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cachet Merkmal {n}
cachet Gütesiegel {n}
cachetPrestige {n}
cachetGütezeichen {n}
cachetQualitätsmerkmal {n}
cachet Gepräge {n}
cachet [archaic] Kapsel {f} aus Stärkemasse
cachexia Kachexie {f}
cachexiaAuszehrung {f}
cachexia (allgemeiner) Kräfteverfall {m}
cachexia of old age Alterskachexie {f}
cachexia of old age Kachexie {f} im Alter
cachexin [coll.] [tumor necrosis factor (alpha)] Kachexin {n} [veraltet] [TNF-alpha]
cachexy Kachexie {f}
cachingCaching {n}
caching Zwischenspeicherung {f}
cachinnation [rare] [fit of convulsive laughter] Lachanfall {m} [bis zum Krankhaften]
cachinnation [rare] [guffaw]lautes Gelächter {n}
cacholong [SiO2 ·n H2O] Cacholong {m} [Rsv.]
cacholong [SiO2·n H2O]Kascholong {m}
cachou Bonbon {n} {m} zur Atemerfrischung
cachou Cachou {n} [Katechu]
cachou [Acacia catechu]Katechuakazie {f}
cachou [Acacia catechu]Gerber-Akazie {f}
cacique (indianischer) Stammeshäuptling {m}
caciqueKazike {m}
cack [Br.] [coll.] Kack {m} [ugs.]
cack [Br.] [coll.] Kacke {f} [ugs.]
cack-handed [Br.] [coll.] linkshändig
cack-handed [Br.] [coll.]ungeschickt [mit den Händen]
cack-handed [Br.] [coll.] linkisch
cack-handed [Br.] [coll.]tollpatschig [ugs.]
cackhander [Br.] [sl.]Linkshänder {m}
cackle Gegacker {n}
cackleGeplapper {n}
cackleGeschnatter {n}
cackle gackerndes Lachen {n}
cackle schrilles Gelächter / Lachen {n}
cackled geschnattert
cacklerGackerer {m}
cackler Plapperer {m} [ugs.]
cacklerSchnatterer {m}
cacklingGeplapper {n}
cackling Gegacker {n}
cackling Geschnatter {n} [ugs.] [Gänse]
cackling Gackern {n} [ugs.]
cackling goose [Branta canadensis canadensis]Atlantische Kanadagans {f}
cackling goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi]Hutschins Zwergkanadagans {f}
cackling goose [Branta hutchinsii] Zwergkanadagans {f}
cackling laughter Gelächter {n}
cacoa nibs {pl} Kakaokernbruch {m}
(cacoa) nibs Nibs {pl} [Kakaokernbruch]
cacodemon [also: cacodaemon] Kakodämon {m} [auch: Kakodaimon]
cacodyl [C4H12As2] Kakodyl {n}
cacodyl oxide [C4H12As2O] Kakodyloxid {n}
cacodylic acid [C2H7AsO2]Kakodylsäure {f}
cacoethes [rare] [urge to do sth. inadvisable] Drang {m} [Verlangen, etw. nicht Ratsames zu tun]
Cacofonix Troubadix {m}
cacogeusia [bad taste in one's mouth] Kakogeusie {f} [übler Geschmack im Mund]
cacographyschlechte Handschrift {f}
cacographyschlechter Schreibstil {m}
cacography [deliberate comic misspelling]Verballhornung {f} [schriftlich]
cacology [archaic] [poor pronunciation] schlechte Aussprache {f}
cacomistle [Bassariscus astutus] Nordamerikanisches Katzenfrett {n}
cacomistle [Bassariscus sumichrasti]Mittelamerikanisches Katzenfrett {n}
cacophonies Kakophonien {pl}
cacophoniesKakofonien {pl}
cacophonous übeltönend
cacophonous kakophon [geh.]
cacophonous misstönend
cacophonous kakofon
cacophonous kakofonisch
cacophonously kakophonisch
cacophonously kakofon
cacophonously kakophon
cacophonyKatzenmusik {f}
cacophony Kakophonie {f}
cacophony Kakofonie {f}
cacophonyMissklang {m}
cacophony of car hornsHupkonzert {n}
cacosmia Kakosmie {f} [Erkrankung, in der Gerüche fälschlich als schlecht empfunden werden]
cacostomia Kakostomie {f} [Mundgeruch]
cacoxenite [(Fe,Al)25 [O6|(OH)12|(PO4)17]·75H2O] Kakoxen {m}
cacti Kakteen {pl}
cactiform kakteenförmig
cactus Kaktee {f}
cactus Kaktus {m}
cactus {pl} [Am.]Kakteen {pl}
cactus [Aus.] [coll.] kaputt [ugs.]
cactus [short for: cactus graph] Kaktus {m} [kurz für: Kaktusgraph]
cactus amethyst [SiO2] Kaktusamethyst {m} [auch: Kaktus-Amethyst]
cactus canastero [Asthenes cactorum]Kaktusschlüpfer {m}
cactus collectorKakteensammler {m}
cactus compostKakteenerde {f}
« cablcablcablcablcabocachcactcadacadecaeccaes »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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