- bullock [Br.] [castrated male bovine animal of any age]
- Ochse {m}
Ochs {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst ugs.] [kastriertes männliches Rind, Ochse]
- bullock [castrated domestic male bovine]
- Bullochse {m}zool.T
- bullock [Am.] [young bull]
- junger Stier {m}zool.
- bullock cart
- Ochsenkarren {m}
Ochsengespann {n} [Wagen]
- bullock wagon
- Ochsenwagen {m}transp.
- Bullock's / Bullocks hypselodoris [Hypselodoris bullockii, syn.: Chromodoris bullockii, Risbecia bullockii]
- Bullock-Sternschnecke {f}zool.T
Pinkfarbene Prachtsternschnecke {f}zool.T Variabler Prachtstern {m} [Meeresschneckenart]zool.T
- Bullock's / Bullocks nudibranch [Hypselodoris bullockii, syn.: Chromodoris bullockii, Risbecia bullockii]
- Bullock-Sternschnecke {f}zool.T
Pinkfarbene Prachtsternschnecke {f}zool.T Variabler Prachtstern {m} [Meeresschneckenart]zool.T
- bullock's heart [Annona reticulata, syn.: Annona luatescens, A. excelsa, A. laevis, A. longifolia, A. riparia]
- Netzannone {f}bot.T
- Bullock's oriole [Icterus bullockii]
- Bullock-Trupial {m}orn.T
- bullock's-heart / bullock's heart [Annona reticulata]
- Ochsenherz {n} [Netzannone]bot.T

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