flamboyant {m}
Barbados raccoon [Procyon lotor gloveralleni] [extinct]Barbados-Waschbär {m} [ausgestorben]
Barbados smooth snake [Erythrolamprus perfuscus]Barbados-Glattnatter {f}
(Barbados) flowerfence / flower fence [Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn.: Poinciana bijuga, P. elata, P. pulcherrima]Zwerg-Poinciane / Zwergpoinciane {f}
(Barbados) flowerfence / flower fence [Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn.: Poinciana bijuga, P. elata, P. pulcherrima]Pfauenblume {f}
(Barbados) flowerfence / flower fence [Caesalpinia pulcherrima, syn.: Poinciana bijuga, P. elata, P. pulcherrima] Flamboyant {m}
barbadosed nach Barbados verschleppt
Barbara branch Barbarazweig {m}
Barbara Brown's titi [Callicebus barbarabrownae] Nordbahia-Springaffe {m}
Barbarella [Roger Vadim] Barbarella
barbarian barbarisch
barbarian wild
barbarian [also fig.] Barbar {m} [auch fig.]
barbarian [uncivilized person]unzivilisierter Mensch {m}
barbarian [uncivilized] unzivilisiert
Barbarian Invasions [rare] Völkerwanderung {f}
barbarianismBarbarei {f}
barbariansBarbaren {pl}
Barbarians Nichtgriechen {pl}
barbaric barbarisch
barbaric grausam
barbaric action ungestüme Handlung {f}
barbarical [archaic] barbarisch
barbarisation [Br.] Barbarisierung {f}
barbarism Grausamkeit {f}
barbarism Rohheit {f}
barbarism Sprachwidrigkeit {f}
barbarismUngehobeltheit {f}
barbarismUnkultur {f}
barbarismBarbarei {f} [Kulturlosigkeit]
barbarismBarbarentum {n}
barbarism Barbarismus {m}
barbarity Unmenschlichkeit {f}
barbarityBarbarei {f}
barbarization Barbarisierung {f}
barbarization Verrohung {f} der Sitten
barbarization Verwilderung {f}
barbarizing verderbend
Barbarossa Chandelier Barbarossaleuchter {m}
barbarousroh [barbarisch]
barbarous wild [barbarisch, grausam]
barbarous crueltybarbarische Grausamkeit {f}
barbarous customs barbarische Gepflogenheiten {pl}
barbarous homicide grausamer Mord {m}
barbarously barbarisch
barbarously grausam
barbarously auf grausame Weise
barbarousnessGrausamkeiten {pl}
barbarousnessgrausames Verhalten {n}
barbarousnessUnzivilisiertheit {f}
Barbary Berberei {f}
Barbary ape [Macaca sylvanus] Berberaffe {m}
Barbary ape [Macaca sylvanus]Magot {m}
Barbary Coast Barbareskenküste {f}
Barbary Coast states Barbareskenstaaten {pl}
Barbary corsairs Barbaresken-Korsaren {pl}
Barbary Corsairs [also Ottoman Corsairs, Barbary Pirates] Korsaren {pl} [aus den Barbareskenstaaten]
Barbary dove [Streptopelia risoria]Lachtaube {f}
Barbary falcon [Falco pelegrinoides]Wüstenfalke {m}
Barbary featherleg [Platycnemis subdilatata] Maghreb-Federlibelle {f}
Barbary fig [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia]Kaktusfeige {f}
Barbary fig [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia] Stachelfeige {f}
Barbary fig [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia]Indianische Feige {f}
Barbary fig (cactus) [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia] Feigenopuntie {f}
Barbary fig (cactus) [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia] Indischer Feigenkaktus {m}
Barbary ground squirrel [Atlantoxerus getulus] Atlashörnchen {n}
Barbary ground squirrel [Atlantoxerus getulus] Nordafrikanisches Borstenhörnchen {n}
Barbary ground squirrel [Atlantoxerus getulus]Berberhörnchen {n}
« bannBantBaptbarcbarpbarbBarbbarbbarbbar-bare »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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