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barium platinide [BaPt]Bariumplatinid {n}
barium poisoningBariumvergiftung {f}
barium selenide [BaSe] Bariumselenid {n}
barium selenite [BaSeO3]Bariumselenit {n}
barium solution Bariumlösung {f}
barium source Bariumquelle {f}
barium star Barium-Stern {m}
barium stearate [C36H70BaO4, Ba(C18H35O2)2] Bariumstearat {n}
barium strontium titanate <BST>Barium-Strontium-Titanat {n}
barium sulfate [BaSO4] [Am.] Bariumsulfat {n}
barium sulfide [Am.] [BaS] Bariumsulfid {n}
barium sulphate [BaSO4] [Br.] Bariumsulfat {n}
barium sulphide [Br.] [BaS] Bariumsulfid {n}
barium swallow Breischluck {m} [Röntgenuntersuchung der Speiseröhre mit Kontrastmittel]
barium swallowBariumschluck {m}
barium swallow [test]Kontrastmittelschluck {m} [Darstellung von Magen, Dünn- und Dickdarm]
barium swallow X-ray (examination) Röntgenbreischluckuntersuchung {f}
barium swallow (X-ray) examination Bariumbreischluckuntersuchung {f}
barium tellurate [BaTeO4, BaO4Te] Bariumtellurat {n}
barium telluride [BaTe] Bariumtellurid {n}
barium titanate [BaTiO3]Bariumtitanat {n}
barium whiteBarytweiß {n}
barium-pharmacosiderite [(Ba,Ca)0.5-1Fe4 [(OH)4-5|(AsO4)3]·5-7H2O]Bariopharmakosiderit {m}
bark Baumrinde {f}
barkBorke {f} [bes. nordd.]
barkRinde {f}
bark [archaic or literary] [small boat]Nachen {m} [dichter.] [kleines Boot]
bark [literary] [small boat] [here: mastless]Barke {f}
bark [of a dog]Bellen {n}
bark [sailing ship] Bark {f}
bark [sailing ship] [here: with three masts] Dreimaster {m}
bark beetle Borkenkäfer {m}
bark beetleHolzbohrer {m} [Borkenkäfer]
bark beetle damage {sg} Borkenkäferschäden {pl}
bark beetle generation Borkenkäfergeneration {f} [auch: Borkenkäfer-Generation]
bark beetle infestationBorkenkäferbefall {m}
bark beetle invasion Borkenkäferinvasion {f}
bark beetle species Borkenkäferart {f}
bark beetles [subfamily Scolytinae] Borkenkäfer {pl}
bark boat Rindenboot {n}
bark bonnet [Mycena speirea] Bogenblättriger Helmling {m}
bark bonnet [Mycena speirea] Braungelber Helmling {m}
bark breeder Rindenbrüter {m}
bark bugs [family Aradidae] Rindenwanzen {pl}
bark cambium Phellogen {n}
bark cell Rindenzelle {f}
bark crêpe Borkenkrepp {m}
bark cutterRindenschneider {m}
Bark frequency scale Bark-Frequenzskala {f}
bark lichens Rindenflechten {pl}
bark mill Lohmühle {f}
bark miner [Spulerina simploniella] Eichenrindenminiermotte {f}
bark mulchRindenmulch {m}
bark of a tree Baumrinde {f} [Rinde eines Baumes]
bark of laughterGelächter {n}
bark of the treeBaumrinde {f} [Rinde des Baumes]
bark of (the) alder buckthorn [Frangulae cortex, Cortex frangulae, Cortex avorni] Faulbaumrinde {f}
bark paintingBaumrinden-Malerei {f}
bark painting [act of painting]Bemalen {n} von Rindenplatten
bark peeling [by red deer]Schälen {n} der Rinde [Wildverbiss]
bark peeling [by red deer]Schälung {f} [Wildverbiss]
bark percentage Rindenanteil {m}
bark sac spider [Clubiona corticalis] Herzfleck-Sackspinne {f}
bark sac spider [Clubiona corticalis]Rindensackspinne {f}
Bark scaleBarkskala {f}
bark schooner [rare for: schooner bark]Barkschoner {m} [selten für: Schonerbark]
bark snail [Zonitoides arboreus] Kleine Gewächshausglanzschnecke {f}
bark snail [Zonitoides arboreus]Gewächshaus-Dolchschnecke {f} [auch: Gewächshausdolchschnecke]
bark strap [Am.] Rindenstreifen {m}
bark stripperEntrinder {m}
bark tannery Rotgerberei {f} [veraltet]
bark tortrix [Enarmonia formosana, syn.: E. woeberiana, Grapholita woeberiana, Laspeyresia formosana, L. woeberiana] [moth] Gummiwickler {m} [Obstbaumrindenwickler, Nachtfalterspezies]
bark tortrix [Enarmonia formosana, syn.: E. woeberiana, Grapholita woeberiana, Laspeyresia formosana, L. woeberiana] [moth] Rindenwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
bark tortrix [Enarmonia formosana, syn.: E. woeberiana, Grapholita woeberiana, Laspeyresia formosana, L. woeberiana] [moth] Obstbaumrindenwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
bark volume Rindenvolumen {n}
bark willow moss [Platydictya subtilis, syn.: Amblystegium subtile] Feiner Stumpfdeckel {m} [Feines Stumpfdeckelmoos]
bark willow moss [Platydictya subtilis, syn.: Amblystegium subtile] Feines Stumpfdeckelmoos {n}
bark willow moss [Platydictya subtilis, syn.: Amblystegium subtile] Feines Kleinstumpfdeckelmoos {n}
(bark) tanner Lohgerber {m}
barka indigobird [Vidua larvaticola] Baka-Atlaswitwe {f}
barkantine [Am.] [spv.] [barkentine] Barkentine {f}
bark-breeding rindenbrütend
bark-breeding beetle Rindenbrüter {m}
bark-cloth Rindenstoff {m}
barkcloth Rindenstoff {m}
bark-cloth fig [Ficus natalensis] Natal-Feige {f} [auch: Natalfeige]
bark-crevice scales [family Cryptococcidae] Rindenrissschildläuse {pl}
barked gebellt
barked atangebellt
barkeepKneipenwirt {m}
barkeep Barkeeper {m}
barkeep [female] [Am.]Barkeeperin {f}
barkeeper Barbesitzer {m}
barkeeper Gastwirt {m}
barkeeper Kneipenwirt {m}
bar-keeperBarmixer {m}
barkeeperBarmixer {m}
bar-keeperSchankwirt {m}
barkeeper Barkellner {m}
barkeeper Mixer {m}
« barebareBarebargbarhbaribarkbarlbarnbarnBaro »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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